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Battle Command and Options Request

Okay, this may sound complicated, sorry.

I'm actually requesting a few things that work together to completely change the battles in my game. I would like them done in one way, but if not i'll take the second way (which I was able to do in RM95, but commands are different and I was using a custom battle proccess and all.)

I want the user to use "Styles" or "Forms" if you will, of various types of fighting. For example, these don't appear in my game but their examples alot of people might now; "Karate", "Shaolin", and "Wu-Tang". Let's say those are 3 styles one character knows. Each have their own attacks, but Wu-Tang is the only one that uses a weapon (a sword).

I would like to have the player have the option to switch between styles in combat (kind of like Jade Empire if anyone's played that only not an ABS),
Changing to Karate (in or out of battle) would change your skills, and add to a stat (let's say defense against physical attack to be generic). Now when you attack, it shouldn't alter your attack to fit the weapon you have equipped - it should attack like your barehanded. And then when you switch to Wu-Tang, your attacks (skills) change, and your stat increase of Defense to Physical Attacks is gone, but your agility and evade raise. And when you attack, it factors in your weapon.

Then if you switch to Shaolin, you lose the Agility and Evade bonus, all Wu-Tang skills (till you switch back), and gain Shaolin skills, and gain a Intelligent (renamed Chi) bonus to your stats. And once again your attacks do not factor in the weapon you have equipped.

Obviously I would like to keep the skills learned, just not usable unless you're in that style. If I have to I'll even mix events and scripts. Blech. Heh.

I tried this with events and job classes, but making it so one character who has a style that uses a weapon, switch to another who uses no weapons, then back (if done in one battle) is pointless as the weapon is removed and a pain to get back right. I can't figure it out to well. And I'm against using job classes, as I have non combat skills that's worked with jobclasses. Job Classes actually being jobs, and a hunter for example get's meat or other food sources when they KO/kill a monster/demon/animal/human. Other things of that nature as well.

And off topic to real life stuff, yes I know that Shaolin did make use of weapons, and so does Karate, but a Karateka or Monk in many RPGs such as the Final Fantasy series at times is lucky to equip anything other than nunchucks (yes that's spelled wrong heh), and things like that. I'm being highly generic and stereotypical with the styles, so the game has more options and requires a touch more strategy from the player.

Edit: If it helps the player, with all the playable characters initial styles, and bonus or buyable styles, has an option of 20-30 (still editing some out) possible styles.

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