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A request...



I don't know what it is called so i couldn't search for it o_O;;

But anyways, I am searching for SOMETHING that makes a image to show when i peson talk. Like the picture of the character to show. Not a face set. Like in for example Fire Emblem for those people that have played the game. You see the charater's images on either right or left side over the text window telling that he is the one that talks. >.< Sry if i am sounding unclear or so. I am not THAT good at english xP

EDIT: Stupid title on thread... it should be request not requesest. >__>;;
For one, this really isn't a resource...it is more of a General Support question.

Secondly, the show what you described, you are going to need to use events. Let me make you a demo real quick.
Dear Naira,
I'm here to tell you, you're worrying too much! This can all be done with a couple pictures, a fancy windowskin and a couple common events. First, set your windowskin up, then create images for placing the speech-bubble tail facing either left or right. Then, using more common events, set-up the player's graphics. See? Just a few small tricks. Events are powerful, moreso than they're given credit.
Hope this helps,
The message system I gave you does just that, by the way... put the full body image in th Pictures folder and choose to show those. Then you can choose to put it below, inside or above the text message. Put it above. You can also make the "comics balloon" stuff and decide where to place the text box and how large it has to be. It's all in the demo. ;)



Ilris82;111292 said:
The message system I gave you does just that, by the way... put the full body image in th Pictures folder and choose to show those. Then you can choose to put it below, inside or above the text message. Put it above. You can also make the "comics balloon" stuff and decide where to place the text box and how large it has to be. It's all in the demo. ;)

Oh thank you! XD I look it up then. o__O

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