Note: I voted "Way overhyped and not worth the price"
MacBooks don't come in pink, though you can get a pink shell for them. If she wants her laptop to be pink, she should have gone Dell.
But I use a Mac. There's nothing wrong with the interface. Actually, the dock is very intuitive, enough so that the Windows 7 taskbar just basically copies Apple's Dock (though it does it better than Apple imo; the technical term is "leapfrog") Many parts of the interface are really useful: Expose lines up all of your windows so you can select them without having to minimize any or search for them, which is very useful if you've got a complicated window setup (later pseudo-copied by Windows Vista). Spaces is a very neat feature to eliminate the need for complicated window setups (copied FROM Linux, where it has been for nearly a decade; Windows has not caught on yet).
Come on people, what is this, 2003? Did Windows XP just come out and everyone hates Macs because of our memories of OS 8? Do we still wonder where the games are? (Blizzard and Maxis titles are always released on Mac, including World of Warcraft, Spore, and Sims 3) Let's not forget who popularized MP3 Players. Can you have a conversation about them without somebody calling them "iPods" in general? A lot of new laptops come with "chiclet" style keyboards (flat keys fit through holes in the frame rather than a large keyboard block). They are copying Apple's new Macbook Pros (though actually Apple had been using them for several years in Macbooks). And for better or worse, the iPhone has permanently changed the Smartphone market. Manufacturers and consumers aren't looking for the next big thing, they're looking for an iPhone killer.
I don't mean to sound like a fanboy, but there is so much negativity in this thread and I'm surprised a real fanboy hasn't showed up yet. I guess it isn't really 2003, because if it was then one would have.
Does this mean I'm getting an iPad? No, it doesn't. I need a real computer. The iPad isn't a stab at real computers, either. It's a stab at Netbooks, which I think would make a good educational product but they aren't useful for the things most people want them for. I heard that something like 60% of people with Netbooks found that it did not meet their expectations (though beware, 78% of all statistics are made up).
People that should get an iPad are people who just need a web presence, because that's how society is now. The iPad is for people who need to get on Facebook, check their email, and watch a video on a plane ride. That's what most people want out of a computer, and a device like that is better for that than the full overhead of a desktop OS.
It's not what I want out of a computer, because like most everybody else here, my first qualification is, "Will it run RMXP?" :tongue: