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Animated Battler + FFX-2 Menu

Is it possible to merge these together... and instead of having the normal battler pic you would usually see... you see their idle animation instead? If it's possible can someone give me a link to it?
Hi!!! http://www.dubealex.com/asylum/style_em ... x/bye1.gif[/IMG]

Guess what? I already made something like it already, though it was for Steal/Mug/Scan (Rtab patch) I wrote so RTAB users could use Trickster's must-have script.

Now, in that post... you'll find TWO spoilers. The second one is called "Minkoff's Patch" which is a patch for Animated Battlers users. It takes the battler pose you describe and insert THAT image in place of the whole battler when the 'scan' skill is used.

The bulk of it is the def draw_some-battler (can't remember its name http://www.dubealex.com/asylum/style_em ... histle.gif[/IMG] ) which replaces the battler with the battler pose (double in size). Very little of this needs be altered. You should find this VERY useful. :D

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