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Battle Damage script request

Hey iv been trying to make a game with a lowered damage power that's easyer to quickly understand
and the complex calculation's the RMXP currently uses just dosent work welll for me

i tryed playing around with number's in the script in the Game_Battler 2 & 3 but never got anything working right so im wonder if someone has what im looking for or know's how to make it like this..

What id like... Basickly id like a realy basic simple system where your wepon/spell damage is a bace damage with STR/INT respectively being used to increese it's damage wityh a rate of 1% damage increese per stat
and having critical hit's X2 damage
Eg: wepon damage is 15 and you have 100 STR you will then hit 30
Eg: Spell damage is 30 and you have 300 INT you will hit 120 or 240 on a CH
one STR/INT point respectivly is a 1% damage increese on the bace damage

and possibly if also possible having DEX being hitting rate increeses and AGI being dodging rate increesed
Eg: you have 50 DEX and enemy has 50 AGI so you have a 20% chance of hitting them
Eg: you have 300 DEX and eminy has 150 AGI so you have 100% chance of hitting
DEX - AGI = %Chance of hitting ( % chance to hit is never lower than 20% Eg: 10 DEX , 40 AGI = -30% but because it's lower than 20% it just stays 20% ...... and if it get's higher than 100% it is just 100% (300 DEX , 100 AGI = 200% is not two atack/dubble damage jsut normal 1 atack(100%))

Also i have no idear how the CH(Critical hit) rate work's but if it was possible to make it a perminant 5% chance when atack's dont miss that would also be good

i know it's a huge request for someone but if you know how to do/make/where this is etc id realy aprecheate it
(also i know a game called Dofus which uses a point = 1% damage increese system if my explination was a bit confusing)
I think I got your request covered. Go to Game_Battler 3 and replace everything in there with following:

# ** Game_Battler (part 3)


#  This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass for the Game_Actor

#  and Game_Enemy classes.



class Game_Battler


  # * Determine Usable Skills

  #     skill_id : skill ID


  def skill_can_use?(skill_id)

    # If there's not enough SP, the skill cannot be used.

    if $data_skills[skill_id].sp_cost > self.sp

      return false


    # Unusable if incapacitated

    if dead?

      return false


    # If silent, only physical skills can be used

    if $data_skills[skill_id].atk_f == 0 and self.restriction == 1

      return false


    # Get usable time

    occasion = $data_skills[skill_id].occasion

    # If in battle

    if $game_temp.in_battle

      # Usable with [Normal] and [Only Battle]

      return (occasion == 0 or occasion == 1)

    # If not in battle


      # Usable with [Normal] and [Only Menu]

      return (occasion == 0 or occasion == 2)




  # * Applying Normal Attack Effects

  #     attacker : battler


  def attack_effect(attacker)

    # Clear critical flag

    self.critical = false

    # First hit detection

    hit_result = (rand(100) < attacker.hit)

    # If hit occurs

    if hit_result == true

      # Calculate basic damage

      atk = [attacker.atk - self.pdef / 2, 0].max

      self.damage = atk * (100 + attacker.str) / 100

      # Element correction

      self.damage *= elements_correct(attacker.element_set)

      self.damage /= 100

      # If damage value is strictly positive

      if self.damage > 0

        # Critical correction

        if rand(100) < 5

          self.damage *= 2

          self.critical = true


        # Guard correction

        if self.guarding?

          self.damage /= 2



      # Dispersion

      if self.damage.abs > 0

        amp = [self.damage.abs * 15 / 100, 1].max

        self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp


      # Second hit detection

      eva = 100 + self.agi - attacker.dex + self.eva

      hit = self.damage < 0 ? 100 : [100 - eva, 20].max

      hit = self.cant_evade? ? 100 : hit

      hit_result = (rand(100) < hit)


    # If hit occurs

    if hit_result == true

      # State Removed by Shock


      # Substract damage from HP

      self.hp -= self.damage

      # State change

      @state_changed = false



    # When missing


      # Set damage to "Miss"

      self.damage = "Miss"

      # Clear critical flag

      self.critical = false


    # End Method

    return true



  # * Apply Skill Effects

  #     user  : the one using skills (battler)

  #     skill : skill


  def skill_effect(user, skill)

