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A Bad Dream...(Wrote from Instinct)

Last night I had one of the worst dreams of my life, I actually thought it was relay happening for a moment, I type this hands trembling holding back my inner emotion. MY thoughts still race as if the dream where some kind of sign warning me of future events. The dream took place in my home, but it didn’t feel like home, every one hated me and wanted me gone, they didn’t want me there. Near the end of the dream I was on the phone, with Angela, apparently she was in a hot tub, at first I thought nothing of it. in the dream. But soon after she started making strange comments that made me grow suspicious, something about not giving someone her warm wet pussy, and how she wanted to fuck....

My heart dropped...in my dream, I felt my heart plunge from my chest into my stomach, I felt tears forming in my eyes, I felt my world crash around me. I felt time stop and I felt the longest silence in my life. I herd her moan once....then twice....

Then after a third time I asked who was there. She said some friends...She, I use she because I don’t want to use the name of whom I was talking to because the thought of it brings my life to a cold stop. Then I asked, are girls in the hot tub.....yes......then are guys in the hot tub...........yes....

Then at last my world stopped, my heart feel, my agony renewed, somewhere deep inside of me, a emotion was waiting. Hiding, and then it emerged. I was in a state of rage, crying for help,, wishing to reach out but it was useless, I slammed the phone and tossed around the room throwing things punching through walls, i screamed, and I remember my words, FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU, WHY?!? I AM DONE WITH YOU!

A loud scream that came form inside my head, calling for something. Wanting to inflict pain upon everyone, the scream grew louder and then it was silenced....at 6:11 I awoke, in a cold sweat, blankets on the floor, the cool air around me, everything dark, alone....I lay there staring at the clock for what seemed like years, but in reality was only seconds, and now here I am...typing this...for what, to help me forget, or to help me remember, I don’t know.....I don’t know........I don’t know.....

The worst art about this dream is I remembered it all…every word, every breath, all of it….



Your grammar and sentence structure are horrible, you seem to have no idea how to format dialog, and your story is full of run-on sentences.  It's very obvious that you did not proofread this what so ever.

Not only is it very hard to read, but your lack of explaining the narrator's (I say narrator instead of you because I don't know if you really had this dream, or if it is just a story) relationship to this "Angela" leads to a very confusing complication as to what this story is about.

Please proofread your work before posting it.

EDIT:  I forgot to mention that your improper grammar in the thread title will cause a lot of people to not want to read your story.
It was 6:11 in the morning when I wrote this...also I was half asleep...and it was my THOUGHTS! Not some story I thought up........This was not planed it just happened in the morning when I woke up...

If you where to write out every thought you had, exactly as you thought them it would be “run onâ€



I get that it's not going to be perfect coming out the gate, but surely you know to proofread something you wrote just after getting out of bed. : P

It can be a godawful mess if you just want to relieve stress, but if you want to treat it like a serious composition (which you do, or you wouldn't be posting it here,) you have to conform to higher standards.
Understood....but i realy didnt mean for it to be perfect...just thought it would help me get over the dream itself if i wrote it...i dont know why i put it here..mabye just to see if anyone cared?



If you wrote it for yourself, why does it matter of other dudes care?

Bottom line: this is a forum for serious (effort, not content) written pieces. If you're just giving us some exposition on your dream, I'm not sure where it belongs.

Wait, I'm gonna make a Dreams thread right now. Awesome. :0

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