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A Closer Look...

The standard in-game camera views around 20 tiles horizantally and vertically on a map, right? Could someone make it so that it views less, maybe around 10 tiles instead? Basically zoom in a little more on the character in order to make finding your way around caves/forests a tinsy bit harder. This is not to be used in battle, however.
My guess is that you'ld have to fondle around with the Win32 API functions..

* Suggestion: Make it so that the player can choose between alternate camera cycles.

Thanks alot for anyone who attempts :D
Why not draw these 'zoomed' maps with double-sized tiles, and at the same time use double-sized characters.

I mean, of course, use a tileset that would make the map APPEAR to be zoomed. Switching the character to a sprite that's twice as big should easily be possible in 'event' processing and doesn't need scripts. Then, the only thing you'd need to do is adjust the speed of the sprite on the screen, speeding it up a notch to match the effect.

The effect is basically a reversal of world-map 'zoom-out' effects that I've seen in 'Laxius Power 3' where they used a teeny-tiny tileset for the whole world, and a 1/2 sized sprite for the character when he's not indoors.
i was thinking about doing that, then i thought it would look horribly pixelated, but then again so might the zoom in script, unless some sort of antialiasing/antisotropic filtering went on, but that's a whole new level of scripting... I suppose making everything bigger is the easiest option...

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