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allies becoming enemies?

Before someone automatically goes, use an event, I did think of that. But here is the thing, I'd like to make it so that when the ally betrays the group and fights them, his/her stats stay the same, rather than him/her becoming a preset strength level that using an event would cause.

Is there a way to make it so that when an ally leaves, his stats are transferred to an enemy w/ his same battler and equipment?

Sub question: Are stats equal between enemies and actors or are the formulas different between them as far as damage done and received, etc?
Formulas are the same accept for Enemies and actors. Enemies just don't use exp, equipment or Levels (unless you snag a script.)

Could you explain what you want a bit more. How many enemies do you want to do this for? What conditions will make an ally betray you?

Transfering an enemy's stat to ally's and vice verca shouldn't be overly difficult.
Basically here is what I want.

In a party of four characters, one of the characters, when in the home base, becomes an event that you can opt to fight with for fun/xp (practice) and basically, I want it to be so that particular characters stats transfer over as an Enemy, based off of his actual stats as an Actor, to make the practice bout a little more difficult and also more realistic.

In other words, I don't want you to be able to level up this guy to level 20, then go to practice with him and a pre-made Enemy of that Actor comes up who is way weaker than the actual Actor, or way stronger. I hope this is a little better of an explanation, its kind of hard to explain. I just want it to be more realistic.

Best way to describe it is when you fight Katt in BOF2, she has like 500 HP as an enemy but when she joins its like a tenth of that. I DON'T want that, I'd like it so that the stats are the same, but that the enemy would still be a challenge.

P.S. this bout would be one on one, not one guy fighting the other three

Also: It would be cool if the Actor turned punching bag could gain some kind of bonus XP for this also

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