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A Picture as a Tileset map (?)


Awesome Bro

This request is a little hard for me to explain, but I'll try my best:
What it does
What I want it to be able to do, is make it so you are able to set a picture as your Tileset/Map that you can walk on, It sounds kind of confusing, But if you look at the Reference Pictures, you'll see what I mean.

When you have drawn your picture for your map, You draw another picture, but make it all red or something, of the area that you can walk around, Here are some pictures I've just drawn on Paint(Yeah, their crap !)

^ is the Tileset map replacement (Not for my game of course, Just a quick picture)

^ is the walkable area of the map, so the player cannot move out of the boundaries set.

So in the end:
^ This is what the result should be like, So as I said, you can walk anywhere in the red area, but you cannot go out of it.

This would be like what Squaresoft used for Final Fantasy 7, 8, and 9 (Not too sure about 7, or any others, I only noticed it with 8 and 9)
If you forgot what it was, Here are some pictures:

I hope I've supplied enough information for this, Because it would really make my life alot easier.

Hope someone takes this request,
Thanks for reading,
I understand what you're talking about. The walkable area you are talking about is called a Walkmesh.
Here's the walkmesh for Wutai in FF7:
It's a simple concept, especially for 2D. I was thinking of making something like this but I don't have enough free time (maybe later!). You should take a look at the Pixel Movement script which use zPassability maps. It's almost the same concept. If you want to use an image instead of a tileset, you can make them as panoramas.
Why not use a transparent tile in your current map's tileset to show a map-sized panorama underneath, and just use impassible, transparent events to block your passage?

That was done in an old RM2K game series called 'The Way'. The backdrop artwork was excellent. They even used semi-transparent 'pictures' to create tree shading patterns for your charsets to walk under.

You will want to make sure that there's some sort of impassible border around the map so you don't reach the actual edge of the 'drawn' map. Just use the same-said transparent events.
|                                   |
| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
| *             ^                 * |
| *             |                 * |
| *           events -----------> * |
| *        to block you           * |
| *                               * |
| *                               * |
| *                               * |
| *                               * |
| *                               * |
| *                               * |
| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
|                                   |


Awesome Bro

@ Dargor, Hurray ! Someone knows what I'm talking about :) !, Hehe, and I hope you get some free time to do it, lol.

@ DerWulfman, Is there a link anywhere to download that game ? And I know what you mean by using the events, But that would lag my game like hell, Although I think someone has made a script that makes it so 1 event can be so many tiles high and wide (eg. 2x3 = 2 tiles wide, 3 tiles high).
Not events - tiles.

Rather than laying down a "Floor" tile, use the tile in the upper-left corner (clear tile) to lay down an invisible floor everywhere on your map you want your characters to be able to walk.

Then, use a different "blank" tile, set to Impassable, to lay down a border where the player cannot walk.

Now, set your picture to a panorama so it appears in the background.
Figure out the size of your map (you can even export it) and then create your background to size in your photo program of choice (Photoshop, GIMP, etc.).

Or vice versa. You can figure out the pixel size of your image and set your map size to fit.

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