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Ammo Script.

I've searched the forum, but looks like all the scripts like that were lost because fo the hack.

I guess everyone knows what is this about.
I want a weapon to consume ammo for the inventory.
I have 99 ammo in the inventory, but my weapon can only be loaded with 10 at time, when the weapon runs out of ammo, in the attack option appears the reload option, when there is no more ammo in the inventory, there's no more way to attack.
And I would like to automatic reload the weapon after the battle, or if the weapon have no ammo, and the player gets 20 more, the weapon will be automatic reloaded too, and the rest of the ammo goes to the inventory.

Help will be much apreciated.
Thank you.
These are for skills.
I want ammo for weapons.

But anyway, thank you.
I apreciate that.

Isn't there someone to make it?
Forget about the costumizations I spoke of.
Just a simple ammo script.

Thank you.

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