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[April Fool's] Zeriab's Script Request Station



Zeriab's script request event

Want something scripted? That particular needed skill, the beautiful cms or making the npc walk properly?
This is your chance to get a script request fulfilled!

I was bored and felt like scripting something which happens every now and then. This time instead of just grapping any particular idea I thought it would be fun to make a little event out of it :cute:
For those of you who don't know me. I am a professional software engineer, I have close to 6 years of RGSS scripting experience and I have been a part of several successful commercial RPG Maker XP games.

The rules are fairly simple.
  • Post your requests in its entirety as a reply to this topic. (Except code)
  • Do not post any code in the requests. (Exception: Pseudo-code is not considered as code)
  • Any number of requests can be posted. (Double posts are ok during this event)

You have 48 hours to post your requests.
The event starts effectively at time of this post. (See timestamp)

I will choose up to 3 requests afterwards which I will complete.
The amount I choose depends on the size of the ones I choose and availability of requests.
My choices depends on the very immaterial metric of what I feel the most like scripting.

Note: If less than 3 requests have been posted after the time runs out I may extend the event both in terms of time and exposure (more forums).

Your goal is to make me want to work on your request and to be excited about your request for which I include some tips which may help you.
  • Presentation matters, but only to some degree.
  • Make things easy for me. I don't wanna figure out whether you have 2 or 3 requests in that post and which part be longs to which request.
  • Illustrations helps
  • Be specific
  • Be clear
  • Be concise
  • I think you get the idea
Don't follow any tips too strictly. There can easily be cases where some don't make sense and cases where there are better ways.
Also feel free to edit your post as many times as you want. What matters is the state of the post at the time I read it after the time limit.

The caveat
Yes, there is one. It's not that the script will be posted publicly nor that I'll script for non-commercial games only.
The real caveat is that I will not give support for the script.
This both means that I won't fix bugs and that I won't update the script should you apply any changes which break it. (Could happen by modifying the script, deleting a script or copy-pasting a new script into the editor)

- Zeriab
My request:

The script I need is where certain skills use health as the cost, instead of SP. I also need this to work as a state that can be applied to other characters, so that they use health for their skills and not their SP. would also like that the cost number in the skills section, be an easily editable colour, default red.

The class "Blood Mage" uses the spell thunder on a enemy, but instead of taking an SP hit it takes a health hit. The Blood Mage also has a spell that applies a state to the cleric that makes all his spells use health instead of SP as the cost.

Please make it as close as possible to "Choose skill ID, Choose health cost". The same for the state ID, but without the health cost as the cost is the same as the SP cost.

Hope that makes sense, if it doesn't let me know and I will clarify.
Fancy thing you're doing there, Zeriab... though you're running dangerous of only getting shitty, unfun requests. Or actually, I'd say getting one decent request out of it would already be lucky. (to be fair, I didn't read the request(s) before mine).

Well, that being said, here's something that might interest ya... it's something I drew a concept of, but could never quite get myself to do it... mainly because I don't really like my method of doing it... but yeah, let's have it:

Tile Height Script


Basically, the idea is to draw tiles on different heights (in reality y-coordinates), affecting not only visuals, but moveability as well. If the tile below another is lower in height, there should also be wall sprites drawn, depending on the tile used to draw.

There's some basic rules which would have to be followed by the script in their essence (aka if you have a better/different-but-more-appealing-to-you approach, you're wecome to modify these):

  • characters can only pass onto tiles with a height <= (current height + 1), which enables them to jump down any height they want.
  • a height level is exactly 8px in height difference
  • there's a total of 8 height levels
  • can be XP or VX

I've got a basic idea on how to figure out which height a tile should have. At first I thought using terrain tags would be a good idea, but then I noticed that's redundant as you can just as well use tileset IDs. I figured using horizontal IDs (aka 'first tile in row', 'second tile in row', up to 'eight tile in row') would work quite well. As that'd take up lots of tiles in drawing data, that tileset shouldn't actually be used for drawing, but only for reference (allowing for the reference tileset to hold 1 to 8 numbers, indicating the height level within the maker). Drawing happens with individual graphics that consist of:


The middle graphic in that sketch would be repeating itself for whichever height needed. The top and bottom graphics are drawn on top and, well, bottom of every wall, with only the top graphic being drawn if the height of the wall is 1 unit only (an alternative idea consists of top and bottom both being 4px high, effectively eliminating the 1-unit-high problem entirely, but I was too lazy to draw another graphic really... guess the idea is pretty clear ^^ ).
Again, if you have a better way to do this, go ahead and do so.

