Kain Nobel
Hello everybody!
First off, the script in question is one I'm working on and not everything is finished but its almost there. What it does is it allows you to set untargetable actors and enemies, and also allows you to tell it "Don't Let [Actor/Enemy] target this particular [Actor/Enemy]" basically. (Also, some state stuff but I haven't added it yet, its just the module so far.)
Anyways, the problem I'm having is accurately disabling Skill/Item selections from the @actor_command_window. Basically, if the entire $game_troop is untargetable, and the active battler only has skills of scope 1 and 2 (One Enemy, All Enemies) and no other skills of other scopes, its supposed to disable Skill. Prettymuch the same similiar thing is supposed to apply to Items as well.
After rigourous tests, I find it disables the Skill selection from the @actor_command_window almost perfectly, except for...
Anyways, here's the script in progress. It requires the full SDK 2.4, and these MACL-ish methods I've added is required for part of it. When testing it, make sure all the enemies in the troop you're testing with have their database IDs stored in the AntiTarget::Enemy::Untargetables array, so the entire troop is untargetable when testing.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
First off, the script in question is one I'm working on and not everything is finished but its almost there. What it does is it allows you to set untargetable actors and enemies, and also allows you to tell it "Don't Let [Actor/Enemy] target this particular [Actor/Enemy]" basically. (Also, some state stuff but I haven't added it yet, its just the module so far.)
Anyways, the problem I'm having is accurately disabling Skill/Item selections from the @actor_command_window. Basically, if the entire $game_troop is untargetable, and the active battler only has skills of scope 1 and 2 (One Enemy, All Enemies) and no other skills of other scopes, its supposed to disable Skill. Prettymuch the same similiar thing is supposed to apply to Items as well.
After rigourous tests, I find it disables the Skill selection from the @actor_command_window almost perfectly, except for...
Gloria has curative skills such as Heal, her command window disables Skill which its not supposed to because these skills don't target enemies, they target actors.
Hilda only has attack skills such as Fire 'n stuff, her command window doesn't disable Skill. She doesn't have any skills that don't target one/all enemies, so this command is supposed to be disabled for her.
The other actors that have enemy-only scopes, their Skill command disable properly as far as I've tested.
I have similiar problem with items... if the only items in your inventory target enemies only then Item command is supposed to disable. At least last time I checked, this isn't happening.
Hilda only has attack skills such as Fire 'n stuff, her command window doesn't disable Skill. She doesn't have any skills that don't target one/all enemies, so this command is supposed to be disabled for her.
The other actors that have enemy-only scopes, their Skill command disable properly as far as I've tested.
I have similiar problem with items... if the only items in your inventory target enemies only then Item command is supposed to disable. At least last time I checked, this isn't happening.
Anyways, here's the script in progress. It requires the full SDK 2.4, and these MACL-ish methods I've added is required for part of it. When testing it, make sure all the enemies in the troop you're testing with have their database IDs stored in the AntiTarget::Enemy::Untargetables array, so the entire troop is untargetable when testing.
# ** RGSS.Actor and Party Info
# * MACL Loading
if Object.const_defined?(:MACL)
 MACL::Loaded << 'RGSS.Actor and Party Info'
# ** Game_Actor
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
 # * Name    : Skill Scopes
 #  Info    : Returns an Array of scopes from all available skills
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : None
 def skill_scopes
  scopes = Array.new
  @skills.each do |skill_id|
   skill = $data_skills[skill_id]
   unless scopes.include?(skill.scope)
    scopes << skill.scope
  return scopes
 # * Name    : Skills With Scope?
 #  Info    : Returns true if at least one skill has a scope of 'scope'
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : Scope is an Integer representing the scope in question
 def skills_with_scope?(scope)
 # * Name    : Skills With Scopes?
 #  Info    : Iterates over 'skills_with_scope?'
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : An Array of scopes, see 'skills_with_scope?'
 def skills_with_scopes?(*scopes)
  pool = Array.new
  scopes.each {|s| pool << skills_with_scope?(s)}
  return !pool.include?(false)
 # * Name    : Skills Without Scope?
 #  Info    : Returns true if no skills have a scope of 'scope'
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : Scope is an Integer representing the scope in question
 def skills_without_scope?(scope)
 # * Name    : Skill Without Scopes?
 #  Info    : Iterates over 'skills_without_scope?'
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : An Array of scopes, see 'skills_without_scope?'
