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Atheism IS a Religion.

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I went to a youth group once, and the bloke who was organizing it was one of those "Look at me, I'm a Christian!" types.
He noticed I was new so he began talking to me. I am a very strong atheist so it was a little awkward; I had to pull the old "You guys are such a valuable addition to the society" act to keep him off my ass.

When we got talking he said he was studying religion at university (might as well been studying advanced ignorance) but he said that religion is merely the faith in one particular belief that involves what happens to the human conscience postmortem. Atheism is like Buddhism: both have no god and yet both are a religion.

My atheism, like most is centered around what I witness or find to be a reliable source. If some would like to prove their belief then go ahead, but if you can't then you should logically adapt it to what is feasible instead of writing some shitty book trying to explain why you're right. Religion is like a disease; their victims are gullible, scared of the inevitable and are weak. They are looking for a way to solve all their problems and when some nobshine in a suit visits their house claiming to have all the answers they jump at the opportunity.

Is this such a bad thing? Yes. Religion senselessly wastes time, money, encourages hate and violence, preaches ignorance, enforces sexual repression and hinders modern science from making lifesaving discoveries. But it teaches peace and love right? I personally don't need some fag in a robe to tell me right from wrong, guilt is natural. If a man without religion kills another man because of his lack of beliefs will he feel no remorse? It is human to feel guilty, and is not limited those who are Christian, Islamic or Jewish.

There is a HUGE difference between religion and atheism, religion is primitive ritual. Atheism is the lack of this primitive ritual.  :angel:

Venetia said:
Atheists shun Christians for disbelieving "scientific fact".

Nope, Atheists shun Christians for ignoring it.



Nope, Atheists shun Christians for ignoring it.
a stereotype portrayed by the liberal media (ew, i sound like rush limbaugh).

but seriously, christians don't "ignore" science they just disagree with the theories of creation.  i don't think there's a single sane person alive who will openly deny natural selection and genetic drift but obviously the ORIGIN OF LIFE is disputed because of Genesis (but also I'm pretty sure that christians don't believe in the old testament... atleast, i know i don't).

EDIT: I don't know if it was mentioned yet but there are atheists who worship an "idea" like the Church of Satan.  They don't actually believe in satan and are classified as atheists but they literally worship the idea of satan and they preach about selfishness and indulgence and stupid stuff like that.
@ Marcus

You'd think that wouldn't you. But look at the Amish; they're Christian and they ignore a lot more than just evolution.

The main the two rules of the church of Satan are to never be a coward and to live your life in a way that benefits you. Basically if you don't believe in god the consequences that normally apply in judgment have no bearing on your act's. To say self indulgence is stupid takes a simple mind.
Amish don't disbelieve science, they choose not to use the majority of its benefits under the belief that it is better to live a slow-paced life where working for a living means using muscles (so it's certainly healthful). They don't dispute more science than the average Christian, and use modern medicine whenever necessary, and presumably have no problem with emergency vehicles.



@ Marcus

The liberal media normally sides with Christians, especially if your in the US.
It's always stem cell research is evil or two many teenagers are having sex before marriage.

Well at least most teenagers don't mutilate the genitals of thousands of babies every year.
Coen":161jli8v said:
@ Marcus

The liberal media normally sides with christians, especially if your in the US.
It's allways stemcell research is evil or two many teenages are having sex befor marriage.

Well at least most teenages don't mutilate the genitals of thosands of babies every year.

Circumcism is actually good for you...



Well, it reduces the sensitivity of the penis' head (the lack of a foreskin means that the head is in direct contact with whatever surface it encounters, forcing it to eventually establish a new "baseline" level of stimulation,) meaning that things are a little less great for you in bed. However, it eliminates the chance that the area underneath the foreskin might become infected. So, it really just depends on how you're looking at the causes of circumcision -- medically or sexually.

However, it is far from "mutilation." As I've previously stated, there is a clear medical benefit to being circumcised -- whether it's worth that little lost bit of zing is really up to you.

I really wish you'd stop speaking in such clearly biased tones, Coen. "Cool kid" atheists are never fun to talk to if you yourself are religious, because they've long since convinced themselves that everything about religion is evil, deceptive, stupid, and/or archaic, and tend to ignore any positive aspects of religion in favour of things that support their viewpoint. I understand that you and I suffer from notable ideological differences, but can you please stop acting like that automatically makes me stupid, weak, scared, impressionable, and deluded? It's really been pissing me off every time this thread pops up in my Recent Posts peripheral vision that you carry such vehement opinions against religion when you yourself seem to suffer from so many of the faults you mentioned.

In other words, keep it civil for godsake. I, for one, don't mind hearing someone state that they disagree with what I believe, but if we were talking over a barroom table I'd have socked you by now, simply because you've turned that disagreement into an excuse to preach (yes, preach) to us about how we're all ignorant and feeble of mind and spirit.

