Hey peeps, Clizzz here. Anyways, I've been spritin' up a storm recently for my game, Advanced Warfare. Hopefully, you guys like what you see, the following are from the Weeble template, thus they are pretty unique. I called it Stylistic Minimalism. Anyways without further ado, My Art Assets.
The Characters in the above spoiler are as follows from Left to Right: Armored Soldier, Army Official, Marine, Medic, Agent Cobra, Soldier, Jungle Soldier, and Agent Sleeping Dragon.
The Characters in the above spoiler are as follows from Left to Right as it progresses from each Picture: Armored Soldier, Lieutenant, Trooper, Iron WarMinion, Soldier, Commander, General Tansius, and General Tymus. After that: Emperion Devastator Droid, Devastator Droid, and Combat Elite Droid. And after that: Iron WarLord.
The Characters in the above spoiler are as follows from Left to Right as it progresses from each Picture: Sentinel and Soldier.
The Characters in the above spoiler are as follows from Left to Right as it progresses from each Picture: Farooq Alahambra.
Just some Concepts I've been drafting up for the HUD system of Advanced Warfare. I like these Concepts ALOT, so I think I'm going to keep it. Anyways, critique and solid suggestions would be very much appreciated. SideNote: If you didn't already know, every SINGLE Art asset in this thread was created with Good 'ole MS Paint. Even the HUDs.
The Above vehicle is the Tan Empire Army's Vulcan Tank. I pretty much decked it our with dual .50 Cal machine gun ports, Retractable LAU Rocket Dispensers, and one hell of a main Cannon.
Alright, there you have it. Critique away ... :angel:
Alright, there you have it. Critique away ... :angel: