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A Shtikl of Bread

Well, this seems like an extraordinary coincidence. At the moment, I am studying my last year at high school before going on to university. As an assignment, we have to write and score a musical for assessment. If I could use your lyrics and compose a proper musical this could benefit us both. You would get your lyrical talent scored, and I would get a good mark.

What do you say?
Nice. That sounds like a pretty difficult/unusual assignment, to write and score an entire musical. Are you graduating out of a high school with a big music program or something like that? Or are you just getting a specialized high school diploma or something?

Well, anyways, good luck. Hope my lyrics give you inspiration. :)
Well it's not to score an entire musical, just a single song. But I would gladly do several if it means your work is completed.

No diplomas/programs (though i wish they had one available), but I'm planning on going on to do tertiary studies on music etc, eventually becoming a teacher. Hopefully.
Wowsers ^.^

Someone should record the songs and someone else do the cut scenes in RMXP. We could get custom spriters and people, everything!

An RMXP musical

*Commence Singing*

Look upon the streets
Tell me what you see
Gentleman, my friends,
This is not our Germany!

Like a bunch of rats they move.
In Munich or Berlin
It's the filthy, rotten, greedy Jews
It all begins with them!

*Commence Talking"

Hitler: But that's not all my friends.

*Commence Singing*

Wandering from place to place
Like sheep in a corral.
They calls themselves the (does "quotation symbols" with hands)Roma
but they're just animals.

Nazi 2: Some would call them gypsies
Nazi 1:Others call them men

But, my friends, no, they are below
So I say "off with them!"

*Commence Talking"

Nazi 1: So the Jews and gypsies are to blame.

Hitler: They may have infected us, but their disease has brought others to our homeland.

Nazi 2: Others? Like Who?

Hitler: Well....

*Commence Singing*

There are Socialists, and Soviets
Who just sit on their asses.
They really do just make me sick.
Useless, commie masses.

*Commence talking*

Hitler: That's right, useless. Just like-

*Commence Singing*

The disabled people, cripples all.
Whether in the body or in mind.
If they can’t walk, then they must crawl.
For they are below all mankind.

After all, they cannot work.
So tell me why they should eat.
They should not get, all the perks.
That belong to the German elite.

And what of lesbians and gays?
Simply sexual junkies.
They'll never have children anyway.
No better than sterile monkeys.

Poland - is our neighbor next door
But they are an inferior race.
So then - We must go to war.
As they occupy German living space.

*cue short musical solo*

And for those who disagree?
Do they not have freedom of speech?
No, they will soon see.
If they will not learn, than we must teach!

Gypsies, Jews, and Commies
Cripples, Gays, and Poles
But Not in our Germany
For they are not our goal.

Nazi 1: A master race, to rule them all!

Nazi 2: No lesser people bringing it down.

Hitler: So will Germany answer my call?

Nazi 1: Yes!

Nazi 2: Yes!

Hitler: So then I'll stick around!

*cue several Nazi’s coming on stage*

Hitler and Nazis:

Gypsies, Jews, and Commies
Cripples, Gays, and Poles
But Not in our Germany
For they are not our goal.

A master race, to rule them all!
No lesser people bringing it down.
Yes, Germany will answer his (Hitler says my) call!

So I’ll  just stick [Nazi’s join in now] aroooooooooooooooooound!
I haven't posted here in awhile, but here's another post

The Meek - Sung by young hitler

They say that the meek...will inherit the earth
That pride and greed are sins and sins are bad
But I''ve known it since... even my birth
Since I was just a young and youthful, german lad

I have the strength, and I have the will
To go to any length - but still...

They say the meek shall inherit the earth
Not the mighty or the strong
No, the ones who don't have any worth.
But It's their thinking that is wrong.

Oh they say in the end,
It will all go to the meek
Oh they say in the end,
It will all go to the weak
They say that in the end,
Those with power; doomed to fall
But I say that in the end
I will have it all

I look upon the streets
People sitting on the ground
The gravel neath' their feet,
Doing nothing; sitting around

These people are the meek
They have no strength or might
They're just pathetic people, weak,
wallowing in their plight.

Oh I say that in the end, the meek,
will have nothing at all
Unless they can become strong,
It is they who will fall

I know that I am right,
I know I can't be wrong
I know that it is to the mighty that power belongs
Yes, only to the strong
To the mighty and the strong,
All the rest are tag-alongs
I'm not wrong;
They are wrong!
They are wrong!

I say the mighty will inherit the earth
The human race lies in the strong,
not useless afterbirth.

