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AInput Module

ok this is good working stuff... but the demo crashs wich my system (liunx + wine)

i try to convert it to your lib v3
It uses Win32 APIs, maybe wine can't emulate it.

@DraycosGoldaryn, I have not inlcuded them, maybe because I started the script from 0(Not Keys module, but Input) and I have forgotten to add them. Add them from the previous version, they should work fine. Maybe there is a beter way for pressing keys with hooks, but by now I don't know how. I still have to learn hooks... I really have to.

Some bad and good news. I will stop working in this script, that are the bad news. However I am working in something better, ARGSS a rewritting of the Game.exe and RGSS102E.dll(See link in my signature), which will include better Input methods, that are the good news. Also, I will still giving support for this script.
@vgvgf : Aw man, you're done with the script? You said a few posts up you'll probably release the DLL open source, can you please? Also, so long as I have your permission, may I decide to continue this script later on if I choose to? I'll always leave your name as the origional creator of the script, respectively, but there are other features I might officially add to future versions.

Also, if I repost it (since I can't continue your topic) I want to add the old features from the Aleworks, such as the Name/Number Input windows and whatever else you had.

@hanmac : Works fine in my project, I'm pretty sure we have the same versions but incase...


  # * Get RTP Path


  def get_rtp_path(rtp = 0)



You call it like...


...Where 'n' is the Numeric index of the RTP path (1, 2, 3... RTP1, RTP2, RTP3 in Game.ini file), so other words AWorks.get_rtp_path("Standard") will probably only return an empty String (""), you'd have to call AWorks.get_rtp_path(1).
@hanmac, it should work as Kain Nobel mentioned it.

@Kain Nobel, yes I am done with this script, but because I am with something better. I have released the sources codes some time ago, but seems that I haven't announced it well. The file with them can be found in my signature, but I will add here also, in case I modify my signature.
AWorks DLL Sources Codes MSVC6 Project
If you have any problem understanding the sources, or adding new features don't hesitate on asking me. Also, you are free to modify them, I haven't added any kind of license, but as long as I am credited(At least with a "based on AWorks library/input" or "based on vgvgf's work"), there won't be any problem. Also, you should credit poccil too and ERZENGEL if you really want to, he didn't helped me with this library directly, but I was able to learn more C programming for making it. And, if you want to change the dll name, just do so. No need to keep AWorks.dll name on it.
AWorks.get_rtp_path(1) returns "C"...
i dont think that this is the path

some thinks from the old have i rebuild in my test.. i dont know if Kain could it better ..
The latest version of the XP AWorks.dll works fine, so by chance maybe you're using the VX version? I haven't tried the VX one, so maybe there is a problem with that method (function) in VX's DLL file, for example he could've coded it to look for the XP RTP path and not VX on accident, maybe. If thats the case, you'll have to ask him to fix the DLL because I know nothing about encrypted DLL files.

Either way, its a problem with the DLL and not the script(s) themselves. Sorry I couldn't help you anymore than that, otherwise I would fix it for ya :P

Yeah, I can try to rebuild the addons from the old Aleworks project I'll let you know if/when I get around to finishing it. I really need to anyways, its holding up a script request I volunteered on for a "Talking and Answers" system, I feel bad because that guy has been waiting too long for it to be finished lol. The only thing holding that up is I have to write a window that allows you to type stuff in it, so I'll try and get to that sometime this week.
That's not a bug, it's just that Enterbrain changed the behavior of that API in the RGSS2 library for getting the RTP path. Now, I remember having seen that while testing my library in VX, some time ago. It just returns the first character of the path, "C" from "C:/...". If my memory isn't bad, AWorks.get_rtp_path(2) would return the second character, and so on.
EDIT: I was having a problem with one of my scripts, where Input.trigger? was popping an error... I fixed my script, so the problem doesn't occur anymore.

Anybody who wants to use this system with my "Battle.EscapeExp&Gold" script but are having problems with the Input.trigger? method in the AWorks Input Library when they put the script in, please PM me for the new version. I have no idea why the error occurs, since it has nothing to even do with Input.trigger? but at the very least it doesn't happen anymore.
Hello! :)

Hey I'm having an issue with AWorks, I was wondering if it'd be easy for you to fix or not, and if you wouldn't mind resolving this issue. Basically, without the script I can use my XBox360 controller (or other gamepads that work with RM) just fine, but with your script it doesn't respond to the controller whatsoever.

I don't need to assign anything besides the standard buttons (C, B, A, X, Y, Z, L, R) from the Input module that a controller normally responds to by default assignment (whatever you can normally assign when you press F1 to edit your keys).

Since you assign the Input keys from the HKEY in the registry, I don't think that would be where the issue is, if I'm correct that HKEY holds both keyboard and controller data. However, I think since you rewrote Input methods .trigger?, .press?, .repeat? that might be the area you'd need to address for this issue. I'd fix it myself with your open source code, but I don't have much knowledge behind programming in C and making a DLL.

Anyways, I appologize if I'm buggin' ya and I hope you can fix this for me, or if you'd be able to give me some advice how I could do it myself. Later man!

Trebor777 made a Joypad module for Aleworks a couple years back, which has the important Win32API calls incase you don't feel like digging.
@Kain Nobel, as Trebor said, we worked on the joypad script together. I have though on adding joypad functions to AIM, but as I don't have any joypad for my PC to test with, it is really difficult... Also, I am not working on this script anymore. ARGSS will have a good joypad support, so I prefer working on ARGSS rather than in this script.

A quick solution for being able to use the joypad, is modifing the AIM ruby script for having the original methods working and the new ones separated. Just make an alias for Input.update, insteand of overwritting it, and rename the new .press?, .trigger? and .repeat? methods to something different.
I hope this topic isn't too outdated, I just have a question: does your script have a way to check the mouse position relative to the window itself? It would be nice to have a means to drag messageboxes around. lol
Yay, digging up old topics :toot:
I wanted to report a bug. The Input.repeat? function is owkring faster than the original one. Would be nice if you fix it :smile:
Neo-Bahamut":3rzhy9qu said:
Yay, digging up old topics :toot:
I wanted to report a bug. The Input.repeat? function is owkring faster than the original one. Would be nice if you fix it :smile:

As best I can tell, that would be an issue related to the .dll file, since I seem to recall all of the input stuff being handled within the .dll.
New update, now version 3.10.

I made some changes, now it won't break the original Input module, so joysticks will still be usable. Removed ALibrary dependencies. Renamed the script to AInput Module. Made some general fixes, now with zlib license, some new methods, and etc. See first post.

Btw, AInput.dll source available with MSVC 2010 project for download too.

Neo-Bahamut":2pe7dhox said:
Yay, digging up old topics :toot:
I wanted to report a bug. The Input.repeat? function is owkring faster than the original one. Would be nice if you fix it :smile:
Fixed :) And there is now a method, Input.repeat_config(start, repeat), for changing how repeat works.

PD: Yeah, I know, documentation and all is a bit lazy from my part, I will fill the first post someday with better info and documentation.
It has been quite a long time since the last update you made, isn't it true? Now it even seems to be more complete than before, especially because of the awaited comeback of the joystick buttons.

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