 def skills_without_scopes?(*scopes)
# ** Game_Party
class Game_Party
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :knmacl_gmparty_initialize, :initialize
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
  @items.default   = 0
  @armors.default  = 0
  @weapons.default  = 0
 # * Name    : Item Scopes
 #  Info    : Gets the scopes of all available items
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : None
 def item_scopes
  scopes = Array.new
  @items.each_key {|key|
  unless @items[key] == 0
   unless scopes.include?($data_items[key].scope)
    scopes << $data_items[key].scope
 # * Name    : Items With Scope?
 #  Info    : Returns true if at least one item has a scope of 'scope'
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : Scope is an Integer representing the scope in question
 def items_with_scope?(scope)
 # * Name    : Items With Scopes?
 #  Info    : Iterates over 'items_with_scope?'
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : An Array of scopes, see 'items_with_scope?'
 def items_with_scopes?(*scopes)
  pool = Array.new
  scopes.each {|s| pool << items_with_scope?(s)}
  return !pool.include?(false)
 # * Name    : Items Without Scope?
 #  Info    : Returns true if no items have a scope of 'scope'
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : Scope is an Integer representing the scope in question
 def items_without_scope?(scope)
 # * Name    : Items Without Scopes?
 #  Info    : Iterates over 'skills_without_scope?'
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : An Array of scopes, see 'skills_without_scope?'
 def items_without_scopes?(*scopes)
 # * Name    : Gain All
 #  Info    : Gain all items (depending on type)
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : Type is the type of 'item' to gain
 #         -1 : All Items, Weapons, Armors
 #          0 : All Items
 #          1 : All Weapons
 #          2 : All Armors
 #        Quantity is an integer from 1 to 99 (Optional)
 def gain_all(type = -1, quantity = 99)
  if type.is_a?(Fixnum) && type.between?(-1, 2)
   case type
   when -1
    $data_items.each_index   {|i| gain_item(i, quantity.abs)}
    $data_weapons.each_index  {|i| gain_weapon(i, quantity.abs)}
    $data_armors.each_index  {|i| gain_armor(i, quantity.abs)}
   when 0 ; $data_items.each_index  {|i| gain_item(i, quantity.abs)}
   when 1 ; $data_weapons.each_index {|i| gain_weapon(i, quantity.abs)}
   when 2 ; $data_armors.each_index  {|i| gain_armor(i, quantity.abs)}
 # * Name    : Lose All
 #  Info    : Lose all items (depending on type)
 #  Author   : Kain Nobel
 #  Call Info : Type is the type of 'item' to lose
 #         -1 : All Items, Weapons, Armors
 #          0 : All Items
 #          1 : All Weapons
 #          2 : All Armors
 #        Quantity is an integer from 1 to 99 (Optional)
 def lose_all(type, quantity = 99)
  quantity = -quantity.abs if quantity > 0
  gain_all(type, quantity)
# ** AntiTarget
module AntiTarget
 # ** AntiTarget::Actor
 module Actor
  # * Untargetables : Actors which can't be targeted by enemies.
  Untargetables = []
  # * NoTargetActor : Actor ID => Array of Actor IDs that Actor can't target
  NoTargetActor = {}
  # * NoTargetEnemy : Actor ID => Array of Enemy IDs that Actor can't target
  NoTargetEnemy = {}
  # * Defaults (Do Not Touch)
  NoTargetActor.default = Array.new
  NoTargetEnemy.default = Array.new
 # ** AntiTarget::Enemy
 module Enemy
  # * Untargetables : Enemies which can't be targeted by actors.
  Untargetables = [1]
  # * NoTargetActor : Enemy ID => Array of Actor IDs that Enemy can't target
  NoTargetActor = {}
  # * NoTargetEnemy : Enemy ID => Array of Enemy IDs that Enemy can't target
  NoTargetEnemy = {}
  # * Defaults (Do Not Touch)
  NoTargetActor.default = Array.new
  NoTargetEnemy.default = Array.new
 # ** AntiTarget::States
 module States
  # * All   : State IDs that prevent attack, skill and items from targetting.
  All   = []
  # * Attack : State IDs that prevent attacks from targetting.
  Attack  = []
  # * Skills : State IDs that prevent skills from targetting.
  Skills  = []
  # * Items  : State IDs that prevent items from targetting.
  Items  = []
# ** Game_Battler
class Game_Battler
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :antitarget_gmbattler_atkeffect, :attack_effect
 alias_method :antitarget_gmbattler_skleffect, :skill_effect
 alias_method :antitarget_gmbattler_itmeffect, :item_effect
 # * Attack Effect
 def attack_effect(attacker)
  return if self.battler_cant_target?(attacker)
 # * Skill Effect
 def skill_effect(user, skill)
  return if self.battler_cant_target?(user)
  antitarget_gmbattler_skleffect(user, skill)
 # * Attack Effect
 def item_effect(user, item)
  return if self.battler_cant_target?(user)
  antitarget_gmbattler_itmeffect(user, item)
 # * Can't Target?
 def cant_target?(battler)
  return battler.battler_cant_target?(self)
 # * Battler Can't Target?
 def battler_cant_target?(battler)
  if battler.class == self.class
   return self.ally_cant_target?(battler)
   return self.enemy_cant_target?(battler)
# ** Game_Actor
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :antitarget_gmactor_skill_can_use?, :skill_can_use?
