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Another Request, a simple FF1 styled CBS

Arrr, title says it all, I want a CBS that is styled after FF1 for the NES!

if possible could it be that character battlers are Character Sets, so the poses are in 4 frames and are (In order):Idle, Walk (Flipped for walking back the 3 steps), Attack and Spell/Item. Weapons are also on a Character Set so they would be perfectly aligned.


They would both be put in the Character Set folder.

Can someone look at doing this? And when they are finished take a look at the Silent Hill request?

You will get massive credit and a cookie :twothumbsup:! Thx in advance
Unfortunately, it ain't what I'm looking for :/ I was looking for something simple so I wouldn't need lots of importing and stuff. Also I messed up on the character set thing >.< should be 4 frames but 6 anims, Idle, Move, Attack, Spell/Item, Death and Victory.
Mine is still a very close fit, (you would have to set the script to load a custom template but I haven't completed that yet), and it doesn't support weapons on the character set just yet... (and why would there be alot of importing...)

You should try ccoa's cbs, you would have to set the battlers's poses into pieces which is pretty easy, also supports weapons on the battler

and if that doesn't work try cybersams CBS (found in the downloads manager), his template is very close to the template you have, but doesn't support weapons on the battler

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