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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

oh you merged with victor engine? but thats a 2D side view battle system.... thats nothing compared to your chrono trigger battle system which out ranks the side view battle system by a mile in any given day... ya ya, the victor system may have all kinds of features but it still doesnt change the fact that its a side view battle system... yours is superior and cant never be compared against any other battle system in my opinion... its sad to see this wonderful battle system go to waste..... :cry:



susanM":xfcapgsr said:
oh you merged with victor engine? but thats a 2D side view battle system.... thats nothing compared to your chrono trigger battle system which out ranks the side view battle system by a mile in any given day... ya ya, the victor system may have all kinds of features but it still doesnt change the fact that its a side view battle system... yours is superior and cant never be compared against any other battle system in my opinion... its sad to see this wonderful battle system go to waste..... :cry:
You totally wrong, it's a multiview battle system, like the ACBS (can be sideview, frontview, isometric, and custom) with far more customizable options and far better compatibility. In fact the default of Victor Engine is front view, since the other views that require actors needs the Actors Battlers scripts.
The CT add-on for the victor engine is just a matter of time.

The ACBS is great, but VE - Animated Battle is far greater.
Just comparling their lifetime, the ACBS took 2 years to reach the level he is today. the full version of VE - Animated Battle was relased two weeks ago, and it already gives a level of control beyond the ACBS would ever reach.

Sosaria":xfcapgsr said:
Does that mean that this script won't be receiving anymore updates? D: I've been looking forward to the next release, too. :(
I'm still planing making a last update for bug fixes. But who knows when i will be in the mood for that?
atoa":1je65hch said:
Sosaria":1je65hch said:
Does that mean that this script won't be receiving anymore updates? D: I've been looking forward to the next release, too. :(
I'm still planing making a last update for bug fixes. But who knows when i will be in the mood for that?
That's good to hear. ^^ All in good time, right?



Do you know that the videos you had put up in the first post is non-existant (it said that the video's unavailable due to the fact that the user opted out of Youtube). :eek::

BTW, Victor Engine is for RPG Maker VX Ace, not for RPG Maker XP (IFAIK).

EDIT: Never realized YOU'RE Victor! :shock:

Well anyway, if you're have the time, it would be nice to port the Victor Engine scripts to the older RPG Maker engines (especially RMXP, which I have).

If you do, PLEASE port Animated Battlers?
Hi There! :x, i have questions bout using the Custom Damage Add-On:

How cna i make an Skill that Heals or do Damage according to a maximum HP Percentage???
something like those
is this ok for a skill that dels damage based on the attacker defense?
"[user.pdef - {def} / 2, 0].max * (20 + user.pdef) / 20"

thats all :X
EDIT: I thought I found a bug, but it was a matter of conflicting scripts. Just a matter of finding which one is causing the error. ><

My bad, sorry about that!



ok im getting this error when I click the status sub-menu in the main menu.


i understand this is not ur script that has the error, but maybe its something in your script that is causing this error? I remember before you said something about conflicting fonts. anyway here is the area of code that is getting the error, hopefully you can tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I can change (besides the entire script).

 class Bitmap

    alias old_bitmap_dt draw_text

    def draw_text(x, y, *args)

      return draw_text(x.x, x.y, x.width, x.height, y, *args) if x.is_a? Rect

      oldcolor = font.color.dup

      if font.shadow.active?

        font.color = font.shadow.color

        size = font.shadow.size

        [u]old_bitmap_dt(x + size, y + size, *args)[/u][i] Line 456[/i]


      if font.outline.active?

        font.color = font.outline.color

        size = font.outline.size

        range_x = (x - size)..(x + size)

        range_y = (y - size)..(y + size)

        font.color.alpha *= size / ((range_x.last - range_x.first) *

                                    (range_y.last - range_y.first) - 1).to_f

        range_x.each do |now_x|

          range_y.each do |now_y|

            unless x == now_x and y == now_y

              old_bitmap_dt(now_x, now_y, *args)





      font.color = oldcolor

      old_bitmap_dt(x, y, *args)

Okay, I got a bug for ya.

I'm using Equipment Multi Slots add-ons, and I believe that the problem lies somewhere in:
class Window_ShopStatus < Window Base (but I could be wrong).

What happens is, in the shop menu, it will display the actor's weapons correctly next to the actor names. The error is that it does not display any of the armors equipped. =(

Here's the code for convenience. Only thing modified is that I translated some Portuguese.