Also, two more things: Obviously, I don't need it for myself, so if you do it, do it as a publically submitted script. You should by all means release it under your name, and I don't mind the 'no further support' thing on there, of course. But yeah... this is basically one of the scripts I'd really like to see executed, and since I can't do anything with them personally, I guess whoever wants something like this might enjoy it.
The other thing is that I'd happily invite you to have one eye on my script contest requirements, and meet some of them with my or other requests - if you submit any, that is.
I understand that you may not want to do this, considering it's a pretty vast thing to do really, if you wanna do it right. Still, this should fit the 'enjoy to script' category perfectly, and considering you're much more into the hidden and advanced things in the makers than I am, this sounds like a good job for you. Obviously, I'm not pissed if you don't take it, so... I hope I'm giving you a nice option to consider ;)

Also, have fun with this!
Hmm I've had this idea for a while but have been told the math part about it is a little difficult.

A page-turn transitional effect into battle and for change of select scenes (as in change of maps). I'd like to be able to toggle this type of thing on and off because I don't want to do it for every scene (might get excessive). I don't care too much how to implement that part about it... if I need to call a script in the event or some other way you can think of that would be easier.

This page contains a bunch of diagrams and steps to do it in Flash MX. I know ruby is different but in the least it gives you idea of what I mean.

So with those pictures in mind I'd like just the right half of the "book" there to be screen for the game. One side needs to be like a screen capture while the other side a graphic (so I can plug in and make it look like paper texture with writing and stuff instead of just white).

Other stuffs:
I'd like to have it just for myself for now. It's gonna be one of those things I'd like to make exclusive to my game at the time (as in first to use) and then release it as a resource once its done. I think it sounds a lot easier than it is to do, but I hope you take interested. Have fun with all your scripting Zeriab no matter which one you choose. d:O

Btw its for VX and my screen resolution is 640x416 (which is different than the default)
Great idea Zeriab, way to give back to the community! I know you've helped me with scripting problems I've had in the past, hopefully the trend continues. :biggrin:

Anyways, my request is a custom menu system for my game Odyssey. The menu should be quite simple really, I'd imagine, but here it goes: The menu is one screen, no sub menus or anything of that nature. Input B will bring up the menu screen, like the default menu. The screen is divided into four sections, as shown in this mockup.

The top section is the help window. Just as in the default menu, the help window will show the item description of whatever weapon/item is currently highlighted. Placement and dimensions: (0, 64, 430, 208)

The upper left window is the equipment window. ONLY weapons need to be shown here, as my game doesn't use armors of any sort. The weapons are displayed in two columns, over 5 rows. Also note that the weapon quantities shouldn't be shown, as each weapon is unique and will only be acquired once. When first pulling up the menu, this is the window that should be active, with the top left item highlighted. Placement and dimensions: (0, 64, 430, 208)

The far right window is the item window. This window will show items in a single column, with a total of 12 rows. Again, item quantities shouldn't be shown. Placement and dimensions: (430, 64, 210, 416)

The window in the lower left is the status window. The status window does not need to be highlight-able with the cursor, as it just shows player stats. Placement and dimensions: (0, 272, 430, 208)
The left half shows a picture [Hero_status.png], as well as the currently equipped weapons. The left weapon icon should display the icon for $game_actors[1].weapon_id, and the right weapon icon should display the icon for $game_actors[1].weapon_ids[1] (I'm using a multiple weapon equipment slot script)
The right half of the window should display the following:
[Heart Icon.png] "Hearts:" $game_variables[7] / 7
[Chest Icon.png] "Chests:" $game_variables[9] / 99
[Kills Icon.png] "Kills:" $game_variables[10]
[Gold Spilled Icon.png] "Gold:" party_gold
[Time Icon.png] "Play Time:" play_time

