~ Scene_Bank (Main)
~ NUKA - Adv Inventory System (ADD-ON)
~ NUKA - Bank Interrests (ADD-ON) -> Can be delete if you use the inventory system.
Tell me if you find spelling errors, if you have an update idea or if the script crash.
Version: 2.1
~ 1.x: Global variables deletes and bug fix
~ 2.0: Half of the script rewrite!
~ 2.1: Add-On Scripts added!
Features to add:
~ Add-ons script that add features to this one.
~ Rewrite the calling method (Only at the end)
Add-ons to make:
~ Lost golds when the player die
~ Cost for running away from the fight
~ Add a mail system (For the interrests. Could be use for something else.)
~ Add a melting system (To create gold ingots, copper ingots and silver ingots. Could be use for other things.)
Any other idea?
What I do on it yet?
Actually nothing
I made a bank that handle the items, weapons, armors and golds.
This is an heavy script of almost 1850 lines. Call it by using: $scene =
Demo Here
Please, give credits. If you don't, at least, don't claim as your own!
~ Scene_Bank (Main)
~ NUKA - Adv Inventory System (ADD-ON)
~ NUKA - Bank Interrests (ADD-ON) -> Can be delete if you use the inventory system.
Tell me if you find spelling errors, if you have an update idea or if the script crash.
Version: 2.1
~ 1.x: Global variables deletes and bug fix
~ 2.0: Half of the script rewrite!
~ 2.1: Add-On Scripts added!
Features to add:
~ Add-ons script that add features to this one.
~ Rewrite the calling method (Only at the end)
Add-ons to make:
~ Lost golds when the player die
~ Cost for running away from the fight
~ Add a mail system (For the interrests. Could be use for something else.)
~ Add a melting system (To create gold ingots, copper ingots and silver ingots. Could be use for other things.)
Any other idea?
What I do on it yet?
Actually nothing
I made a bank that handle the items, weapons, armors and golds.
This is an heavy script of almost 1850 lines. Call it by using: $scene =
Demo Here
Store golds. Main script.
Store an item. Main script.
The name input. Add-On.
Personalized message. Add-On.

Store an item. Main script.

The name input. Add-On.

Personalized message. Add-On.

Please, give credits. If you don't, at least, don't claim as your own!