And though they might say otherwise,
Their bullshit's nothing but lies,
They are wrong and I am a right
They are not willing to fight
They are weak and uselsss to
Dumb and meek, like useless jews

They will not get up and fight
For what it is they think in right
Therefore they are wrong,
Because I'm strong.

Oh they say in the end,
It will all go to the meek
Oh they say in the end,
It will all go to the weak
They say that in the end,
Those with power; doomed to fall
But I say that in the end...Yes, I say that in the end
Oh I say that in the end!!!
I will have it all
Been over a year, but I was looking over some of this stuff and had the idea for a song. A necrobump, but it's my topic right? :P

I guess this song would be the opening number? >_>

EXTRA EXTRA (War's not our problem)
Sung by: Paper Boy, Townspeople

Paper Boy:
EXTRA, EXTRA, have I got a story for you!
EXTRA, EXTRA, a story I promise is true!
Read all about it, I ain't gonna shout it
Buy just one paper- the headline is WAR
Don't you dare doubt it, don't be without it
Buy just one paper - it won't be a bore.

Townspeople (Side 1):
Commonwealth aided
Poland, invaded
By Germany, the enemy!
Townspeople (Side 2):
We're not persuaded
Though Germany's raided,
We have to confess, we couldn't care less!

Townspeople (Side 2):
WAR! (It's a bloody thing)
WAR!( It's a muddy thing)
WAR! (It's a cruddy thing)
Who the hell would want to attend?
Who the hell would want to-
(New Singer)
Suspend our daily lives for war? (Who wants to do it anyway?)
It's simply better to ignore! (It's not our problem for today)

Let Europe deal with Europe's mess
There's no reason we should distress
Let Poland deal with Poland's fight
There's no reason to be their knight
Whatever their trouble, whatever their plight
Whether they're dying, in day or night
Whether their winning or losing, it's alright (There's only one thing we can say)
Who cares - It's not our problem anyway!

Townspeople (Side 1):
WAR! (We have to do something!)
WAR!(Can we really do nothing?)
WAR! (Should we just stand and sing?)
Who the hell would want to just sit back!
Who the hell wouldn't want to-
(New Singer)
Attack those who attack our ally? (It is our duty to defend)
Sounds like words of a German spy! (Our will's not something they can bend)

A fight with them is a fight with us
So we gotta make a fuss
If it's what they want it's what they'll get
They weren't counting on America yet!
Now they're in trouble, now they'll fret
Whatever the time, we'll be their threat
And you better believe that they'll regret (This is all that we can say)
Their war! It's a problem for them, okay?

Commonwealth aided
We're not persuaded
Poland, invaded
Though Germany's raided,
By Germany, the enemy!
We have to confess, we couldn't care less!

WAR! (It's a bloody thing) (We have to do something!)
WAR!( It's a muddy thing) (Can we really do nothing?)
WAR! (It's a cruddy thing) (Should we just stand and sing?)
WAR! (It's a bloody thing) (We have to do something!)
WAR!( It's a muddy thing) (Can we really do nothing?)
WAR! (It's a cruddy thing) (Should we just stand and sing?)

*silence for 5 seconds*

Townspeople (United):
There's no point in tryin', people are dyin'
Though they're thousands of miles away
There's no point in cryin', there's no point in lyin'
We're not gonna save the day

Apathy to the highest degree
Cold and callous uncaring
The people have adamantly decreed
We don't intend to be sharing

*softer tone*

Ohhhhhh, War's a bloody thing
Ohhhh, War's a muddy thing
Ohhhh, War's a cruddy thing
And we don't want a part of it!
We don't want a part of it!
We don't want a part of it!

Not a tiny fraction, not a battle or two
Not a bit of action, do we want to accrue
We won't be just a faction of the allied crew
No, No, No, No, No
It's not our battle, it's not our land
No need to prattle if you understand
It's not a demand, it's a command!
It's not a demand, it's a command!
It's not a demaaaaaaaaaaand, it's a command!

War, It's a bloody thing
War, It's a muddy thing
War, It's a cruddy thing
We imploreeeeeeeeeeeeee-
That you ignoreeeeeee
The call for war (The call for war)
So we implore (So we implore)
The call for war, You must ignoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-

War, it's not our issue
War, but don't get your tissues
War, there's no need to cry
War, people die
War, it's not okay
War, not today
War, how do we convey....
It's not our problem anyway!
This is the good old USA
Hey! It's not our problem
Say! It's not our problem
Hey! It's not our problem anyway!
Hey! It's not our problem
Say! It's not our problem
Hey! It's not our problem anyway!
Because this is. The. Good. Old.
*stop singing*
We're A-Okay!

I was also thinking about writing a reprise for after the Pearl Harbor attacks, which, as you might guess, has the Townspeople (Side 1) coming out on top.

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