Okay, so you are, but I've said i will get to your request when I get to it, when I feel like it, the more you annoy me by asking the less and less I'm going to be wanting to get it done. Just check back quietly if it isn't there don't freak out I'm gonna get to it. You are not the only one who has requested stuff.brandonrichard":23l2ou96 said:well I thought I was also in batch 3...
Nomistake":3prsb9gy said:Soon finished with mine? :wink:
Beacuse when I'll get it, I'll post my topic thread.
scratic":3ukn26r3 said:Thanks for the reply, im looking for a hud pretty much like this one. I dont have a script for it, i was wondering if your had one with the ABS script in it as well. i know that this is alot but i dont have much computer time at the moment so searching for the script is hard and i cant script.http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b347/Axerax/NewScreenshot5.png[/img]
Good, glad you like it. It did turn out better than I thought too.Nomistake":3ukn26r3 said:Axerax: That's awesome! Thanks a bunch! : DD
The scroll is much better than I thought it would be. ^^
Axerax":3rie3nrb said:@YoungBlaze: Here is what I came up with you for title, I hope you like it. I have a headache atm, so it is sorta limiting my abilities due to pain, but I do believe it looks good.
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b347/ ... eTitle.png[/img]
Why would it be non-permanent?Fayte":3j61hrhk said:Hey Axe, could I request a logo for my game that may not be permanent?
Dr. Winston O'Boogie":1feuwkj7 said:We don't lock or delete threads on request, I don't think. Noting in the title that your station is closed and refraining from posting here until you're ready to take requests again should do what you want quite nicely.