Dreamland;304561 said:I noticed also that when you showed a prinscrean of the map in gameplay, there is one area with a chest that you cannot get to, and that in the other printscrean on the event layer there is suppost do be a bridge to it.@_@
Dreamland;304540 said:great tut!:D
I'm glad both you liked it.bojox3m;304666 said:nice tut!
First of all, I'd like to apologize the extremely slow reply Silver Wind. You were on the right track. Instead of merging the bridge and the overlapping ropes you should merge the ropes and partial bottom tile of the bridge together into a charset.silver wind;305400 said:thanks for a much-needed tutorial!
btw, Is it possible to use the 'rope bridge' ?
to make a bridge, you use both 2nd (bridge) and 3rd(ropes) layer.
so when you place an event, it erases the ropes in 3rd layer.
I made a new tile, that shows both bridge and ropes. but then when on the bridge, you walk on the ropes.
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m151 ... orial2.jpg[/IMG]
silver wind;305400 said:oh, about your sig, I believe 'Fi' isn't legible, cause 'the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.' XD