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Badmonur Productionsâ„¢

I hope my work pleases you eyes. Not much to say but lets begin.

This one is called saviour. It was another wierd piece that just came to me.
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... aviour.jpg[/IMG]

I call this one sleeping bella. Second word bella meaning beauty.
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... _Death.gif[/IMG]

This one is called fishy deal. One of my favourites
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... h_Deal.gif[/IMG]

This is an extremly surreal piece that just came to me in school. Its called Order up.
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... Urchen.jpg[/IMG]

This is called dude get your own PC. A sketch of my friend leeching off of my pc. The lighting in it is what makes me like it so much.:#
http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... bayron.jpg[/IMG]

These are concept sketches for a game that im plannin on making. Not really sure about the whole thing but the style im thinking on doing everything like this.

http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... indas_.jpg[/IMG]

http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... tucker.jpg[/IMG]

http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f251/ ... /Kenny.jpg[/IMG]

Thats what Ive done in the past week and I really hope you like it.
For some odd reason, I really like the Tucker one. You have a very distinctive style. I like the dark edges and your use of colors.



Holy moly, you really are a great artist...i'm loving all of them. I can't wait to see the game you are making.
Thanks for you comments, If you guys want ill also take requests for Title screens. With the acception that once i post it you let others use it if they so wish. Ill also be posting my work in here also so please subscribe or do me a favor by posting how much you like it on my deviantART page or here.


Awesome Bro

LMAO, yeah 8-)

As for the cherry station, it looks nice. Very nice. A little less imaginative as your other pieces, though.
I love your art style, as stevo said the latest one of the train station is less imaginative, but its still very good. I would like to know how you went about making the one with the laptop i too really like the lighting in that. I look forward to seeing more of your art^_^
Aww thanks guys. Your comments mean so much. For all of you who want to know how I did the light ill make a short tutorial and post it here for you.

Thank you for viewing

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