Now, the part that might be toughest (the part that stumped me at least!)
When in the equipment menu, I want the player to be able to get to item by using the arrow keys to navigate the cursor. For example, if the player is currently highlighting the shield, pressing right will allow them to highlight the lucky clover. Vice versa, pressing left while highlighting any item will return you to the second column of the equipment menu. Finally, the very last part of the request, when on the weapon window, the player should be able to equip the weapons. Hitting Input A will equip the currently highlighted weapon to $game_actors[1].weapon_id, and Input X will equip the currently highlighted weapon to $game_actors[1].weapon_ids[1].

I hope this request has been concise enough, I'll be anxiously waiting to see if I get picked! If you're interested in seeing the project this script would end up in, please feel free to check my signature link to my project thread. I'm hoping to release my game this year, so your work would certainly not be wasted if you decided to take this request. Thanks for your time!
I'm going to ask for something that I've been searching for a long time: a good plataform system for the RPG Maker. The already existing ones are quite lacking, to say the least, for the making of a true game that could ressamble a classical platformer such as Castlevania, Mario, Mega Man and such. I tried tinkering around something by myself, but some issues with the scripting and formulas made me quit.

Basically, I'd like to request an efficient Platform System for the RPG Maker XP; here're the details:

Gravity and jumping system: something worthy emphasizing is that the system should be applicable to both when falling off a plataform as jumping by itself, and work on player and events alike (both would need to follow the laws of physics for the system to be efficient, anyway).

Pixel Movement for player and events: Another flaw in most systems is the use of tiles for movement, which makes it completelly awkward and cumbersome for the player. Pixel Movement would be a more than necessary solution to assure that things go smoothly, but the events still move tile by tile in most cases. In a platformer, both player and events would need to use pixel movement, and the maker should be able to move the events by commands in any way they pleased - this would make programming bosses and more complex enemies in general more doable.

I believe it's not needed to create an overly specialized collision system, taking into account the pixel movement. I've created one myself through the use of hitboxes for the system I started and I believe it can be well applied in this case. All I ask is for the pixel movement to work correctly with teleport events, tile relative position and that the original RPG Maker System still works normally - like in Cogwheel's script.

Terrain based sprite adjustment: Something interesting to add to a system like this one is making it so that the character or event considers the current tileset's angle. Here's an example from Super Mario World:


During the gameplay, both Mario and the enemies consider the inclination of the terrain. Notice that this envolves momentum, for climbing up and down alike. This isn's entirelly necessary, seeing as it teorically would be hard to pull out something like this on RPG Maker.

Stair System: This one should be easy. It's a simple system used to mark certain tiles as "stairs" where the player doesn't fall and can climb up or down and jump off it.

I would like to thank you, for this is a great opportunity for the forum members (hoping that this wasn't an April Fools' joke lol).

Again, thank you very much and hope you have fun scripting any system that you've happened to take a fancy.



Sorry guys but this was an April's fools. Didn't expect I wouldn't come online yesterday.
It's not a completely useless one as it actually gives motivation to make a good script request which definitely will help you in getting it scripted.

Blue's request sound so fun I might do it anyway >_>

:( Aw man you said 48 hrs so I thought it was legit. I was wondering but I figured since you didn't say 24 it wasn't. You meany :<
I gotta admit I hadn't thought it was an april fools joke, but I agree with Rave on that the 48 hours disqualified it as that... Personally, I think you're too deep into it to just drop it, so... choose your three scripts! :mad:

or well, just mine... :>
Zeriab":2j9ehxyc said:
Sorry guys but this was an April's fools. Didn't expect I wouldn't come online yesterday.
It's not a completely useless one as it actually gives motivation to make a good script request which definitely will help you in getting it scripted.

Blue's request sound so fun I might do it anyway >_>


Not to be offensive, but that was a really bad joke, not even a funny one at that. The thought did cross my mind it was an April Fool's joke, but a whole day and a half later had me convinced this was legit. It's just disappointing for the people who actually spent a good chunk of time making an educated, detailed request (aka myself). Thank you for wasting half an hour of my life. You might want to make next years joke a bit less douchey.

