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Advanced Warfare Art Assets

Hey peeps, Clizzz here. Anyways, I've been spritin' up a storm recently for my game, Advanced Warfare. Hopefully, you guys like what you see, the following are from the Weeble template, thus they are pretty unique. I called it Stylistic Minimalism. Anyways without further ado, My Art Assets.

The Characters in the above spoiler are as follows from Left to Right: Armored Soldier, Army Official, Marine, Medic, Agent Cobra, Soldier, Jungle Soldier, and Agent Sleeping Dragon.

The Characters in the above spoiler are as follows from Left to Right as it progresses from each Picture: Armored Soldier, Lieutenant, Trooper, Iron WarMinion, Soldier, Commander, General Tansius, and General Tymus. After that: Emperion Devastator Droid, Devastator Droid, and Combat Elite Droid. And after that: Iron WarLord.

The Characters in the above spoiler are as follows from Left to Right as it progresses from each Picture: Sentinel and Soldier.

The Characters in the above spoiler are as follows from Left to Right as it progresses from each Picture: Farooq Alahambra.

Just some Concepts I've been drafting up for the HUD system of Advanced Warfare. I like these Concepts ALOT, so I think I'm going to keep it. Anyways, critique and solid suggestions would be very much appreciated. SideNote: If you didn't already know, every SINGLE Art asset in this thread was created with Good 'ole MS Paint. Even the HUDs.

The Above vehicle is the Tan Empire Army's Vulcan Tank. I pretty much decked it our with dual .50 Cal machine gun ports, Retractable LAU Rocket Dispensers, and one hell of a main Cannon.

Alright, there you have it. Critique away ... :angel:
I'm not really a fan of the template, it seems to lack a lot of detail. The head should have a lighter outline on the top left. The feet need a darker colour below the highlight. I think and edit work explain it better.
Here's my 5 minute edit.

I changed the shading on the shoes. I made the shoulders less flat, and the head. I changed the face cause the blank one was very boring, and dull. I fix the shading on the arms cause they were flat; and I shaded the torso to make it less pillowshaded. Hope this helps.
i personaly like the simplicity, tho if you go that route the other sections of the game are going to have to be able to handle alot more....abuse for lack of a better word. interested in seeing how it come out :)
This looks really interesting. The perspective on the last little robot (Tan) is off, espc. by the head, though. I must admit it's a unique style, and looks pretty damn cool. Like mentioned above, though, there are a few shading issues you really should deal with.
I really dig everything about your sprites, even the shading is near perfect. It is the mere simplicity of the shading that makes it excellent, I wouldn't advise gradient shading anything except for maybe a couple small details (like the yellow emblem under the head of the middle Droid could use a little more gradient).

Not to be Captain Obvious but you definately need to get some eyeballs on those human troops, and it doesn't look like there are legs connecting the bodies to the feet of ANY of your sprites, however its kinda cool looking that way... I don't know if you were going for a legless look but I like it, it makes it a little more unique :thumb:

Last thing, rather than the droids having feet I think they'd look cooler on tank rollers. Its not something absolutely necessary but just a small suggestion.
Wow, LOL, thanks guys. DIdn't think this would get so much attention so fast.

@006/Noobo: WHOA!!! STOP RIGHT THERE!!! You have totally messed up the style I was going for ... it's called Stylistic Minimalism. Thus there is little to no shading or advanced detail. See, because, of all the things I want to do with the Game itself, (Advanced Environment, Dynamic Lighting, Voice Acting, and the Gun-based ABS) I want to keep the Art Assets are simple as possible, thus reducing the time I have to spend on Spriting. I will say, it was a great effort, and it successfully reminded me of the kind of thing I want to AVOID with this template style. Thanks.

@Deathbethecost: Thanks, and Yeah, I've found myself trying to figure out how the Environment will look. Just last week I tried merging the tileset I'm creating with the RTP, unfortunately, it didn't look so good. I'll probably post the tileset that I'm working on laterz.

@Gratheo/a (Should I even ask?): LOL, thanks. The Supreme Iron WarLord head is slightly more detailed in the head, because I wanted the armor to shine a bit more. Same with the Iron WarMinion. Anywhos, as I said earlier, the purpose of this template is to be as straight to the point as possible, eliminating the need to spend an unrealistic amount of time spriting.

@Kain Nobel: LOL, NO gradient shading, and NO eyeballs. The characters in the game will have emotions that can be displayed without adding eyes. Anyways, as I've seen it, eyes make the template look corny. Take a look at the original Armored soldier, and then at 006's Armored soldier. The original Weeble template had legs, but they didn't mesh with the template at all, so I just cut 'em and left little feet stubs instead. And thanks for the idea of the Tread on the Droids, I shall take that into consideration.