    # Clear critical flag

    self.critical = false

    # If skill scope is for ally with 1 or more HP, and your own HP = 0,

    # or skill scope is for ally with 0, and your own HP = 1 or more

    if ((skill.scope == 3 or skill.scope == 4) and self.hp == 0) or

       ((skill.scope == 5 or skill.scope == 6) and self.hp >= 1)

      # End Method

      return false


    # Clear effective flag

    effective = false

    # Set effective flag if common ID is effective

    effective |= skill.common_event_id > 0

    # First hit detection

    hit = skill.hit

    if skill.atk_f > 0

      hit *= user.hit / 100


    hit_result = (rand(100) < hit)

    # Set effective flag if skill is uncertain

    effective |= hit < 100

    # If hit occurs

    if hit_result == true

      # Calculate power

      power = skill.power + user.atk * skill.atk_f / 100

      if power > 0

        power -= self.pdef * skill.pdef_f / 200

        power -= self.mdef * skill.mdef_f / 200

        power = [power, 0].max


      # Calculate rate

      rate = 100

      rate += (user.str * skill.str_f / 100)

      rate += (user.dex * skill.dex_f / 100)

      rate += (user.agi * skill.agi_f / 100)

      rate += (user.int * skill.int_f / 100)

      # Calculate basic damage

      self.damage = power * rate / 100

      # Element correction

      self.damage *= elements_correct(skill.element_set)

      self.damage /= 100

      # If damage value is strictly positive

      if self.damage > 0

        # Critical correction

        if rand(100) < 5

          self.damage *= 2

          self.critical = true


        # Guard correction

        if self.guarding?

          self.damage /= 2



      # Dispersion

      if skill.variance > 0 and self.damage.abs > 0

        amp = [self.damage.abs * skill.variance / 100, 1].max

        self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp


      # Second hit detection

      eva = 100 + self.agi - user.dex + self.eva

      hit = self.damage < 0 ? 100 : [100 - eva * skill.eva_f / 100, 20].max

      hit = self.cant_evade? ? 100 : hit

      hit_result = (rand(100) < hit)

      # Set effective flag if skill is uncertain

      effective |= hit < 100


    # If hit occurs

    if hit_result == true

      # If physical attack has power other than 0

      if skill.power != 0 and skill.atk_f > 0

        # State Removed by Shock


        # Set to effective flag

        effective = true


      # Substract damage from HP

      last_hp = self.hp

      self.hp -= self.damage

      effective |= self.hp != last_hp

      # State change

      @state_changed = false

      effective |= states_plus(skill.plus_state_set)

      effective |= states_minus(skill.minus_state_set)

      # If power is 0

      if skill.power == 0

        # Set damage to an empty string

        self.damage = ""

        # If state is unchanged

        unless @state_changed

          # Set damage to "Miss"

          self.damage = "Miss"



    # If miss occurs


      # Set damage to "Miss"

      self.damage = "Miss"


    # If not in battle

    unless $game_temp.in_battle

      # Set damage to nil

      self.damage = nil


    # End Method

    return effective



  # * Application of Item Effects

  #     item : item


  def item_effect(item)

    # Clear critical flag

    self.critical = false

    # If item scope is for ally with 1 or more HP, and your own HP = 0,

    # or item scope is for ally with 0 HP, and your own HP = 1 or more

    if ((item.scope == 3 or item.scope == 4) and self.hp == 0) or

       ((item.scope == 5 or item.scope == 6) and self.hp >= 1)

      # End Method

      return false


    # Clear effective flag

    effective = false

    # Set effective flag if common ID is effective

    effective |= item.common_event_id > 0

    # Determine hit

    hit_result = (rand(100) < item.hit)

