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ATOA ACBS Skill Reflect: Bug when en enemy dies

Folks, im using ATOA ACBS battle script with the reflect addon for the RPG XP.
But theres a problem.
Whenever en enemy makes a skill which is reflected to himself and when he dies, the game freezes when I want to attack the next enemy.

Its hard for me to tell it in words since Im a german.
So I've uploaded a demo where you will understand immediately.

Basicially you have to this. Just attack the enemy again and again. When a enemy will use a fire skill it will be reflected and kill him, then just continue to attack another enemy. It wont happen because the game will freeze.

Anyone knows the answer to my problem?
Heres the demo:
1. You are very fast.
2. I have the same idea but as I looked at the text, I couldnt see any bug. But Im also not a scriper.
Im going to post the code of the script here for people who dont want to download anything.

# Skill Reflect
# By Atoa
# The battler with the effect of reflect status will have all magical skills
# targeted on him reflected to the uses.
# All skills with the status 'Atk_f' = 0 are considered Magics.
# This script must be above all other skills scripts.

module Atoa
# Do not remove these lines
Reflection_State = {}
Ignore_Reflect_Magics = {}
# Do not remove these lines

# If true, actions reflected alway return to the user
# If false, actions reflected will be targeted on the opposite party
Reflect_Bounce_User = true

# Skills that ignores Reflect effect.Habilidades que ignoram o efeito Refletir.
Ignore_Reflect_Magics[290] = [17]
Ignore_Reflect_Magics[910] = [17]
Ignore_Reflect_Magics[998] = [17]
Ignore_Reflect_Magics[997] = [17]
# Ignore_Reflect_Magics[Skill_ID] = [States]
# Skill_ID = ID of the skills
# States = IDs of the reflect states ignored

# Reflection_State[state_id] = {type =>[user_dmg, target_dmg, reflect_rate, anim_id]}
# state_id = ID of the state
# type = type of damage reflected
# user_dmg = % of damage recived by action user
# target_dmg = % of damage recived by targets
# reflect_rate = reflection success rate
# amim_id = animation id shown when reflect
Reflection_State[17] = {'Magic' => [11505, 0,100, 134]}
Reflection_State[18] = {'Physic' => [1150, 0, 70, 400]}
Reflection_State[19] = {'Magic' => [0, 0, 100, 405]}
Reflection_State[20] = {'Physic' => [0, 0, 100, 405]}
#Reflection_State[18] = {'Physic' => [50, 0, 100, 104]}
#Reflection_State[19] = {'Magic' => [0, 0, 100, 105]}
#Reflection_State[20] = {'Physic' => [0, 0, 100, 106]}
#Reflection_State[25] = {'Magic' => [50, 50, 50, 103], 'Physic' => [50, 50, 50, 104]}


# ** Atoa Module
$atoa_script = {} if $atoa_script.nil?
$atoa_script['Atoa Reflect'] = true

# ** Game_Battler
# This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass for the Game_Actor
# and Game_Enemy classes.

class Game_Battler
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :reflected
attr_accessor :reflects
attr_accessor :reflection
attr_accessor :reflect_set
attr_accessor :eek:ld_targets
attr_accessor :new_targets
attr_accessor :reflect_times
# * Object Initialization
alias initialize_skillreflect initialize
def initialize
@reflect_times = 1
@old_targets = []
@new_targets = []
# * Check Reflection
# action : action
def check_reflection(action = nil)
for reflect in Reflection_State.keys
if @states.include?(reflect) and reflected_action(action, Reflection_State[reflect])
reflection = Reflection_State[reflect].dup
return reflection if action_magic(action) and (rand(100) <= reflection['Magic'][2])
return reflection if action_physical(action)and (rand(100) <= reflection['Physic'][2])
return nil
# * Reflected action flag
# action : action
def reflected_action(action, reflect)
return true if action_magic(action) and reflect.include?('Magic')
return true if action_physical(action) and reflect.include?('Physic')
return false
# * Magic action flag
# action : action
def action_magic(action)
return true if action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) and action.magic?
return false
# * Physical action flag
# action : action
def action_physical(action)
return true if action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) and not action.magic?
return true if action.nil?
return false
# * Final damage setting
# user : user
# action : action
alias set_damage_skillreflect set_damage
def set_damage(user, action = nil)
set_damage_skillreflect(user, action)
if self.reflects != nil and user.target_damage[self].numeric?
self.reflection = 0
self.reflection = self.reflects['Magic'][1] if action_magic(action)
self.reflection = self.reflects['Physic'][1] if action_physical(action)
user.target_damage[self] = (user.target_damage[self] * self.reflection) / 100
user.target_damage[self] = '' if user.target_damage[self] == 0
elsif self.reflected != nil and user.target_damage[self].numeric?
self.reflection = 0
self.reflection = self.reflected['Magic'][0] if action_magic(action)
self.reflection = self.reflected['Physic'][0] if action_physical(action)
user.target_damage[self] = (user.target_damage[self] * self.reflection) / 100
user.target_damage[self] = '' if user.target_damage[self] == 0
user.target_damage[self] *= self.reflect_times if user.target_damage[self] != nil and
self.reflect_times = 1
# * State Change (+) Application
# plus_state_set : State Change (+)
alias states_plus_skillreflect states_plus
def states_plus(plus_state_set)
if (self.reflects != nil and self.reflection == 0) or
(self.reflected != nil and self.reflection == 0)
@state_changed = true
return true
return states_plus_skillreflect(plus_state_set)

