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Animation Resizer

Animation Resizer
Authors: game_guy
Version: 1.0
Type: Misc Add-on
Key Term: Misc Add-on


Want to reduce or increase the size of certain animations? Don't wanna go  through all the tedious work to do it in the database? This script  can resize any animation for you.


  • Increase animation size
  • Decrease animation size
  • Use only on specific animations
  • Use custom size value








# Animation Resizer

# Author game_guy

# Version 1.0


# Intro:

# Want to reduce or increase the size of certain animations? Don't wanna go 

# through all the tedious work to do it in the database? This script 

# can resize any animation for you.


# Features:

# Increase animation size

# Decrease animation size

# Use only on specific animations

# Use custom size value


# Instructions:

# Note the animations also resize on events. 

# Go down to config below.

# Default_Increase - This is the default amount that is used to resize an

#   animation that isn't configured.

# Configure Sizes - This is the config for setting up sizes for specific 

#   animations only. If an animation isn't defined here then it uses

#   Default_Increase


# Don't want an animation resized on events? Simply use the following

# $game_system.anim_event = false

# Set it to true to have animations resized on events.


# Compatibility:

# Not tested with SDK.

# Should work where ever an animation is used.


# Credits:

# game_guy ~ For making it

# Jek ~ For requesting it


module GGHAN


  # Config


  # Default animation increase/decrease

  # Positive values = increase

  # Negative values = decrease

  Default_Increase = 0

  def self.zoom(id)

    case id


    # Configure Sizes

    # Do:

    # when animation_id then return resize_amount_in_percent

    # Example:

    # when 67 then return 300

    # It increases the animation by 300 percent

    # Use negative values to decrease an animation.


    # Note: When decreasing an animation size it can 

    # only decrease it as much as possible before making 

    # the animation dissappear. 


    when 67 then return 300

    when 1 then return -90


    return 0



  # End Config



class Game_System

  attr_accessor :anim_event

  attr_accessor :is_event

  alias gg_init_anim_resize_lat initialize

  def initialize

    @anim_event = true

    @is_event = false




module RPG

  class Sprite < ::Sprite

    def animation_set_sprites(sprites, cell_data, position)

      for i in 0..15

        sprite = sprites[i]

        pattern = cell_data[i, 0]

        if sprite == nil or pattern == nil or pattern == -1

          sprite.visible = false if sprite != nil



        sprite.visible = true

        sprite.src_rect.set(pattern % 5 * 192, pattern / 5 * 192, 192, 192)

        if position == 3

          if self.viewport != nil

            sprite.x = self.viewport.rect.width / 2

            sprite.y = self.viewport.rect.height - 160


            sprite.x = 320

            sprite.y = 240



          sprite.x = self.x - self.ox + self.src_rect.width / 2

          sprite.y = self.y - self.oy + self.src_rect.height / 2

          sprite.y -= self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 0

          sprite.y += self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 2


        sprite.x += cell_data[i, 1]

        sprite.y += cell_data[i, 2]

        sprite.z = 2000

        sprite.ox = 96

        sprite.oy = 96

        if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) && $game_system.anim_event

          zoom = GGHAN.zoom(@_animation.id)

          if zoom < 0

            c = -zoom

            if cell_data[i, 3] <= c

              c = cell_data[i, 3] - 1

              cc = cell_data[i, 3] - c

              #p cc.to_s + " IF " + cell_data[i, 3].to_s


              cc = cell_data[i, 3] - c

              #p cc.to_s + " ELSE " + cell_data[i, 3].to_s



            cc = cell_data[i, 3] + zoom


          sprite.zoom_x = cc / 100.0

          sprite.zoom_y = cc / 100.0

        elsif $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) && !$game_system.anim_event

          cc = cell_data[i, 3]

          sprite.zoom_x = cc / 100.0

          sprite.zoom_y = cc / 100.0

        elsif $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle)

          zoom = GGHAN.zoom(@_animation.id)

          cc = cell_data[i, 3] + zoom

          sprite.zoom_x = cc / 100.0

          sprite.zoom_y = cc / 100.0


        sprite.angle = cell_data[i, 4]

        sprite.mirror = (cell_data[i, 5] == 1)

        sprite.opacity = cell_data[i, 6] * self.opacity / 255.0

        sprite.blend_type = cell_data[i, 7]








In the script.
Probably place below everything and above main.
Read all instructions carefully.