    # Set effective flag is skill is uncertain

    effective |= item.hit < 100

    # If hit occurs

    if hit_result == true

      # Calculate amount of recovery

      recover_hp = maxhp * item.recover_hp_rate / 100 + item.recover_hp

      recover_sp = maxsp * item.recover_sp_rate / 100 + item.recover_sp

      if recover_hp < 0

        recover_hp += self.pdef * item.pdef_f / 20

        recover_hp += self.mdef * item.mdef_f / 20

        recover_hp = [recover_hp, 0].min


      # Element correction

      recover_hp *= elements_correct(item.element_set)

      recover_hp /= 100

      recover_sp *= elements_correct(item.element_set)

      recover_sp /= 100

      # Dispersion

      if item.variance > 0 and recover_hp.abs > 0

        amp = [recover_hp.abs * item.variance / 100, 1].max

        recover_hp += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp


      if item.variance > 0 and recover_sp.abs > 0

        amp = [recover_sp.abs * item.variance / 100, 1].max

        recover_sp += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp


      # If recovery code is negative

      if recover_hp < 0

        # Guard correction

        if self.guarding?

          recover_hp /= 2



      # Set damage value and reverse HP recovery amount

      self.damage = -recover_hp

      # HP and SP recovery

      last_hp = self.hp

      last_sp = self.sp

      self.hp += recover_hp

      self.sp += recover_sp

      effective |= self.hp != last_hp

      effective |= self.sp != last_sp

      # State change

      @state_changed = false

      effective |= states_plus(item.plus_state_set)

      effective |= states_minus(item.minus_state_set)

      # If parameter value increase is effective

      if item.parameter_type > 0 and item.parameter_points != 0

        # Branch by parameter

        case item.parameter_type

        when 1  # Max HP

          @maxhp_plus += item.parameter_points

        when 2  # Max SP

          @maxsp_plus += item.parameter_points

        when 3  # Strength

          @str_plus += item.parameter_points

        when 4  # Dexterity

          @dex_plus += item.parameter_points

        when 5  # Agility

          @agi_plus += item.parameter_points

        when 6  # Intelligence

          @int_plus += item.parameter_points


        # Set to effective flag

        effective = true


      # If HP recovery rate and recovery amount are 0

      if item.recover_hp_rate == 0 and item.recover_hp == 0

        # Set damage to empty string

        self.damage = ""

        # If SP recovery rate / recovery amount are 0, and parameter increase

        # value is ineffective.

        if item.recover_sp_rate == 0 and item.recover_sp == 0 and

           (item.parameter_type == 0 or item.parameter_points == 0)

          # If state is unchanged

          unless @state_changed

            # Set damage to "Miss"

            self.damage = "Miss"




    # If miss occurs


      # Set damage to "Miss"

      self.damage = "Miss"


    # If not in battle

    unless $game_temp.in_battle

      # Set damage to nil

      self.damage = nil


    # End Method

    return effective



  # * Application of Slip Damage Effects


  def slip_damage_effect

    # Set damage

    self.damage = self.maxhp / 10

    # Dispersion

    if self.damage.abs > 0

      amp = [self.damage.abs * 15 / 100, 1].max

      self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp


    # Subtract damage from HP

    self.hp -= self.damage

    # End Method

    return true



  # * Calculating Element Correction

  #     element_set : element


  def elements_correct(element_set)

    # If not an element

    if element_set == []

      # Return 100

      return 100


    # Return the weakest object among the elements given

    # * "element_rate" method is defined by Game_Actor and Game_Enemy classes,

    #    which inherit from this class.

    weakest = -100

    for i in element_set

      weakest = [weakest, self.element_rate(i)].max


    return weakest



Thx that's working alot nicer take's a bit of playtesting to get it right.
(also noticed something i forgot to mention in original request)
but i found one thing not quite working how i wanted the PDEF and MDEF isent quite working for me it dosent seam to matter at all how much defence you have it dosent give yo any protection

(enemy atack is 50 bace 100 str to make the 100)
Eg: my enemy hit's 100's when you have 0 PDEF
Eg: my enemy hit's 100's when you have 50 PDEF
Eg: my enemy hit's 100's when you have 999 PDEF

but i was hoping id work like...
Eg: my enemy hit's 100's when you have 0 PDEF
Eg: my enemy hit's 50's when you have 50 PDEF
Eg: my enemy hit's 30's when you have 70 PDEF
Eg: my enemy hit's 0's when you have 100(or more) PDEF

so i suppoe i mean once te damage has been calcualted the PDEF/MDEF is taken off the final damage at the end of calculations Calcualted damage - Physial/Magical Defence = final damage done

apart from that this is working good for me

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