Edit: Upon reading my PM inbox today, it turns out another member has taken the time to help me with the part of my request that was troubling me. I'd like to take the time to acknowledge Badlands for taking time to help me get my script started. Turns out there's still some good souls out there after all.
I'd say you're taking it a bit too far now... it really should'Ve been resolved within April 1st, but you gotta notice that it DID help you getting your problem solved. While that's probably not the intention of the topic, it's definately not to waste 30 minutes of your life either. So, I get you're being a bit disappointed because of organization problems on Zeriabs side, however there's no reason to go madness on his ass because of that. After all, you're the one even getting something out of it.



Not to be offensive, but that was a really bad joke, not even a funny one at that. The thought did cross my mind it was an April Fool's joke, but a whole day and a half later had me convinced this was legit. It's just disappointing for the people who actually spent a good chunk of time making an educated, detailed request (aka myself). Thank you for wasting half an hour of my life. You might want to make next years joke a bit less douchey.

jesus man it was a joke. Zeriab is one of the nicest, if not THE nicest members here. It wasnt intended to be malicious, it was just intended to be humorous. Its your fault for falling for an April Fools joke (seriously I saw this thread 1 time and knew it was a joke). Dont be an ass.
I really thought it was a joke, but because of the "You have 48 hours to post your requests" thing, I had to have a go...

Well I got upset cause of it, anyway...

I'll probably look for another solution for me, maybe quiting RPG Maker for platformers and try another engine at all.

See ya...
tobacco goldfish":3c3ll9t0 said:
Not to be offensive, but that was a really bad joke, not even a funny one at that. The thought did cross my mind it was an April Fool's joke, but a whole day and a half later had me convinced this was legit. It's just disappointing for the people who actually spent a good chunk of time making an educated, detailed request (aka myself). Thank you for wasting half an hour of my life. You might want to make next years joke a bit less douchey.

jesus man it was a joke. Zeriab is one of the nicest, if not THE nicest members here. It wasnt intended to be malicious, it was just intended to be humorous. Its your fault for falling for an April Fools joke (seriously I saw this thread 1 time and knew it was a joke). Dont be an ass.
I know it wasn't intended to be malicious, nor did I say anything of that nature. All I said it was "disappointing", and that I thought it was a douchey joke. But if that makes me an ass, then an ass I am.

I still have plenty of love and respect for Zeriab, who is obviously a big staple of this game making community, and has helped me in the past and it's still very much appreciated. So let's drop the whole thing, hugs all around.



At first I wrote 24 hours but changed that to 48 to throw people off. It's interesting that that little detail made the difference. (I still thought it would be figured out >_>)
I wouldn't say the time you spent writing the requests was wasted. Quite the contrary. There is no reason why you cannot reuse the requests you made and the time you spend formulating the request helps you structure and figure out more precisely what you want.
I tried to construct the rules in a way that encouraged requests scripters would want to do. That way you would have something valuable despite being fooled.

The idea was indeed to fool you into making something valuable. I know that's not in the spirit of April Fools which should be worthless like my fake decrypter.
I am pleased that you already found someone willing to do your request. I didn't think it would actually work that well. I thought you would have to pursue other scripters where the hopefully improved script request would give you an advantage.

tobacco goldfish":1gay65k9 said:
Not to be offensive, but that was a really bad joke, not even a funny one at that. The thought did cross my mind it was an April Fool's joke, but a whole day and a half later had me convinced this was legit. It's just disappointing for the people who actually spent a good chunk of time making an educated, detailed request (aka myself). Thank you for wasting half an hour of my life. You might want to make next years joke a bit less douchey.

jesus man it was a joke. Zeriab is one of the nicest, if not THE nicest members here. It wasnt intended to be malicious, it was just intended to be humorous. Its your fault for falling for an April Fools joke (seriously I saw this thread 1 time and knew it was a joke). Dont be an ass.

No, he's a jerk, burn him at the stake!

I saw the "I won't fix bugs" and figured it was a joke. Who says they refuse to make the script work? :P

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