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AlphaZ Template

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w4/S ... Temp-5.png[/img]

I know that this is not a complete template. I am well aware of that, but this is all I had finished before my tablet broke and all I have to navigate my computer is a nub in the middle of my keyboard, until my new tablet arrives.

Why I called it the AlphaZ template is because it is made to look similar to Alpha Nuts' White Ties battlers. I would have called it the White Ties template, but there is already one named that. The Z is for my name. Hence AlphaZ.

I would like critique on body shape to make it look more like White Ties battlers.

I wanted to use this for a game, kind of like in FF10, how the battler looks exactly like the sprite. There is no difference in size, the person just gets a weapon, so that's what inspired this.



The colours are giving me a headache, but I like the proportions so far. The legs might be a little too far apart for a simple standing/walking pose, though. It's a good WIP! I'd like to see how this looks finished. Truth be told, I'd been looking for a more realistic template that'd more or less fit the RTP size, and this might be just it. So godpseed, dude, and sorry about your tablet.
Thanks. I'll see if I can fix the colors really quick so you don't have a headache and I was thinking the same thing for the basic standing pose.


Done. P.S. I hope this becomes a new fad. That would be awesome.



I'd also maybe shrink the eyes down a little. They look... huge and weepy. Changing the shape might also work. Still, though, I'd rather you just made them a bit smaller. A person's eyes just shouldn't take up half their head.

But yes, those colours are much better on my poor eyes. :thumb:
Sorry, but that's White Ties style. They have big hair, so the eyes look smaller. The eyes can be changed for different personalities, but that's the generic White Ties battler eyes. I could add two extra pixels to make them angry eyes, instead.



ZephyrSkye":3olkjnaa said:
Sorry, but that's White Ties style. They have big hair, so the eyes look smaller. The eyes can be changed for different personalities, but that's the generic White Ties battler eyes. I could add two extra pixels to make them angry eyes, instead.

There's more variance in the White Ties style than you seem to think. Fully half of the characters in your very sig have smaller eyes. The eyes you currently have are on the extreme end of the spectrum.

(And besides, you will need to change them to make them fit as a front-view sprite without having a character look sad and cross-eyed. Look at a friend's eyes; do they look the same from the front as they do from the side?)



The eyes might take some further tweaking formwise, but the size works for me -- especially since people can change the eyes themselves when they're spriting on the template. It's large enough to allow that sort of customization, which is nice.

The front and backview legs look correctly spaced for a casual standing pose, but here's something I hadn't thought of mentioning until now: the sideview legs. The shins are concave enough that they appear reverse-jointed such as the legs of a cat or a velociraptor or something. Decreasing the concavity by a pixel (and maybe adding a slight bulge so the knees are apparent) should be a nice start on fixing that. The positioning on the arms of the sideviews are a little strange as well, although there's nothing horribly wrong with them. I suggest just practicing with different arm positions and seeing which best suits the template -- once your computer's in full working order again, of course. : P

Again, thanks a bunch for making this, dude. I've been thinking, and it seems a little more half-kaizer in size than RTP -- which is good, I've wanted to work with HK stuff for a while now. : D

I just wish this thread would get a little more attention from serious spriters. I'm not totally confident on my ability to give good and useful advice on the subject without actually setting production and quality back. : P
Yeah, Zephyr, rock on! :)

No comment about the Template, ( a "you have to make the eyes bigger" comment that is) so just rock on, or Rap on, or techno on, or whatever you listen to on! :D



Since you still have to navigate by that little gumdrop bead in the center of your keyboard, I'm not gonna say nothing about the proportions. Here's my two bits on the posing:

- The arms are moving at the shoulder and nowhere else. The character's front arm is obscuring fully a fifth of his chest, while the back arm is flung backwards in a single grotesque motion. Unless someone is coming off their tenth shot of tequila, we don't tend to thrust our shoulders back and forth as we walk. There's a little movement, but not much. The majority of the movement should be in the arm joints themselves; the RTP template gets away with giving its characters rigor mortis, but it just won't do here.

- He lifts his leg to take the step, but never takes the step. Animated, he's not walking but stamping his feet. Generally, in four-frame sprites, the legs are shown in only their fully extended and unextended positions -- that is, the point where the person's front foot is out and their back foot is completing its step. having the character lift his feet before putting them out might seem promising, but wouldn't turn out too well.
Sorry, but I don't understand what you are talking about, Miek. I get the arm part, but your leg explanations are... obscure. His leg is extended, if that's what you were talking about.



That's... weird. That isn't what I saw before. : P

Alright, time for new critique about that pose! : D

It's better than my hallucinations, but I think you should maybe have the toes of his feet lifted up a little to make him look like he's taking a step and not shuffling his feet. Just make the bottom of the foot visible and raise it slightly... If perspective allows. I'm not trusting my eyes very much at the moment.

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