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Animate This!

  • .:Animate This!:.

    "Animate This!" animates series of images to show an animation. You can use this to give .GIF kind of an effect. The best thing is, it is VERY simple to use. Example:
    - logo_uc being the base file name. You can add extras like music.

    • Very simple to use, just need the base name. No need to enter the number of frames.
    • Can animate images with extensions BMP, PNG, JPG.
    • Can play music with the animation.
    • Allows custom folders, as many as you want. Default is Animation Clips.
    • You can choose the x,y,width,height of the animation if you want.
    • You can allow skipping with Enter or Spacebar keys.
    • You can change the number of frames waited during each image.(default = 1 for smooth display)

    .:How To Use:.

    How you name the image files are important! Each animation needs a base name and a count name added. For example:
    The demo has a good example. Basically, the script orders alphabetically. You can even use: "base_a", "base_b" and so on. It is case-sensitive.
    All music files should be in ME.
    All images should be in the folder Animation Clips.

    To use your own created/custom folder, use the following for the animation name:
    Example is in the demo event.
    #  How to Use
    # File naming rule: "whatever_0.jpg|png|bmp"
    # The extension can change between files, it's just the name which is important.
    # So it needs: _ and at least one number, 
    # Be aware to use   01, or 001, if your animation have more than 10 frames, else
    # the file listing will be messed up.
    # For title logo display:
    #     Go to main, and right before:
    #         $scene = Scene_Title.new
    #      write:
    #         ani = UCoders::Animate_This.new("base")
    # For clips:
    #     Call this script:
    #         ani = UCoders::Animate_This.new("base")
    # You can also use a custom folder, the folder must be in the Graphics folder:
    #     UCoders::Animate_This.new("folder_name/base")
    # Note: You can also do this when calling this script:
    #     ani = UCoders::Animate_This.new("base",music,wait_frames,start,skip,x,y,w,h)
    #     music       : the name of the music file you want EX: "bathowan_1"
    #                   the music file must be in your Audio/ME folder.
    #     wait_frames : amount of frames to wait between each image(default= 10)
    #     start : should it start right away? (default = true) 
    #             (if false, use ani.start to start animation)
    #             ani = UCoders::Animate_This.new("base",10,false)
    #             ani.start
    #     skip  : if you want to allow the player skip by pressing a key, make true
    #     x     : x point on the screen(default = 0)
    #     y     : y point on the screen(default = 0)
    #     w     : the width of the animation
    #     h     : the height of the animation


    Can't really show animation in a screenshot.

    .:Instructions and FAQ:.

    Q: I can not open the demo!
    A: Download winrar.

    Q: What scripts do I need?
    A: Just the script and UCoders Module.

    Q: My game crashes and all I did was add the script to my game!
    A: You need to add them in the same order they came in the demo.


    Before you download, do read this!

    • Error Reporting
              Name the script you got the error in.
              Take a screenshot of the error.
              Record the line number and the line itself.
              Tell me what you were last doing.
    • Feature Request
              Tell me in details what you want.
    • DownloadMirror 1 - UCoders FTP

.:Tips from Users to Users:.

No tips yet.

.:Credits and Thanks to:.

Mr.Mo and Trebor - Members of "Unknown Coders"
Well if it's from Mr. Mo then it's automatically good.

However I actually tried it out and....

It's pretty good. It would be nice if you could do them in a string so that the folder isn't cluttered with images.
hmm, I'm not sure what you mean by "string" but how about I allow for custom folders? and thank you :)

Edit: Just updated and added custom folders.
ohh.. I see what you mean. That would require different animation type. I suppose I can allow animation for anything by allowing custom rows and columns.
Scary...When Mr. Mo and Trebor work hand and hand, its like God and Satan working together.

[don't ask which one is God or Satan]  :D



I can use this with my title screen and splash screen, right? And is there a way to make it loop/not loop?
loop? good idea. will be added to next version. And yup, you can use this for the splash screen but not for the title screen.

Actually, due to the nature of this script, easy to call and execute, I can't add the string feature.

Added loop. Check the demo for more information on how to use it.
This animation freezes everything on screen except the animation it self, so if you don't mind that, yes. But I imagine it would be difficult to make animations like that.

Thank you for viewing

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