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Banette's Not-So-Beautiful Art Dump (and Stuff)

After spending who-knows-how-long in the dark depths of the internet (I was afraid to post for a long, long time, ha ^_^; ), I'm gathering some courage to show off a bit of my art. Please feel free to critique them if you'd like (as long as you don't crush what little pride I have, I think I can handle it).

Sketch of my namesake character, Banette. (Raise your hand if you thought I was named after the Pokemon!) Drew this a couple of minutes ago, actually. Her ear is too small, and her eyes look a bit odd to me, but it's okay. I guess. >_>;

http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/2508 ... redms5.jpg[/img]
Colored version of that sketch. I usually use a lot more detail when coloring things, but this was a quick paint for me because I didn't feel like spending a whole night on it (especially since this is my boyfriend's laptop).
Simply nice. Though it looks familiar a bit...

Sorry for this  but I want to know how old are you?

Well because 50% of the artists says their age as they post their artworks..
ya I agree on the hair it is to short, it needs hair under the ears, and the rest is good I love it allot.

Good job!
To Lauren: I'm 17, turning 18 in three weeks. I've been drawing for almost 10 years, if it makes any difference. ^_^;

To Xinrua: o_o I didn't really see (or say) anything about the hair, but thanks for the advice nonetheless. =)
Banette":1ubcikz0 said:
To Lauren: I'm 17, turning 18 in three weeks. I've been drawing for almost 10 years, if it makes any difference. ^_^;

To Xinrua: o_o I didn't really see (or say) anything about the hair, but thanks for the advice nonetheless. =)

Oh I thought I read that....guess I thought I read it...eh well...

and np!
Another day, another couple of things for me to put up. =) This time, they're more focused towards my RPG project (which I can't decide whether or not to ask for help with -- I'm so stubborn sometimes @_@).

The finished logo for my game. It's also up on my deviantART page. XD;

http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/8421 ... neszd7.jpg[/img]
A just-sketched picture of one of the game's characters, Arietta, in her armorsuit. I'm going to be coloring it over the course of the next few days, adding details that I've left out here. *nods*



I love the sketching ^_^

Only small things that I can see in it is that there needs to be a little more hair underneath her ear, and a little more on the back part of her head as well (about where her mouth is, even if it is a few strands or something)

I love the eyes, though ^_^  those are the hardest part for me of the whole anime thing ^_^

Great job though, I like the logo a lot also ^_^

To Lauren: I'm 17, turning 18 in three weeks. I've been drawing for almost 10 years, if it makes any difference. ^_^;

Yes there is.. Well.. You'll know what I mean some other time.

Anyway, your artworks was the best I've seen on this site so far..
KEEP IT UP!!  :thumb:
To KDawg: o_O Sephiroth? ... I never looked at it that way, ha. XD;

To Kraft: Thanks for the tips ^_^;; I actually drew that picture without thinking about the hair in the first place -- maybe I should have paid more attention to it when I started. u_u;

Eyes are actually pretty easy for me, all things considered... ^_^; For me, the hardest part of any drawing is the mouth and nose. I dunno why, but it's so hard for me to get it right. XD;

Thank you for your encouragement, too. ^_^

To Lauren: o_o You really mean that? *blushes* Thank you~! ^.^; To be honest, I don't really think I'm all that good...
To Lauren: Well, there are so many others here that are honestly better than me... So for you to say that my art is as good as you say is a little flattering. ^_^;;

Anywho, I finished another picture...

(EDIT: x_X Accidentally deleted it from my Imageshack. Oops.)
So this is... uh... supposed to be my attempt at a drow. But in all actuality, it's a painting of a woman (which I found on either deviantART or this stock website) that I used as a facial reference as I doodled out the outline of her head. ~_~

Anyway, I myself can find a lot of things wrong with this (mostly in the lighting, the colors, and almost everything), but I figure I should get a second (or third...) opinion on it before I consider myself a failure at realism, too. XD
Her skin looks a little splotchy, but you did a great job on the hair (there are a few areas that look a little off, but that could just be my untrained eye). Other than that, the eye looks a little too shiny relative to the rest of the work.
To Lauren: Well, drow are supposed to have dark purple/black skin... So it does look a little unnatural to those that haven't really seen one drawn/painted before. ^_^; It was a little awkward for me to paint too, to tell the truth. x_x

To Tofurkey: Yeah, the skin was one of the things that I couldn't get right for the life of me. x___x And I noticed too late that the shine on the eye was SUPER-BRIGHT. D:

I took the advice I got and fixed it up (or tried to). Tell me what you think...
[spoiler="Fixed" Drow Painting](EDIT: x_X Accidentally deleted it from my Imageshack. Oops.)
The skin could still use a lot of work, but it looks more evened out to me than it was in the first version. x.x[/spoiler]
To KDawg: Ha, I guess she does look like she belongs in Oblivion, huh? I should make her in a new file, then paint using the character model as reference. XP

So, with that, I guess I'll post something I'm working on right now. ^_^

(EDIT: x_X Accidentally deleted it from my Imageshack. Oops.)
A design for a card in one of my on-hold projects (a Yu-Gi-Oh! doujinshi). I used a lot of other cards for her (yes it's a her x.x) overall appearance.
Her chin-thingy feels kinda out of place, I'm not even sure where it's coming from. Also, she has some super thick eyelashes or some sort of Amy Winehouse makeup going on on the left side, maybe thin it out some.

Other than that, I'm getting an FFT Lancer mixed with a Dark Magician kinda vibe, if that's what you were going for. I can't really say much about the rest of it, because most of it doesn't look finished.

Oh, and I also didn't read that snippet by your first drawing and I thought you were named after the Pokemon :O
Oh, that? That's the lower jaw of a Chaos Emperor Dragon. I forgot the leather strap that connected the two pieces. >.< And the left side (or right, looking at the picture itself) is just a lazy shadow that I put in because I didn't feel like drawing the eye at that exact moment. XD It'll be fixed soon...

XD;; A lot of people do, actually. That's the price to pay when you think up things before Gold and Silver came out. >.>;
no her chin looks fine, her mouth is to the right too much the left side should be smaller for that more distant effect, the nose on the right side should curl in a little ;)

(For the second version of the first pic)(The oblivion character)

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