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A few Questions...

Hey all :D ,

1) I have the Logo Script and after it shows the title screen with the "New Game", "Continue", & "Exit" options but after the logo when it gets to the title screen I have the title song playing and want it to delay the options of new game ext. until the song gets to a certain point..

I'm thinking it would be like
"Delay = 10"
or something I don't know...

2) I am looking for a HUD that appears over the players head ( a Red HP bar and a Blue SP bar ) that can be turned on and off with switches.


A HUD that shows a mini picture of the character in the top left, with Hp, Sp, Exp and when you level up it might actually say level up under you're character. ( People can dream can't they :P )

[ Oh! BTW: they have to be SDK Free ( as in no SDK needed ) ]

3) I remeber I found it somewhere but Can't Remeber where, but a Decent pet system.

Thanks for all you're help in advance.
Hope I get Some Help ':|

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