Seriously, can you and Samboy (assuming you're different people? Someone pointed something out to me and now I'm suspicious. :x) stop circlejerking in here and resume the actual discussion? "Religion is bad and here is a list of my opinions as to why" is not a valid argument.
Okay kids, here's how its going to be.  Any further "omg tha atheisms maks me smarter than the godz pplz" and likewise "lol tha athists r jadded  losers nd ammoral" will be considered flame bait and will earn you a warn.  This isn't a circle jerk, and this isn't a place for subtle ad hominems and clever "omg look at how cleverly I pwned you" quips.



You’d have socked me by now? It’s good to see that your morals are where they should be.

You make the statement ‘Atheists are never fun to talk to if you’re religious’, but the pendulum swings both ways. In the religion debate everyone who isn’t agnostic is going to have a bias. We’re defending our beliefs. As for that defending the positive aspects crap as I explained earlier, people are capable of making a moral decision without religion and in some cases are even more inclined to make one.

If you’re going to use “the b-bombâ€



Wow, way to ignore three quarters of what I said.

We’re defending our beliefs.

You're at rights to do so. I just ask that you defend them without kicking anyone else in the face. What you're doing isn't defense but preaching.

I realise you’re a mod but if I made an exception for you and pretended like your beliefs didn’t make you scared, weak and deluded but I’d be lying to myself.
Any further "omg tha atheisms maks me smarter than the godz pplz" and likewise "lol tha athists r jadded  losers nd ammoral" will be considered flame bait and will earn you a warn.

Happy warn, then. Please keep this thread civil and respectful in the future.
Atheism is really a term we do not need, in the same way that we do not have a word for someone who is not an astrologer. The term atheism is completely without content, it is not a philosophical position.

In fact we are all atheists with respect to other people's religions. We are all atheists with respect to the thousands of dead gods in the world's mythology.

The term atheism is misleading. We're talking about specific truth claims and their evidence, or lack thereof.
shiroun":11t95swx said:
Circumcism is actually good for you...

Not really! That's a pretty common misconception. Smegma's actually less common in those who have been circumsized, and despite what a lot of people think, smegma is a good thing to have. A lot of idiots are very "well you'll get infected if you keep your foreskin lol" and to those idiots I just have to wonder if they ever bother to clean their dicks, because the only way you'd ever really have problems is if you go for months without really cleaning it at all (or masturbating, since the movement helps clean up the area as well).



You'd think that wouldn't you. But look at the Amish; they're Christian and they ignore a lot more than just evolution.

The Amish community has absolutely no effect on modern politics and they're a largely ignored minority much like the American Indian.  Rain forest tribes of Brazil ignore evolution and they're polytheist should I start drawing conclusions that they're ruining the world?

To say self indulgence is stupid takes a simple mind.

Self indulgence to what degree?  That you end up screwing over someone else?  This is where morals come in and while I'm not arrogant enough to say "atheists have no morals" I will say that satanists believe in number 1 and number 1 only.  If anything they do doesn't somehow benefit themselves then LOL FUCK IT.  This is why Capitalism is bullshit; it protects the man and power and makes it difficult for the common man to reach that same level.

The liberal media normally sides with Christians, especially if your in the US.

The media directly reflects the current president no matter how liberal or conservative they are.  I can guarantee you that if Obama or Hilary become the next president then they will side with abortionists and stem cell researchers.

You make the statement ‘Atheists are never fun to talk to if you’re religious’, but the pendulum swings both ways.

Oh, I certainly agree and I wish conversations like this wouldn't pop up but they do on both accounts because pride always comes into effect.  One guy says "thank god i didn't buy that" and then the other guy goes "why thank something that doesn't exist lol" and then you have two people fighting right there.

And this is the problem I have with people in general; no one knows how to shut the fuck up and mind their own business.  I was at a comic convention last week and someone was advertising a series of self published comics about Jesus really being the son of satan, turning into a zombie, and having to fight the devil or something.  He felt really really awkward talking to me because I had my cross hanging off my neck but I told him to relaxe and finish his pitch.  Eventually I bought his stuff and he breathed a sigh of relief probably because I didn't berate him for his choice in fiction.

shiiiiiiit, it's flowery ideoligical thinking but i wish scientists would stop caring about stupid stuff like pluto not being a planet and design a machine that zaps anyone who preaches/complains to someone (regardless of what it is) unless that person actually wants to hear it.  This applies to everyone, not just a particular group.

(Note that I do not mean to Necro, but this is still on the front page and posts a valid argument in my opinion)

I think that atheism is a theory/idea rather than a religion. A religion usually contains a set of rules of living and/or praying. Religion is usually a life-guiding tool.

Atheism does not contain that. There is no "Head" of the church of atheism, there is no book/bible of atheism, it is just NOT believing in a god/gods. That's it. NOT BELIEVING. I just can't seem to understand how simply "not believing in a higher form" can be classified as a religion.

