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Ability points

i just want a simple non sdk ap system....

i want it to work so that i can control the amount of ap gained by using call script in the troops tab.

BUT i don't know how without making it gettable when you escape or removing the escape option from every battle.....

i figured both of these may be common knowledge but i can't stand searching any longer. modem + limited amount of hours a month + non frequent visitor [this makes the images everywhere take ages] = Give me a break? :yes:

maybe i wasn't clear enough.....

i want to be pointed towards a script or tutorial or something that can get me ap [like ff7 but im not gona be using materia]

to call it and then to display it in a window would probably also be problems for me aswell, perhaps amongst everything else. but i'm gonna try and do this one step at a time.Work out as much as i can on my own...i think i could almost get an ap thing begun myself....i just really don't know though.....i've never scripted anything to date....and yes I'm going to do the scripting assignment in the academy sometime really soon, maybe even today! I've been waiting for ages and the questions are good ones, well worth the wait!!! :)
B-U-M-P??? i can and probably will bump this page every 72 hours untill forever...i bookmarked this page, so everytime i go onto rmxp.org, i have to go through this page first, unless i change it...and i wont. :P
ah! i saw that thread a day or two ago, was looking for it again, thx. It isn't quite what i want though.....

but i think i can change it so that there is ability levels. if i look at it hard enough =D ill ask for help if i need it..........=D
i hardly bothered to explain it well. My first post is confusing...but im used to ppl asking questions to figure out what i mean. :(

here it is...think of ability points as the same from ff7...in that u get them after a battle
3300 exp 1200 gold 2351 ap

and just like when you gets lot of exp points and go upto an experience/character level, when you get enough ap you go up an ability level in the same way.

So what i'm actually wanting is
an array [yes?] of ability levels...possibly infinite...which as u go up in ability lvls u need more ap to go up the next ability levels. [just like with character levels and exp points!!!! except...with infinite levels. each next one, created after having made the previous one, so it will not be possible to go down ability levels]

so like this
ability level|ability points to next level


you see, something like that...but maybe with a slightly more complex way to calculate the required ap for next level :P

what i'm not asking is for this ap system to be linked to skills...
bcuz thats gonna be the easy part.....i think..... :(

ok so....have i explained it well?

i hardly plan on using this in a game...i just want to play with it and have some fun with rmxp :)

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