Jölnir":4oz8fjtu said:I actually think you guys are selling the question short for lack of good presentation. I don't argue at all that we've progressed socially and technologically, but Idocracy, horrible a movie as it was, was trying to present the point that perhaps the ease of our lives, the benefits of technology and the structure of our society tends toward reversing the process of natural selection.
The people who tend to breed most, and pass on their genes and their belief systems, are the people who function most successfully in their environment. In our environment, that means riding the middle road, taking the easy job, bleating in tune with the flock. That's what tends to lead to a life where you reproduce the most, and where your young are most likely to survive to breed in turn, which is basically nature's only definition of success. Our medicine tends to enable people with bad genes and bad coping mechanisms to live longer than even the most ambitious, intelligent, or strong, and sort of like pandas we may be evolving into a niche that will eventually be detrimental to our survival. While on a global scale our level of education and lifespans are increasing, there are two things to note: one, that those traits are phenotypal - it's quite possible that our predecessors were more intelligent and healthy than us on average but had less opportunity. Second, that there is a correspondence between increase in education and decrease in reproduction.
I'm not saying all that stuff is true, but I think it's compelling enough to discuss without dismissing entirely.
See now if I could post like that I would have. I was trying to get to a similar point just in a shitty way. I'm a shit poster I admit it.
The fact is I ain't super inteligent myself, however when I got my first television and computer (I have a new on now after the old one died) when I was 13 I was overly fascinated by how the technology of computers may be capable of helping people in he same financial circumstances as I was and partially still am.
True I am on the forums and that I cannot deny that but I found the underlying messages and concepts of Idiocracy to be very real to me. (does thateven make sense?)
True maybe the lack of entertainment doesn't make me see Idiocracy as a totally crap movie because I watch it and thought it was pretty good. it stated an interesting argument.
Also it is possibly true I am narrow-minded, probably spot on even but all through my life yes I had been through utter crap everyone of our friends had strong family values and senses of what a good thing is and what a bad thing is but as of late (the last 4 years or so) I've watched friends fall to drugs, people fighting over stupid things, others sellng themselves short, and generally taking greed over any other quality and it just kind of sickens me.
Fuck I probably am diluted and I lived in too sucluded of an environment or soething but things just don't feel "right."
Oh and Venetia I didn't know your job actually let you do that, If I went on the net to go on forums at work I would be fired in a heart beat. The fact you go on it with no idol care that there could be something more important that needs to be done at work just seemed kind of selfish. Maybe it's jelousy or something but going on the computer for forums when you first start work just seems rather yeah I don't know how to explain.
Now true I be on the forums right now but I didn't see it as harmful because I'm not at work and while posting and typing I'm also making my music, listening to it and very very slowly perfecting it as well as messing with other things. I obviously misjudged your circumstances and I apologise.
Anyway back onto topic Jolnir has pretty much made what I was trying to say clearer than I could.
Thankyou for making the question far more obvious and I will take down this thread as notes on how to presentate things more appropriately.
What I have to learn from somewhere what I couldn't learn at my school.
PS I actually kind of do see myself as a selfish asshole, always have pretty much. Maybe I am too hard on the whole human race to begine with including myself, I don't know. So forgive me if I do come off as a nieve (that right?) teenager.
Off to google a lot of news! Might help me out.