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3d creation

What is the best direction for me to start with for 3d creation for games. I'm starting to learn how to script games, however I will like to be able to make 3d graphics for them. I basically grew up on photoshop so if there is anything similar to that I would appreciate knowing about it. What I need is something (preferabbly free) thats easy to use but also if it has qualities that means it could be used in more advanced ways beyond its simple uses I'd appreciate knowing of something with that. I guess I just want to hear peoples prefeneces so I know where to start, I am getting a voodoo pc in a month (basically a high end computer) so I want the software that can show the best graphics (of course when I make them) and I'm not shy about shystem requirements (since my new computer will handel them) so the more requirements the better I guess o_O



There is a quality free engine called Reality Factory that I have used. There are many active support communities as well! There are tons of resources for it as well as an "RTP" if you will. I'm not sure what happened to the site after it moved about a year and a half ago, but it is still around I am sure.
Good and free? Blender. I don´t know any other better than blender, that´s for sure ^^

Check here.
Well the interface scares a bit in the beginning, but i think it´s the best free 3D program you can get out there. It uses Python as the "native" script language, what makes it easier to do more things, like managing objects or implementing systems. Some hardcore modelers doesn´t even uses Python because they prefer to make everything just in the "normal" way, and i´ve seen that several times in some forums over the net. Blender was done with the thought of "just using keyboard and mouse". No menus or buttons, you can do everything (creating, modeling, deleting...) with your keyboard and some mouse clicks.

I hope you have some experience at 3D modeling, the program (as most of 3D programs, like 3DS Max), scares beginners to the bone, and blender just makes it a bit above the average because of its *not-so-well-done* GUI (xD). But that´s jut in the beginning, when you get the clue everything will look just perfect and in the right place.
Just remember, the easier to use programs often offer lesser quality.

MSPaint is the easiest to learn, while Photoshop that has a steeper learning curve, can produce more high-quality effects.
Are we still talking about 3D programs? ^_^"

If so, I can say that I'm only 'experienced' (as in >knowing those programs exist and basic handling<) with Cinema 4D and 3D Studio Max, which are both quite similar... 3DSMax is maybe the most popular, most supported and also one of the harder programs to use, but I'm sure you can get the best results out of this program... the same applies for C4D, which really is samey, just if you head for tutorials or something, you'll most likely find 3DSMax ones...

The only free 3D program I know about is Milkshape, which is mainly for Half Life modelling according to what I know... I never ever got my hands on this one, so nothing I can tell about it...



Reality Factory is relatively easy to use and I have seen some amazing games from there. Blenders UI is scary, and VERY difficult to use. But it can produce some equally amazing material.
In my experiance Cinema 4D is the most robust of the user-friendly 3D modelling programs. Now, I've been using it for 4 years, so I may not remember how it was when I was first learning, but it's so intuitive - and powerful to boot.



Hehe, I use Blender.
And I make this!
These were all made with blender, just to show you what you can do.
I am not the best, but I am still learning it.

Go to http://www.blender3d.org for a free download and tutorials on how to use it, if you want.

I preferabbly want something thats better than something thats free or costs less. So throw at me the most expensive hardware requirement program since I want to make use of my computers hardware to make next gen graphics (eventually >>)



Not if you want the studio bundle and bodypaint. It's like $3999 (Academic discounts ftw)

But you're right, I honestly see C4D shooting up beside Maya before too long. Every new release of C4D makes it so much more powerful, and combined with the fastest renderer on the market and (now) built in hair and cloth tools (the hair needs work, but it's coming along), the bhodi nut procedural shader tools, Mocha, and all the other nifty features, it's becoming every bit as robust as its competitors for a generally better price.

Bodypaint, one of the major plugins for C4D is actually used by several companies alongside Maya for creating textures. It frikkin lets you draw on models in real time. Awesome!

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