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[A+] Job (Class) Changes

Hello... :D
:( please don't be intimidated by the size :(

I would like a script that allowed job/class changes to be made via the menu similar to that of Final Fantasy Tactics. I'm not trying to make a fan game or anything but I loved this job system and I'm sure others would like it too. If you are unfamiliar with what the original Final Fantasy Tactics job system was like...I'll show pictures and explain...

When one changes their class, their model changes with them. That is something I would like to be included. I did find this script by SephirothSpawn today which may help to get people less reluctant to help.
SephirothSpawn said:
class Game_Actor
Actor_Class_CharacterName = {
actor_id => {class_id => filename, ...},
Actor_Class_CharacterHue = {
actor_id => {class_id => hue, ...},
Actor_Class_BattlerName = {
actor_id => {class_id => filename, ...},
Actor_Class_BattlerHue = {
actor_id => {class_id => hue, ...},

alias seph_classgraphics_gmprty_classid= class_id=
def class_id=(class_id)
last_class = @class_id
unless $data_classes[class_id].nil?
if Actor_Class_CharacterName.has_key?(@actor_id)
if Actor_Class_CharacterName[@actor_id].has_key?(class_id)
@character_name = Actor_Class_CharacterName[@actor_id][class_id]
if Actor_Class_CharacterHue.has_key?(@actor_id)
if Actor_Class_CharacterHue[@actor_id].has_key?(class_id)
@character_hue = Actor_Class_CharacterHue[@actor_id][class_id]
if Actor_Class_BattlerName.has_key?(@actor_id)
if Actor_Class_BattlerName[@actor_id].has_key?(class_id)
@battler_name = Actor_Class_BattlerName[@actor_id][class_id]
if Actor_Class_BattlerHue.has_key?(@actor_id)
if Actor_Class_BattlerHue[@actor_id].has_key?(class_id)
@battler_hue = Actor_Class_BattlerHue[@actor_id][class_id]
If you could make it work with the job script that would be great!

Here is the Job/Class Description:
Wikipedia does a good job describing the system...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Tactics said:
Job classes

The game makes extensive use of most of the original character classes seen in earlier Final Fantasy games, including Summoners, Wizards (Black Mages), Priests (White Mages), Monks, Lancers (Dragoons), and Thieves. Proper usage of the Job Class system is essential to victory.

All new recruits start out as either a Squire or a Chemist, the base classes for warrior and magician jobs, respectively. In battle, JP (Job Points) are rewarded for every successful action, such as attacking or casting a spell. JP are also used to learn new abilities within each job class, higher level skills or spells require higher amount of JP. Accumulating enough JP, furthermore, results in a job level up, and new jobs are unlocked by attaining a certain level in the current job class (for instance, to become a Priest or Wizard, the unit must first attain Job Level 2 as a Chemist), which also allows the character to gain more JP in that class in battles. Once all of the abilities of a job class have been learned, the class is "Mastered", and a gold star appears by its listing.

A soldier in a specific Job always have its innate skill equipped (Priests always have "White Magic," Knights always have "Battle Skill") but a second job-skill slot and several other ability slots (Reaction, Support, and Movement) can be filled with any skill the particular soldier has learned. There are many combinations and possibilities in character customization. There are a total of twenty basic job classes that can be accessed by normal characters in Final Fantasy Tactics.

The job points are used to purchase skills in the same menu as the job selection menu is. You gain Jp for the current class and depending on the amount of Jp you've earned, your characters Job level increases. In Final Fantasy Tactics, the max job level was 8, but if the max job level was editable in the script that would be great.

There are sub jobs to an extent in FFT, as mentioned in the wikipedia quote, the current job a character has will have the skills of that job, but you can select skills from a previous class sans the statistics bonuses (i.e. you can be a White Mage and have Black magic skills from the Black Mage class (skills you have already learned using Jp) but the black magic skills will be inferior opposed to when that character is a Black Mage).

The CMS is an optional (yet would be greatly appreciated) feature. No pics of it are online so I'll try to draw it....
I tried real hard on these pictures and did it from memory so.... bare with me. Heh, I used MS Paint if you can't tell...
This is the screen that you first see when you when you open your menu. Each Party member is represented by their on-screen sprite. Above them is their name, level, and job level. The only thing that you are able to highlight is a party member. Press enter on a party member to bring up the next picture...
This screen simply pops up in the center while the other background is faded. You can View invetory, use skills, equip stuff, and more importantly change jobs. Upon clicking the "Jobs" tab....
This screen is a menu for a single character... you select the characters sub job, can see his/her stats, change their job, or learn abilities! I'll show the Abilities screens first...
I fit two screens on in one slide. The darker green one pops up first in front of the other menu... this pop-up displays all of the available classes, it's level for that specific character, and how many job points that character has in that job. If a character learns all the skills in that job, it is considered "Mastered" represented by the start and cannot be selected. A job a member hasn't mastered can be selected which is the light green pop-up. It shows a list of skills available for that class, which may consist of a few pages. The picture explains itself there.
Each circle has the basic walking sprite which represents the job in it. The center circle is that character's current job. If you move to highlight another and press enter, then the character will change to that job. Regarding jobs the character hasn't made required prerequisite for will NOT be displayed. (i.e. If you need to be a lvl 2 fighter and a lvl 2 mage to become a warrior, the warrior sprite will not be displayed until that character has done so).
Feel free to add some character into it if you'd like. ^_^
The color scheme I used is not what I want it to look like. If you could... try to use this as referance... http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/6083 ... sessx0.jpg[/IMG]

So, kinda in a nutshell, this requires a second sort of experience earned from killing enemies (Job Points -JP), a sub class system (which I found by Prexus, but I don't think it work with this idea... http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showpost.php?p=95880&postcount=4), job changes in menu so almost a CMS, and Ability purchasing.

You have no idea how amazingly glad I would be if you scripted this. I'm sure I am not the only one. I understand it is a rather large request, (I hope i didn't leave something out) but I really need this. Please, please, PLEASE help me out! :)
Excellent Request. I do hope someone takes the time to do this.

I am planning on re-writing on class changing system eventually. I don't know if I will ever get back to it (so much to do, so little time), but what you have described all seems fairly reasonable. If I ever do pick it back up, I will probably make it to match the tactics job system.

The skill learning and class changing could be done fairly easily. If no one takes this, I might just do it since you requested it so well. :yes:

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