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[A] Legend Of Legaia Input System

Before i Begin i do not expect one person to do all features alone unless they wanted to. I would appreciate if the same person did the whole system as it would make sure compatibility was flawless, but is not necessary unless the scripter prefers doing it all.

Anyways onto the system
Similar to this system here http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9137

but used for attacks instead of skills. well here is the wikipedia explaination

Instead of simply choosing a spell or attack, on a turn the player chooses a combination of moves (examples: left-handed punch, high kick, etc.) and then allows the attack to 'resolve'. A sequence of moves (as long as 13 actions in a string) could form stronger attacks. This combo-based system (similar in many respects to fighting games such as Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter 2) was revolutionary for its time. Also important to the battle system are Seru monsters, such as Gimard and Viguro. Defeating a Seru-monster in battle while wearing a Ra-Seru provides a chance that the Ra-Seru will absorb the Seru monster. If this happens, the character wearing that Ra-Seru can summon that Seru to perform a magic attack, which becomes stronger the more it is used. As with most magic systems in RPG's, this consumes magic power. In addition, there is a "Spirit" command, in which a character defends for one round, but takes reduced damage and on the next turn can perform a longer sequence of attacks, and will have more Art Points available for combos. This is especially helpful when a player knows that a boss is about to use a very powerful attack, such as when Zeto uses his "Big Wave" attack which takes one turn to charge up.

Is it ok to post videos of the battle system instead of screenshots?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8mUlfV5mIs its 9 minutes, im trying to find the shorter one i had earlier

now time to explain the features. First theres 3 stats Hp, Mp and the new one AP each combination uses a certain amount of AP.
http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/7120b1411b.png[/img](stat windows are shown here)

When you choose Begin it gives you 4 commands Item(up) Attack(left) Spirit (Down) Meta (Right)
http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/b0882bef88.png[/img](stat windows are shown here)

Item - Pretty obvious. Takes you to the item screen
http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.c0826c0449.png[/img](stat windows are shown here)
Attack - this is where the fun begins. When you choose attack theres two commands, auto or command. Choosing Auto automatically selects random inputs that could result in pulling of moves or not
http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/65ee7e6743.png[/img] (stat windows are shown here)

Command gives you 4 options High (up) Arms (left) Low (down) and RaSeru (right)
http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/a65b9ae039.png[/img](stat windows arent shown here)

and theres a button that brings up the list of moves you know, basically, each command is a certain size (in LoL they change sizes depending on equips but i don't want it like that) that fits into a bar at the bottom of the screen, which gets bigger throughout the game as your RaSeru levels up (happens when you resurrect a genesis tree which is through events)
each command does damage depending on what you have equipped (high would be helms/hats etc, arms would be weapons, low would be boots and such) and if you put the commands in the right order it would do a special move eg high low high would do somersault.
http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/a616065204.png[/img](stat windows arent shown here)

When you first do a new move it says NEW ARTS across the screen (an image can be used for that) and they then do that move that they unlocked. When a new move is learned it is then added to the move list which can be opened on the attack screen when choosing your moves (high low etc).
http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/2c866c7e7f.png[/img](stats arent shown here)

also certain moves (called hyper arts if im not mistaken) can only be learned through events/items so even if you know the combo EG (low high high arms high) it will just do the regular attacks for low high high arms high unless you used the item to teach you the combo or talked to a "master". hmm I think thats it for the attack command
http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/e88d5ad2e2.png[/img](stats arent shown here)

EDIT: Status windows are not on screen when doing button combos, or while the attacks/spells/items are happening after all commands have been chosen that turn

Spirit - This lets you regenerate AP and makes your AP bar bigger for a turn to fit in more commands

Meta - This is the RaSeru aka the magic system, Basically this is how it works. Certain monsters are called Seru which are basically the spells, to get spells you have to defeat the Seru monsters last if theres other monsters in the battle and whichever character defeats the monster, theres a certain percentage of getting that spell. Also the spells Lvl up after a certain number of usage causing them to do more damage or have a better effect (if its a status or healing spell)
http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.9a4edf2d3d.png[/img](stats window is still shown here)

Some Scripts That Can Be Used For This With Some Edits (for those who don want to do everything from scratch)

Blitz Skills - http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9137
AP Skill System - http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9233
Skill Update - http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9183
Individual Commands - http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4462
Multi Equip - http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14046

im not sure what battle system i want this for but most likely the default battle system is what i will use



i have this kind of battle system before
it was 2 years ago and my computer was formatted ,
but its not very similar to the legend of legaia but its a lil bit
the attack input, check combo input and the ap system is quite similar to legend of legaia

i posted a topic of this before in rmxp.net my username there is "Takishuda" since its down now no one can reveal my work again
even me i forgot the script i made before, i made that script for almost 2 weeks thats with a picture as a script
i made a picture to have them as the "LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN,Ra-Seru and what so ever"
i have the class of "Scene_AttackInput"
which when a player choose the attack command this scene will execute
and check the AP available and then you can go for a moves (ex. 50 ap can make 4 moves) if ap is 0 or not much, the attacker cant attack unless he uses the "Spirit Command" first

i also have the "Scene_CheckCombo"
where it checks the moves entered
for example of a list of Scene_CheckCombo
"Soul Rage = UP,DOWN,UP"
if the player enter UP,DOWN,UP the player will execute the attack "Soul Rage"
by using the skill event

pretty simple ryt? but i dont have much time to do that again
ask for others maybe they can help you

but great idea for making it new again to me
i will try to make a newer version if i can get some extra time

im pretty sure someone could help you with this
actually i think the ap only gets consumed if you do one of the arts like your example up down up takes 10 ap, but if you only have 5 ap the it will just do the default attacks of up and down until you use an item to raise ap or use the spirit command
so you can do the normal up down left right attacks without ap but if you try doing one of the combos without the right amount of ap then it does the regualr attacks instead
yes i know about that its linked to in the first post.

I thought of a way this can be done somehow using a few scripts on the site if anyone is willing to help me through it. Let me know and ill post my idea here.
Bump I've Thought of a way to do some of it, but i need to edit some current scriptsso that it only effects skills with a pre determined element tag is selected if someone knows how to do this or doesnt understand please post so i can explain better if needed

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