First of all, I'm really impressed to see how you improved compared to your earliest drawing. Your definitely getting on the right track as far as techniques. :smile: Well done and keep up the good work!
Now for the feedback.
Her head is really shaped weird and it looks like she has a big dent in it.
Let me ref. a skull here: ... icture.jpg
See how the skull is shaped? in the utmost simple of forms, it's basically a circle and a blunt edge triangle. Okay, not the best of terms but keeping this mind set might help you visualize the human head.
Did some correction doodles.
Not the best corrections, but I hope it will give you an idea. A good thing to remember when it comes to proportions of the face is the the eyes are 1/2 of a head and lie right in the middle from the chin to the tip of your head. As for the body, her right shoulder (our left) is too short and stunted given the angle it is at.
I know you probably don't want to hear it, but doing some drawing studies on anatomy will really help you out in the long run. It does not necessarily mean you have to draw realism, but rather study and practice drawing proportions and shapes of the human body. Trust me when I say this, it will help you learn much faster and will help you draw people rather than drawing how you
think people look like.
I can tell you from experience that after actually taking the time to study anatomy, my own work improved tremendously in such a short time whereas it took years before then to get where I was.
Keep up the good work! :smile: