One reason that I don't have more time to write games is this side gig I've got-- I run Anime Central's Video Programming department. (Largest Anime convention in the midwest, Chicago, Mother's Day this year. Come on over. It'll be fun.)
We're getting an early start on planning this year, and so I'm asking this question everywhere I go:
What do you want to watch?
We've got six video rooms that run 24 hours for the convention, so I need a lot of material. Of course, I have my own thoughts, but I'm not the one who pays admission. Maybe somebody here will, though. So:
What do you want to watch?
(There is exactly one rule, here: I can only screen titles that are legally available in the USA. Anything else-- absolutely anything else-- is negotiable. Tentacle porn? Yes, we show that. As long as it's legal in the USA as of Mother's Day 2009.)
We're getting an early start on planning this year, and so I'm asking this question everywhere I go:
What do you want to watch?
We've got six video rooms that run 24 hours for the convention, so I need a lot of material. Of course, I have my own thoughts, but I'm not the one who pays admission. Maybe somebody here will, though. So:
What do you want to watch?
(There is exactly one rule, here: I can only screen titles that are legally available in the USA. Anything else-- absolutely anything else-- is negotiable. Tentacle porn? Yes, we show that. As long as it's legal in the USA as of Mother's Day 2009.)