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[A] 'Original' CBS request(along with a smaller one)

Oh god, I hope I'm doing this right. I read the 'How to make a decent request' topic, so I know how much of a long shot this is. But I really have nothing to lose soo...here goes nothing.

I'd like to request an 'original' CBS based off of my own ideas, and not a premade copy/paste battle system. Some components of my ideas may already exist, so if it'll make it easier, then by all means, use parts of other scripts to put this together. Anyways I'll cut to the chase. Images are placed where necessary.

This is what I want the system to look like. Along with general screens that don't require their own sections

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... Layout.png[/IMG]

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... ayout2.png[/IMG]

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... out4-1.png[/IMG]

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... out3-1.png[/IMG]

The system is an Individual Turns battle system with support for ONLY three members. The maximum amount of enemies should also be three. I also want to emphasize the that it while it is a turn based system, I want actions to be executed at a fast pace. At it's very basic form, it's throwback to my battle system in the 2K3 version. I thought it was almost perfect, save for the built in limits of the 2K3 battle system, plus I refuse to use public scripts for major stuff like this. Just some general notes to point out

- I will provide you with any and all graphics necessary for all the systems.

- The font for numbers and letters in the images is just a sprited example font. Feel free to use a blocky font with a brown outline. Provided it fits the windows and stuff.

- In the above item menu shot, There are two groups. Healing items and Alchemy items that have been made beforehand. You switch item groups with the left/right keys and scroll through your items with the up/down keys. The small bar at the bottom is for item descriptions. Since it's small, it'd be nice if it had a scrolling effect for the longer explanations. that also goes for all the other menus as well.

- I like to use different terms than the default, so I renamed all of the stats. You'll have to bear with me there. But know that LF/EP is HP/MP and Ether Arts is just Magic.

- Like I said above, the aim of the system is to be fast and hectic when actions are taken. However, I don't like ATB. It's too much of a Final Fantasy thing for my tastes and I believe that one should stay FAR away from FF when making a game. So this isn't an RTAB or ATB, but an individual turns system that has a fast pace and plenty of action without that ATB crap.

- The Battle status window doesn't have room for status effects, I figured I could just use status effect animations that stick out enough to get the message across so if it's possible, don't add that to the window.

- I want the command Menu to fit above the the battle status window of the character whose turn it is. See the example image above.

- Example Video from another game: http://youtube.com/watch?v=TLKhijvvxFc

Here is a video from a game called Atelier Iris: Grand Phantasm. Notice how the battle system is turn-based, yet when a character takes an action, they do it at a pretty fast pace? That's what I want. Not the battle system itself, but the speed at which it flows.(and maybe the multiple hits, but I'm sure a script could be modded for that kind of speed of hits)

- I don't know if this is going to be a problem, but I want the layout to be composed entirely of sprited pictures. Why? Because I sprite all my layouts rather than having a script make windows. I think it adds a bit of personal touch. Again, I will provide you with any and all graphics necessary for all the systems.

- When defending, 40 OB is lost(OB will be explained in the outburst section), but in ML when you defend, you REALLY defend. Think of it as the Mighty Guard option in RPG Maker 2K3. If you haven't used 2K3, it basically means that Defending is really effective. You can still get knocked out while defending, sure, but I want it to be more effective than usual. Just to be an option that's actually worth using. Another example would be, say a character has 1000 HP. An enemy damages them for 300 HP unguarded, but while defending the damage taken is only 50. That's worth using right?

~System Mechanics~

---- Multiple Attack System ----

Instead of having a single attack command, characters have a choice of choosing which normal attack to use by choosing the attack command, choosing a target, and pressing a directional key for a different attack. Different enemies are weak to different attacks. Look at the enemy to tell what to use on it. Using the wrong attack on the wrong enemy simply results in VERY little damage, like 10% damage. Landing the right attack results in 100% damage, provided you didn't miss. The directional keys that link to which attack go as follows.

Up = Uppercut attack that hits flying enemies. Some characters don't have an uppercut so pressing up will lead to a buzzer sound.

Down = Downwards attack that hits small enemies. Some characters don't have a downward attack so pressing up will lead to a buzzer sound.

Left = Thrust attack that pierces armor and thick hides. Some characters don't have a thust so pressing up will lead to a buzzer sound.

Right = A standard slash attack. Good if you can't tell what to use. Some characters don't have slash attacks so pressing right will lead to a buzzer sound.

Example Images:
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... ayout2.png[/IMG]

The character Chooses the Strike command.

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... out6-1.png[/IMG]

This setup will then appear around the attacking character after they have chosen a target.The target indicator is the name of the enemy with the HP below the angled line.

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... out7-1.png[/IMG]

The attack character will then rush to the target and perform the specific action! Yes Uppercut is spelled wrong, I know.

---- Action Reward System ----

At the start of battle a message is displayed showing the action on top and the reward on the bottom. By doing that action you receive the benefit listed. Action rewards change after a number of turns in an endless cycle until the battle is over. An example would be the image below. The action is 'Use Ether Arts' and the reward is 'Life Recovery'. So by using Ether Arts, you'll recover a small percentage of life. I will provide a list of actions and rewards to whoever takes this up.(it's not huge)

Example Image(It's from the 2K3 battle system, but the point still gets across):

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... MLII12.png[/IMG]

---- Outburst System ----

When a character performs a normal attack, they'll gain OB based on the action taken and their personal gauge will fill up. When 100 points are reached, a character can use an Outburst, a moderately strong attack skill or Support skill unique to that character. The Outburst Gauge holds 300 points, so at max, three Outbursts can be used. Outbursts are NOT to be confused with Limit Breaks however. It's hard to explain but they're just normal skills with a 'minilock' placed on them. It doesn't last long enough, nor is powerful enough to be limit break, and it's too long to be usable at will. A sort of middle ground. All characters have unique and multiple Outbursts. The Outburst battle command should only be replace the Strike command when a character can use it and it should open up a normal menu with a list of Outburst skills. The amount of OB gained or lost based on actions are as follows.

