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Acrobat Template

This is my template, titled "Acrobat", duh...^_^

But anyhow, tell me what I can improve and how I can.
I have the male template, and the male extras, the female is still WIP...


These were made specially for Acrobat Template.

http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/7963 ... ordsf5.png[/IMG]http://img462.imageshack.us/img462/2411/atsilverstaffam1.png[/IMG]
http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/6033 ... eldnv7.png[/IMG]http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/4038/atgoldenringvg4.png[/IMG]

And my icon shop. Color schemes are set from left to right, left being the out line colors.
There's no order for the colors, I just set them up. Very unorganized...
Hey have you sprited any thing with this template, to accurately judge it we should be able to see what it looks like in form of an actual characterset.
Ah so this is a template that is an exact replica of diamond and pearl pokemon sprites. Interesting I would not have noticed that unless you had pointed it out Green Bird.
Cute, and strangely alien like. I can't say anything else that the others haven't already, except to keep up the work.
Well you definitely pulled off the whole pokemon thing. Congratulations on your success, I would like to ask you if I can feature your template on my site if that is okay with you.



Nice work on the templated..buuuttttt...your icons need work, you need to have an outline...not necessarily black...but a darker tone of the outer colour of the icon.

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