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An easyish request



Could someone make it so if a certain actor chooses attack a submenu comes up with choices of three skills, the skills will be 0 sp, so showing sp is not neccecary.

I would guess you would have to go to the attack choice bit, and put
if game_actor[i] = x 
scene = scene_attackmenu

with scene_attackmenu bieng some edit of scene_skill, with its own window if neccecary.

oh, and this might be important:

Im using the BoF cbs, which I can give you because of the hacker. -_-.
You can't leave Scene_Battle and return like nothing happened.

Firstly, you need need to add to update_phase3_basic_command command so you will create a new window in Scene_Battle

What you will have to do is further seperate update_phase3 method into further methods to update a new window when the window is present, just how the rest of the windows are handeled in that phase.

This isn't a super hard task, but not a super easy one either. I suggest reading the phases in Scene_Battle and understanding the looping and division that takes place.



Make commands link to a common event....yes i think this could work, if its compatiable, thanks I'll take a look.

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