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Adrelarine System

Well I know this might not be fullfilled but I would give it a shot anyways

So This Adrelarine system that I am requesting is similar to the Overdrive system but you can only use the skills on a specific amount of adrelarine
and so your adrelarine decreases everytime you use any skill

Each time the player attacks its adrelarine increases, stronger the attack the higher adrelarine is increased

Also as adrelarine increseases your Str and Pdef also increases with the maximum of 25% which is the full adrelarine

Can it be also possible that this adrelarine also decreases everyturn...

It may be hard but I thought I gave it a shot

If you need reference on formulas of how adrelarine should increases based on attacks look on the Overdrive Script

Lastly can this script be made not conflicting with any other script? Such as the RTAB system(With its add ons)?

Soul Rage system could aslo work but its an equipment skill which means the character doesnt really knows the skill but base on a equipmentand it only increases when you get attack.. So the Soul Rage system is not my answer
a new script is or a modification of Overdrive

It is difficult but I dont expect it to be done, just thought I could give it a shot
I recently updated my IP skills script to handle ip skills attached to an actor or a class.

All I would have to do to my script is remove the IP window, change how ip is gained (switch from being attacked to attacking)

Each time the player attacks its adrelarine increases, stronger the attack the higher adrelarine is increased

Also as adrelarine increseases your Str and Pdef also increases with the maximum of 25% which is the full adrelarine

If you need reference on formulas of how adrelarine should increases based on attacks look on the Overdrive Script

Could you post the formula, I'm more of a formula guy...
Thanks for your concern

@base_damage = [attacker.atk - self.pdef / 2, 0].max *
(20 + attacker.str) / 20

I think thats the formula for getting the attack.overdrive and will be added to

od_up = [[self.damage[attacker] * KGC::OD_GAIN_RATE[0] * 10 / self.base_damage,

when added

attacker.overdrive += od_up

which equals to the overdrive rate I believe

Well im not sure but I hope this would help

This is the script of Overdrive(Its compatible w/ RTAB)


Also I bet you mean adrenaline not adrelarine!
My apologies but Im having trouble with this word ^^,

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