# ** Scene_Battle
# This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
# * Start processing
alias start_skillreflection start
def start
# * Termination Processing
alias terminate_skillreflect terminate
def terminate
# * Make Basic Action Result
# battler : battler
alias make_basic_action_result_skillreflection make_basic_action_result
def make_basic_action_result(battler)
# * Make Skill Action Results
# battler : battler
alias make_skill_action_result_skillreflection make_skill_action_result
def make_skill_action_result(battler)
for target in $game_troop.enemies + $game_party.actors
target.reflection = 0
target.reflect_times = 1
set_reflect_targets(battler, battler.current_skill)
# * Clear reflection values
def reset_reflection
for target in $game_troop.enemies + $game_party.actors
target.reflection = 0
target.reflect_times = 1
# * Set reflection targets
# battler : battler
# action : action
def set_reflect_targets(battler, action = nil)
for target in battler.target_battlers
reflection = target.check_reflection(action)
if reflection != nil and not ignore_reflect(battler, target)
target.reflects = reflection
if oposite_side(battler, target) or Reflect_Bounce_User
battler.reflected = target.check_reflection(action)
battler.new_targets << battler
if battler.actor?
enemy = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
enemy.reflected = target.check_reflection(action)
battler.new_targets << enemy
actor = $game_party.random_target_actor
actor.reflected = target.check_reflection(action)
battler.new_targets << actor
# * Set reflect times
# battler : battler
def set_reflect_times(battler)
for target in battler.new_targets
if battler.target_battlers.include?(target)
target.reflect_times += 1
battler.target_battlers << target
# * Get reflect igonore
# battler : battler
# target : target
def ignore_reflect(battler, target)
if Ignore_Reflect_Magics[battler.current_action.skill_id] != nil
for state in target.states
return true if Ignore_Reflect_Magics[battler.current_action.skill_id].include?(state)
return false
# * Set Battle Animation
# battler : battler
# wait_base : base wait time
alias set_action_anim_skillreflection set_action_anim
def set_action_anim(battler, wait_base)
set_action_anim_skillreflection(battler, wait_base)
for target in battler.target_battlers
if target.reflects != nil and not battler.reflect_set[target]
action = battler.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) ? battler.now_action : nil
target.animation_id = 0 if target.reflection == 0
# target.animation_id = set_reflect_anim(battler, target)
set_reflect_anim(target, target.reflects['Magic'][3]) if battler.action_magic(action)
set_reflect_anim(target, target.reflects['Physic'][3]) if battler.action_physical(action)
battler.reflect_set[target] = true
# * Set reflection animation
# target : target
# ref : reflection value
def set_reflect_anim(target, ref)
if ref.is_a?(Array)
dir = target.direction
target.animation_id = dir == 2 ? ref[0] : dir == 4 ? ref[1] : dir == 6 ? ref[2] : ref[3]
target.animation_id = ref
# * Update battler phase 4 (part 3)
# battler : active battler
alias step4_part3_skillreflection step4_part3
def step4_part3(battler)
# * Clear targets reflection values
# battler : battler
def reset_reflect(battler)
for target in battler.target_battlers
target.reflect_set = {}
target.reflects = nil
target.reflected = nil
target.reflection = 0
target.reflect_times = 1
for target in battler.new_targets
# * Clear all reflection values
def reset_all_reflect
for battler in $game_troop.enemies + $game_party.actors
battler.reflect_set = {}
battler.reflects = nil
battler.reflected = nil
battler.reflection = 0
battler.reflect_times = 1
battler.old_targets = []
battler.new_targets = []
I don't see any typos either.
It only happens when the enemy kills itself. Then you won't attack. Guard still works. Magic still works, but if you heal yourself it just hangs after the casting animation...
Jup, also noticed it.
Only happens if the player has to walk to the enemy when exeuting his wished action I guess.
Edit: You are right, cure also doesnt work even if its without walking.
Mabye something is wrong with them movement?

Another interesting fact: As I removed the CTB Addon, after the Ghost died by its own attack the game completly freezed. I mean it didint even switch to the next turn.
I really wounder where the real bug is.
Well, under ACBS | Config 1 - Basic
You can set "move to attack" setting to false, and it'll run fine.

Idk whats going on. I set it to ignore the "if moving" so it would continue with the next phase. The character will attack without moving.
I don't see anything in the reflect script that would alter the battle/target coordinates that would make the game think it's moving.
Ok, I did some more rigging and forced the coordinates to match up so it wouldn't think it's moving.
What happened was, the Enemy and Actor Switched places. So I'm thinking reflect reverses the target coords, but doesn't change back (after it dies I'm assuming)
If I set move to attack to false it will run but thats a messy "solution" because I actually want the battlers to move to their targets. Otherwise it will look odd.

Wait, I tested making move to attack false and the battler itself does not make the attack animation when he should as move to attack is false and when en enemy is killed by its own skill.

Maybe the problem is in the battle animation?
Hm... Even posting this in another forum couldnt help me finding a solution
Think I got it
This method had the reflection reset at battle phase 4-3
I guessed that it was suppose to be 3-3 since that's where the battle hangs at. I changed it to this

and it seems to work.
I could be wrong though. There could be some grand design that I'm not seeing. You'll have to test it more to spot any other problems.

Edit: Make sure the changes are to the Add | Skill Reflect script under <<Add-ons>>; not the one under <<Main>> that's inactive.
You are my saviour and my hero!
Thank you so much. I havent encountered any problems/Bugs yet.

Allow me to ask you a final question about ATOA ACBS because I dont want to open a new topic.
Where can I change the size of the skill window when selecting skills in the battle?

I cant find the class/line in the scripts

Thank you for viewing

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