(Strike) - 50 OB Gained

(Ether Arts) - 20 OB Gained

(Defend) - 40 OB Lost

(Item) - 20 OB Gained

(Personal Arts) - 40 OB Gained

(Outburst) - 100 OB Lost

Example Images:

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... out8-1.png[/IMG]

At 300 OB there is more than enough for a character to use one. Notice that Strike is now Outburst?

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... out9-1.png[/IMG]

The Outburst menu, nothing special.

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... ut10-1.png[/IMG]

The Outburst is unleashed! Some Outbursts should hit more than once, just FYI.

---- Skill Movement system ----

In the Original 2K3 version, Player characters had unique skills(Outbursts, and now Personal Action and Finish Bursts as well) where they actually moved to the enemy and their sprites actually did stuff or they did an action unique to that skill. I want this back in because I'm not fond of the character standing in place and 'casting' their physical skills as if they were spells. I want them to actually do something. Since RMXP has new possibilities It would be nice if specific enemies could have elaborate skills as well, like human boss enemies and so on.
Example Images: Refer to the outburst and multiple attack example images.

---- Finish Burst System ----

The gauge at the top of the screen is the Finish Burst Gauge. It is a pooled gauge that increases when a party member attacks/uses an Ether Art/Personal action. When a Finish Burst is used it reverts to zero. The Finish Burst Gauge resets after every battle, no carrying it over to the next. That should balance out the usage of it. When full, the character that got the gauge filling attack will be able to pull of a Finish Burst, which is a ridiculously powerful and flashy 'finishing' move, though it's not a garenteed kill. All playable characters have one unique Finish Burst. The mechanics of the finish Burst gauge goes as follows

- The FB gauge has 300 points, just like the Outburst Gauge.

- When a party member attacks/uses Ether/uses a personal command/gets killed the gauge goes up by 20 points

- when 300 points are reached, 'Finish Burst' can be used by character that filled the gauge by pressing 'Z' when their command menu is up. It will register as a decision and close the menu and the Finish Burst will commence. When used, it's obviously disabled.

Example Images(RM2K3 again, joy):

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... II10-1.png[/IMG]

A dynamic face cut-in of the character flashes by. The cut in starts at the side and moves to the other side of the cut in window, fading out on the way.

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... MLII11.png[/IMG]

Finish Burst is Executed! Poor Enemies...

Personal Actions : All characters had a special command in their command window in the 2k3 version. These commands were all useful in their own ways. I'd like to bring them back to the command window if possible. All Personal Actions, except Patchy's and Suika's, cost 30 EP to execute. The commands go as follows

Relima: Aura Blade: Damages an enemy and Relima relative to remaining LF divided by 2 + random number between 1 ? 10. Relima cannot kill herself using this technique.

Caith: Focus Ki: Normal attacks hit twice instead of once for a period of five of Caith's turns.

Razhell: Demon Will: Heals entire party with dark energy. Algorithm is Knowledge divided by 2 + random number between 20 ? 40.

Sion: Triple Strike: Strikes an enemy three times. Algorithm is Power divided by 2 + random number between 1 ? 25.

Patchoulli: Peek: Scan the enemy for current and max LF/EP, stats, and weaknesses. Has no cost.

Klaus: Intimidate: Has a one in three chance of scaring normal enemies away. The rate for bosses becomes 1 in 20

Alice: Dragon Form: Transforms into a large Ice Dragon that waits for a few turns and then uses a powerful Ether Art before reverting.

Suika: EP Gift: Takes 50 of Suika's EP and restores 50 of an ally's EP. Requires at least 50 EP to use.

Marien: Silencer: 1 in 5 chance of instantly killing an enemy. Extra Soul points are granted for the success of the technique. The rate for bosses becomes 1 in 20.

---- Alchemy System(This ties in with my second request) ----

If you're running short of material items, then your characters can do some Alchemy mid battle. The way alchemy works is that you extract 'elements' from the enviroment when moving about the field out of battle. Be it a barrel or a patch of red flowers, you can extract it's elements to use later on. All 'interactable' objects have elements to extract and they all give different elements. So in short I'll need the field extraction part along with the battle menu, and a way to set up learnable solutions.

Example images:

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... ayout2.png[/IMG]

When using in battle, choose the alchemy command.

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... ut11-1.png[/IMG]

This menu will show up. Your learned alchemy solutions are to the left. Your total amount of elements are to the top right, and the cost is to the bottom right. When you're done choosing a magic casting animation will play on the character and then they'll either use the newly created item to support a party member/the entire party or attack a single enemy/all enemies depending on the item made. Also, if it's possible could an outside version of the alchemy menu be made? I'll provide the graphics for it as ususal.(Not necessary for now though)

---- Battle Report ----

...It's an end of battle report. One thing to note is that there is NO EXP. Default levelling has no presence in this system. Instead the party gets a pooled value known as Soul Points. It goes with another system of mine, but that'll wait for another day.

Example Image:

http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... ut12-1.png[/IMG]

--- Compatibility ---

- I'd like this to be compatible with Trickster's Passive Effects Script listed here. http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9411

- And please leave some kind of opening for inserting voice clips for unique actions, I'll be using those as well.


Hmm...Well I can't offer much. I am a spriter and a secondary artist though, so I can sprite or draw in exchange for this crap though if that's what it'll take to get this realized. That's how much I want it. My fields are Charsets, Battle sprites, and Sprited Menu layouts. With drawing, it's mostly just chibis and concept art.


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