Not tested with SDK.

Credits and Thanks

  • game_guy ~ For making it
  • Jek ~ For requesting it

Author's Notes




   def self.zoom(id)

     case id


     # Configure Sizes

     # Do:

     # when animation_id then return resize_amount_in_percent

     # Example:

     # when 67 then return 300

     # It increases the animation by 300 percent

     # Use negative values to decrease an animation.


     # Note: When decreasing an animation size it can

     # only decrease it as much as possible before making

     # the animation dissappear.


     when 67 then return 300

     when 1 then return -90


     return 0

I don't like this "case strcuture" for settings. I normally make an array or hash. also i don't undestand why you've made an method for this.

Something like this would have the same effect:
module GGHAN

  Animation_Zoom = {} 


  Default_Zoom = 0


  Animation_Zoom[Anim ID] = Zoom_Value


Also the zoom isn't pefect. you resize de sprites, but not change their position.

Let's say we have this animation.

Note that the fireballs touch each other

With the zoom they're resized, but their position don't change.

The right would be something like this:

The sprite are zoomed but still touching each other

I've made an camera zoom script for my battle system, this is how i've made on it:
      sprite.x += cell_data[i, 1] * zoom_value

      sprite.y += cell_data[i, 2] * zoom_value

      sprite.ox = 96

      sprite.oy = 96

      sprite.zoom_x = (cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0) * zoom_value

      sprite.zoom_y = (cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0) * zoom_value

So you could make your conditions before that to set the zoom_value.
Something like this for the RPG::Sprite:


class RPG::Sprite

  def animation_set_sprites(sprites, cell_data, position)

    for i in 0..15

      sprite = sprites[i]

      pattern = cell_data[i, 0]

      if sprite == nil or pattern == nil or pattern == -1

        sprite.visible = false if sprite != nil



      sprite.visible = true

      sprite.src_rect.set(pattern % 5 * 192, pattern / 5 * 192, 192, 192)

      if position == 3

        if self.viewport != nil

          sprite.x = self.viewport.rect.width / 2

          sprite.y = self.viewport.rect.height - 160


          sprite.x = 320

          sprite.y = 240



        sprite.x = self.x - self.ox + self.src_rect.width / 2

        sprite.y = self.y - self.oy + self.src_rect.height / 2

        sprite.y -= self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 0

        sprite.y += self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 2


      unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) and not $game_system.anim_event

        zoom_value = 1.0

      else $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle)

       zoom_value = GGHAN::Animation_Zoom[@_animation.id].nil? ?  GGHAN::Default_Zoom / 100.0 : GGHAN::Animation_Zoom[@_animation.id] / 100.0


      sprite.x += cell_data[i, 1] * zoom_value

      sprite.y += cell_data[i, 2] * zoom_value

      sprite.ox = 96

      sprite.oy = 96

      sprite.zoom_x = (cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0) * zoom_value

      sprite.zoom_y = (cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0) * zoom_value

      sprite.angle = cell_data[i, 4]

      sprite.mirror = (cell_data[i, 5] == 1)

      sprite.opacity = cell_data[i, 6] * self.opacity / 255.0

      sprite.blend_type = cell_data[i, 7]



Good points on the positioning. I'll look into your code see if I can fix that.

And the case structure/method is how I code. Sure your way is cleaner but the amount of configuration users have to put in is practically the same. My way is how I learned to do it and I intent on keeping it. Sorry if it bugs you.



My way is how I learned to do it and I intent on keeping it.
I must say that it's quite odd...
you learned something in an way, then learn an better way to do the same thing... why then keep doing things on the old way? .-.
Well the script is yours .-.
Bad habits I guess. I know its a better way with arrays but just a habit. However I'm gonna start breaking out of it. I already implemented your way into the config but I still need to add the repositioning and stuff.

Thanks ^_^
This script is very cool, hope you can fix the repositioning stuff, if I find something useful for that I'll edit this post.


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