# ** Window_ShopStatus


#  This window displays number of items in possession and the actor's equipment

#  on the shop screen.



class Window_ShopStatus < Window_Base


  # * Refresh


  def refresh


    return if @item.nil?

    case @item

    when RPG::Item

      number = $game_party.item_number(@item.id)

    when RPG::Weapon

      number = $game_party.weapon_number(@item.id)

    when RPG::Armor

      number = $game_party.armor_number(@item.id)


    self.contents.font.color = system_color

    self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 200, 32, 'Number in possession:')

    self.contents.font.color = normal_color

    self.contents.draw_text(204, 0, 32, 32, number.to_s, 2)

    return if @item.is_a?(RPG::Item)

    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size

      actor = $game_party.actors[i]

      if actor.equippable?(@item)

        self.contents.font.color = normal_color


        self.contents.font.color = disabled_color


      self.contents.draw_text(4, 64 + 64 * i, 120, 32, actor.name)

      for n in 0...actor.equip_kind.size

        id = actor.equip_kind[n]

        if @item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) 

          item1 = $data_weapons[actor.equip_id[n]] if id == 0


          if $data_armors[actor.equip_id[n]].type == @item.type_id and not

             (@item.type_id == 1 and actor.two_swords_style)

            item1 = $data_armors[actor.equip_id[n]]




      if actor.equippable?(@item)

        change = 0

        if @item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon)

          atk1 = item1 != nil ? item1.atk : 0

          atk2 = @item != nil ? @item.atk : 0

          change = atk2 - atk1

        elsif @item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) and @item.kind <= 2

          pdef1 = item1 != nil ? item1.pdef : 0

          mdef1 = item1 != nil ? item1.mdef : 0

          pdef2 = @item != nil ? @item.pdef : 0

          mdef2 = @item != nil ? @item.mdef : 0

          change = pdef2 - pdef1 + mdef2 - mdef1

        elsif @item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) and  @item.kind > 2

          change = 0

          item1 = nil


        if change > 0 and actor.equippable?(@item)

          self.contents.font.color = text_color(3)

        elsif change < 0 and actor.equippable?(@item)

          self.contents.font.color = text_color(2)


        self.contents.draw_text(64, 64 + 64 * i, 128, 32,sprintf('%+d', change), 2)

        self.contents.font.color = normal_color


      if item1 != nil

        x = 4

        y = 64 + 64 * i + 32

        bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item1.icon_name)

        opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128

        self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24), opacity)

        self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 212, 32, item1.name)





And yep, I have tested this in the original ACBS demo, and it's a bug there too. =\
Im having a glitch when using acbs (with atb) with a seemingly simple script, the hunger thirst plugin by foreverzero(http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/top ... gerthirst/), It seems to fight it out with the Atoa Game_Battler class, If the hunger script is above it, I can remove the states normally, but not add to regen the hunger counter, if below, i can add hunger but not remove states via items. Used Items not called out via that script work fine. Since using the battle system is much higher priority, i was trying to figure out how to make it compliant with set_item_state_change in atoa, but im having trouble figuring it out on my own. Any suggestions?



any scripters out there can help me with issue?


here is code located in the "ACBS | Sprite Battler" class.


  # * Battler animation update


  def update_battler_animation

    animation = animation($data_animations[@battler.animation_id], @battler.animation_hit, @battler.animation_pos, @battler.animation_mirror)

    @battler.animation_id = 0

    @battler.animation_pos = nil

    @battler.animation_mirror = false


its been killing me. it only happens when i use the add-on skill reflect. and only when after i fixed the part in the code that was giving me another error.


here is the old code. i just changed the variable named in line 12 from action to skill.


  # * Set Battle Animation

  #     battler   : battler

  #     wait_base : base wait time


  alias set_action_anim_skillreflection set_action_anim

  def set_action_anim(battler, wait_base)


    set_action_anim_skillreflection(battler, wait_base)

    for target in battler.target_battlers

      if target.reflects != nil and not battler.reflect_set[target]

        action = battler.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) ? battler.now_action : nil

        target.animation_id = 0 if target.reflection == 0

        target.animation_id = set_reflect_anim(battler, target)

        set_reflect_anim(target, target.reflects['Magic'][3]) if battler.action_magic(skill)

        set_reflect_anim(target, target.reflects['Physic'][3]) if battler.action_physical(skill)

        battler.reflect_set[target] = true





thanks in advance
@No ID

I'm just a newbie but ...

Try this


  # * Set Battle Animation

  #     battler   : battler

  #     wait_base : base wait time


    alias set_action_anim_skillreflection set_action_anim

  def set_action_anim(battler, wait_base)


    set_action_anim_skillreflection(battler, wait_base)

    for target in battler.target_battlers

      if target.reflects != nil and not battler.reflect_set[target]

        action = battler.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) ? battler.now_action : nil

        target.animation_id = 0 if target.reflection == 0

        if battler.action_magic(action)

          target.animation_id = target.reflects['Magic'][3]


        if battler.action_physical(action) 

          target.animation_id = target.reflects['Physic'][3]


        battler.reflect_set[target] = true






So I have a small problem that's really annoying me. I have 2 battlers in my party, and when I go to battle someone, after maybe like 4 turns, the second battler in my party runs over the top of the enemy battler, and stays there in mid air for the rest of the entire battle. Any idea why? Great script btw!

edit: he seems to be only be doing it after the enemy does a Fire attack.

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