 # * Ally Can't Target?
 def ally_cant_target?(actor)
  return true if AntiTarget::Actor::NoTargetActor[actor.id].include?(id)
  return true if AntiTarget::Actor::NoTargetActor[0].include?(id)
  return false
 # * Enemy Can't Target?
 def enemy_cant_target?(enemy)
  return true if AntiTarget::Actor::Untargetables.include?(id)
  return true if AntiTarget::Enemy::NoTargetActor[enemy.id].include?(id)
  return true if AntiTarget::Enemy::NoTargetActor[0].include?(id)
  return false
 # * Skill Can Use?
 def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
  skill = $data_skills[skill_id]
  if $game_temp.in_battle
   if $game_troop.untargetable?(self)
    return [3, 4].include?(skill.scope)
# ** Game_Enemy
class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
 # * Ally Can't Target?
 def ally_cant_target?(enemy)
  return true if AntiTarget::Enemy::NoTargetEnemy[enemy.id].include?(id)
  return true if AntiTarget::Enemy::NoTargetEnemy[0].include?(id)
  return false
 # * Enemy Can't Target?
 def enemy_cant_target?(actor)
  return true if AntiTarget::Enemy::Untargetables.include?(id)
  return true if AntiTarget::Actor::NoTargetEnemy[actor.id].include?(id)
  return true if AntiTarget::Actor::NoTargetEnemy[0].include?(id)
  return false
# ** Game_Party
class Game_Party
 # * Targetable?
 def targetable?(battler)
  targets = Array.new
  members.each {|member| targets << battler.cant_target?(member)}
  return targets.include?(false)
 # * Untargetable?
 def untargetable?(battler)
  return !self.targetable?(battler)
# ** Game_Party
class Game_Troop
 # * Targetable?
 def targetable?(battler)
  targets = Array.new
  members.each {|member| targets << battler.cant_target?(member)}
  return targets.include?(false)
 # * Untargetable?
 def untargetable?(battler)
  return !self.targetable?(battler)
# ** Arrow_Actor
class Arrow_Actor < Arrow_Base
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :antitarget_arrowactor_update, :update
 # * Update
 def update
  $game_party.actors.size.times do
   break unless actor.battler_cant_target?($scene.active_battler)
   @index += Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) ? 1 : -1
   @index %= $game_party.actors.size
  unless self.actor.nil?
   self.x = self.actor.screen_x
   self.y = self.actor.screen_y
# ** Arrow_Enemy
class Arrow_Enemy < Arrow_Base
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :antitarget_arrowenemy_update, :update
 # * Update
 def update
  $game_troop.enemies.size.times do
   break unless enemy.battler_cant_target?($scene.active_battler)
   @index += Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) ? 1 : -1
   @index %= $game_troop.enemies.size
  unless self.enemy.nil?
   self.x = self.enemy.screen_x
   self.y = self.enemy.screen_y
# ** Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle < SDK::Scene_Base
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_reader :active_battler
 # * Alias Listings
 alias_method :antitarget_scnbattle_p3setupcomwin, :phase3_setup_command_window
 alias_method :antitarget_scnbattle_p3commandatk,  :phase3_command_attack
 alias_method :antitarget_scnbattle_p3commandskl,  :phase3_command_skill
 alias_method :antitarget_scnbattle_p3commanditm,  :phase3_command_item
 # * Phase 3 : Setup Command Window
 def phase3_setup_command_window
 # * Check AntiTarget Attack
 def check_antitarget_attack
 # * Check AntiTarget Skill
 def check_antitarget_skill
  $game_troop.untargetable?(@active_battler) &&
  @active_battler.skills_without_scopes?(1, 2)
 # * Check AntiTarget Item
 def check_antitarget_item
  $game_troop.untargetable?(@active_battler) &&
  $game_party.items_without_scopes?(1, 2)
 # * Phase 3 : Anti-Target Command Attack
 def phase3_antitarget_command_attack
  if check_antitarget_attack
 # * Phase 3 : Anti-Target Command Skill
 def phase3_antitarget_command_skill
  if check_antitarget_skill
 # * Phase 3 : Anti-Target Command Item
 def phase3_antitarget_command_item
  if check_antitarget_item
 # * Phase 3 : Command Attack
 def phase3_command_attack
  if check_antitarget_attack
 # * Phase 3 : Command Skill
 def phase3_command_skill
  if check_antitarget_skill
 # * Phase 3 : Command Item
 def phase3_command_item
  if check_antitarget_item
Any help is appreciated, thanks.