Anyways, thanks all for the critiques, I should have some more stuff up in the next few days and weeks. Who knows, may even put up the project thread for your considerations. Peace!
What I'm trying to say is do a little more. I can see playing a game with these graphics could get very dull and boring. "thus reducing the time I have to spend on Spriting", this comment makes you seem lazy and not willing to put an effort into the game. If you want a real successful game it's going to take time. And it doesn't take that long I did that sprite in 5 minutes. Anyway, good luck with the project, hope my comments have helped.
On the contrary I like the sprite better with eyes and a mouth rather than just a blank no face sprite, and 006 didn't even have to go out of his way to add them it was just 3 simple lines. I mean its your sprites do what you want with them but I'd rather have at least eyeballs on the ones where you can see its face, the mouth is optional but at least eyeballs if you can see that part because its boring without.

Looking forward to seeing more, these are really cool :thumb:
NEW UPDATE - April 22, 2009

Man, it's been a while, I took a bit of a break to get with some SAT Prep Algebra, but I'm back now, and i've got quite a bit to show. Here's a quick run down of things.

Green Forces Updates
Added Agent Sleeping Dragon - Kaminosusuke Sansero
Changed Old Medic

Tan Forces Updates
Added General Tansius
Added General Tymus

Grey-White Forces Update
Started the Grey-White Forces Spoiler
Added Sentinel
Added Soldier

A.R.M. Forces Update
Started the Arabic Resistance Movement Spoiler
Added Farooq Alahambra

Concept HUDs Update
Started the Concept HUDs Spoiler
Added the Concept HUDs

Vehicles Update
Started the Vehicles Spoiler
Added the T.E.A Vulcan Tank

Well, that's about it for now. Just know that I've got big things popping on the Development front for Advanced Warfare. As a Matter of fact, I might soon have a project thread up for it (still trying to decide if I want to do AW using RMXP). Anyways, peace for now and thanks for the support. Let the Con. Crit. COMMENCE!


Awesome Bro

Well I think these look fucking immense, I love the simplicity but effectiveness of them, although I'd change either the tan or grey/white to a different colour as they might start looking similar to some people.

The tank is looking pretty awesome although it seems like there's something missing, not sure what though, you'll have to find that out, lol. The Iron warlord looks cool, heh.

I really hope you can sustain this style throughout the game with the tilesets etc, as it'd be one awesome game, just wondering though, what gameplay style will it be ? I mean, the title sounds like it'll be using GTBS/ZTBS (Tactical Battle System), but the HUD seems like an ABS HUD.

Offtopic: Yay for MS Paint, woo ! *dances*
i like them, a suggestion if I may, right where your midtone meets your upper tone put a slight highlight it really makes them pop.
see example

Hey guys, thanks for the comments, there very much appreciated.

@JBrist: LOL, hey thanks, simplicity was my keyword during the development of this template. Anywhos, to answer your question about the HUD, yes, the title does make it sould like it will be using GTBS, but that's jst the title. You are correct in assuming that the game will be utilizing an ABS. The game is actually dubbed "A Tactical Espionage Shooter Action RPG". LOL.

@Inq: THANKS!! That means alot coming from you. Your a spriting god to me.

@Dung Beetle: LOL, so I've heard, good thing their not too similar.

@Badmonur: Ummm, I'm not sure that's the look I'm looking for, but thanks for the suggestion.

@Sheol: YAY! Don't worry, when I'm finished with the Art, you'll like it even more.

Anyways, Stay tuned guys, I've finished quite a few more Character sets and I'm working on alot more. I'll also be showing off concepts of C.A.I.N., the Tan's ever present Security network Superintendent. Updates will be quick and often. I'm out. Peace
Don't go too nuts with my comments, Clizz. I just appreciate that you've not bitten off more than you can chew. They're very simple sprites with little to no detail, but they work as graphics a light hearted cartoony game. Also, I like that even though it's simple, you picked out solid pallettes with a decent amount of contrast between the shades. Getting the basics right should hold you in good stead when you come to more advanced sprites. Many people don't get these early stages right. :thumb:

Well, people, I've had an revision of the Weeble Template. I realized that the original Weeble template was not living up to the Flash look that I wanted (LOL, kind of hard to pull off Flash-y looks in MS Paint). Neverless, I think that I have come close with this new evolved weeble. I removed the arms and replaced them with seperate parts because, I tried to animate the original weeble and realized that I would have a hell of a time doing all the things I wanted to with such a small template. Anywhos, lemme know what you think.
I really like these. They're so simple and effective and it's like looking at 2D-3Dish pixels because of their blocky feeling.

I really like the HUD

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