Just my 2cents. obviously ^.^
There are countless religions of which there is no "head" office.  There are several forms of Christianity that do not look higher than the local version of a priest.  There are several tribal religions that do count, where even the witch doctors (for lack of a better uniform word?) aren't truly the top deal, just merely the most likely practitioner of advice giving and such.

Many religions, true, have a hierarchy.  From Pope to bishop to priest to alter boy, all the way down, with everything in between.  It's set.  But many religions aren't set in such an order, and some forms of Buddhism don't see the Dali Llama as the head - some confuse Tibetan beliefs and order for the entirety of the religion and so on.  Other religions practice no head but your own, on your shoulders.

And believe it or not, some DO hold an Atheistic belief as a worldly guide through life.  Though extremist are not everywhere, so screw 'em.
If you take the meaning of religion in context and take the meaning of atheism in context, atheism isn't a religion.

With things like this, don't look deeper than the outside appearance.

And I agree with ixis on the idea that atheists do treat it as a religion, but it isn't.
Atheism is not a religion, First note the Theism, in Atheism.
Theism is a belief in one or more deities or divinities. e.g.(god, buddah, Allah)
Religion is defined in Websters Dictionary quoted here.
"Re*li"gion (r?-l?j"?n), n. [F., from L. religio; cf. religens pious, revering the gods, Gr. to head, have a care. Cf. Neglect.]

1. The outward act or form by which men indicate their recognition of the existence of a god or of gods having power over their destiny, to whom obedience, service, and honor are due; the feeling or expression of human love, fear, or awe of some superhuman and overruling power, whether by profession of belief, by observance of rites and ceremonies, or by the conduct of life; a system of faith and worship; a manifestation of piety; as, ethical religions; monotheistic religions; natural religion; revealed religion; the religion of the Jews; the religion of idol worshipers.

    An orderly life so far as others are able to observe us is now and then produced by prudential motives or by dint of habit; but without seriousness there can be no religious principle at the bottom, no course of conduct from religious motives; in a word, there can be no religion. Paley.

    Religion [was] not, as too often now, used as equivalent for godliness; but . . . it expressed the outer form and embodiment which the inward spirit of a true or a false devotion assumed. Trench.

    Religions, by which are meant the modes of sdivine worship proper to different tribes, nations, or communities, and based on the belief held in common by the members of them severally . . . There is no living religion without something like a doctrine. On the other hand, a doctrine, however elaborate, does not constitute a religion. C. P. Tiele (Encyc. Brit. ).

    Religion . . . means the conscious relation between man and God, and the expression of that relation in human conduct. J. Köstlin (Schaff-Herzog Encyc. )

    After the most straitest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisce. Acts xxvi. 5.

    The image of a brute, adorned With gay religions full of pomp and gold. Milton.

2. Specifically, conformity in faith and life to the precepts inculcated in the Bible, respecting the conduct of life and duty toward God and man; the Christian faith and practice.

    Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Washington.

    Religion will attend you . . . as pleasant and useful companion in every proper place, and every temperate occupation of life. Buckminster.

3. (R.C.CH.) A monastic or religious order subject to a regulated mode of life; the religious state; as, to enter religion. Trench.

    A good man was there of religion. Chaucer.

4. Strictness of fidelity in conforming to any practice, as if it were an enjoined rule of conduct. [R.]

    Those parts of pleading which in ancient times might perhaps be material, but at this time are become only mere styles and forms, are still continued with much religion. Sir M. Hale.

&hand; Religion, as distinguished from theology, is subjective, designating the feelings and acts of men which relate to God; while theology is objective, and denotes those ideas which man entertains respecting the God whom he worships, especially his systematized views of God. As distinguished from morality, religion denotes the influences and motives to human duty which are found in the character and will of God, while morality describes the duties to man, to which true religion always influences. As distinguished from piety, religion is a high sense of moral obligation and spirit of reverence or worship which affect the heart of man with respect to the Deity, while piety, which first expressed the feelings of a child toward a parent, is used for that filial sentiment of veneration and love which we owe to the Father of all. As distinguished from sanciti, religion is the means by which sanctity is achieved, sanctity denoting primarily that purity of heart and life which results from habitual communion with God, and a sense of his continual presence. Natural religion, a religion based upon the evidences of a God and his qualities, which is supplied by natural phenomena. See Natural theology, under Natural. -- Religion of humanity, a name sometimes given to a religion founded upon positivism as a philosophical basis. -- Revealed religion, that which is based upon direct communication of God's will to mankind; especially, the Christian religion, based on the revelations recorded in the Old and New Testaments. "

So an atheism cannot be a religion. it is more a statement of personal affirmation to their own faith or belief (whether it be of science or what not)
I don't think we really need more posts trumping up definitions from random sources (no matter how accurate they may actually be.) The main point has been made.
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