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I'll try to make this as easy to understand without screenshots (because they're unnecessary) as I can. Basically, you use the Aromatherapy skill. A window pops up that has a list of all of the oils you've collected so far. You pick two and their effect depends on what you mix and in what order. I also want it to be disabled for the rest of the battle. Stat changes will obviously only be temporary.

Let's say you have "Fish Oil," "Whale Oil," and "Olive Oil" (obviously not the ones I'm using in my game). Here's an explanation:
Fish Oil+Whale Oil = HP+10 for the rest of battle
Fish Oil+Olive Oil = Str+2
Whale Oil+Fish Oil = Dex+2
Whale Oil+Olive Oil = SP+10
Olive Oil+Fish Oil = Agi+2
Olive Oil+Whale Oil = Int+2

You don't have to make it so the order matters, but it is preferred. I don't really care as long as the same one can't be used twice in one battle. I don't want to make it so that you run out of oils, though. I want it so there is only one of each oil and it can be reused, but not mixed with itself. It's confusing trying to explain it, so I hope somebody understands *cough*Trickster*cough*

For anyone who has played Shadow Hearts Covenant, it's like Lucia's Aromatherapy skill, but with instant effects instead of gradual stuff.

I also don't want to have to download a demo (it's a lot easier to just copy and paste a script than it is to download a file, open it, find all the scripts, and copy and paste from there...), so would anyone who makes it please just post the script in this thread? Thank you for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for making it, especially since it is a very complicated script.

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