And what did you change you aren't claiming credit for this are you because if you are you are stealing someone elses work.
Actually this script is XRXS/fukuyama ATB Battle system says so at the top
Now about the system itself, I don't believe it is a true ATB battle system (the only scripts I consider to be true ATBs are my ATB, RTAB (TRTAB

) and Cogwheel's RTAB script) even though the term is used rather loosely when classifing a battle system with a wait/at/cp bar that when it fills up an action is chosen. From my playtesting the demo I'd say it is more of a CTB Battle System
- Enemies do not attack while making actions
- Everything stops when choosing an action
- Bars do not fill while making an action
- Can not make actions while actions are occuring
and in the definition of a CTB Battle System
The system is distinguished from Square Enix's Active Time Battle system by the fact that when a character's turn begins, all action stops while the player decides upon an action. This shifts the focus from reflexes and quick decision-making to strategy and careful planning.
But yeah I remember this script I adored it when I was more of an rmxp noob and this was the script I used as the battle system for it ahh good memories.
I still do adore this system as it is simple and should be compatible with many scripts
But you may want to translate this (even though I don't really approve of people translating and then posting scripts since anyone can do it with translators these days)
more particularly this sections intrigues me, it has something to do with poision
if $data_states[j].name =~ /^ƒXƒŠƒbƒv([0-9]+)(%|ÂÂ