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2008 Presidential Selector Quiz Thing

I typed in a quick search on google, and found one of those semi spammy quizzes regarding who, of people either announced to be running for president 2008, are unnanounced or have dropped out, makes the best candidate for you based on the answers to your questions.

It can be found HERE if anyone cares. After taking it you see a bunch of those "offers" and "deals" to be filled out, but if you just scroll down you'll find your results. Oddly the 1st place, cause I've sent this to a few people, always comes in "Theoretical Ideal Candidate" heh.

And if anyone cares, here's my apparent results
1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Joseph Biden (87%)
3. Hillary Clinton (85%)
4. Dennis Kucinich (79%)
5. Michael Bloomberg (not announced) (77%)
6. John Edwards (76%)
7. Wesley Clark (not announced) (73%)
8. Barack Obama (72%)
9. Christopher Dodd (71%)
10. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (71%)
11. Al Gore (not announced) (70%)
12. Bill Richardson (61%)
13. Mike Gravel (54%)
14. Rudolph Giuliani (53%)
15. John McCain (47%)
16. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (42%)
17. Elaine Brown (38%)
18. Mitt Romney (35%)
19. Ron Paul (32%)
20. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn) (32%)
21. Chuck Hagel (not announced) (31%)
22. Mike Huckabee (30%)
23. Sam Brownback (29%)
24. Fred Thompson (27%)
25. Newt Gingrich (not announced) (23%)
26. Tom Tancredo (20%)
27. Duncan Hunter (16%)
28. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (15%)
Personally I'm surprised by the order of the candidates.

Anyone want, take the test and let's see your scores.
Here's mine:

1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%) http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 2. John McCain (61%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 3. Hillary Clinton (61%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 4. Joseph Biden (60%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 5. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (58%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 6. Ron Paul (56%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 7. Michael Bloomberg (not announced) (54%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 8. Al Gore (not announced) (52%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 9. Newt Gingrich (not announced) (51%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 10. Mitt Romney (51%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 11. Bill Richardson (51%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 12. Rudolph Giuliani (50%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 13. Christopher Dodd (48%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 14. John Edwards (48%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 15. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (48%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 16. Mike Gravel (48%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 17. Barack Obama (46%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 18. Chuck Hagel (not announced) (46%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 19. Tom Tancredo (45%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 20. Wesley Clark (not announced) (45%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 21. Sam Brownback (44%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 22. Dennis Kucinich (43%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 23. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn) (43%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 24. Fred Thompson (42%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 25. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (42%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 26. Duncan Hunter (41%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 27. Mike Huckabee (29%) Information link http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 28. Elaine Brown (17%) Information link

Sorry the pagination is off, I dun feel like fixing it :'S

I actually am in support of Giuliani right now, and I'm wayyy against McCain and Clinton. I recognize myself as a liberal republican, but I sorta am more libertarian than democrat. Kinda interesting though. I think the questions about illegal/legal immigrants, school funding, and reparations kinda threw it off because I don't care so much about those issues.

I'd rather not get into a debate about my choice of candidates, thanks in advance :D
Kinda goofy, but here's mine.

1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Barack Obama (84%) Information link
3. Hillary Clinton (80%) Information link
4. John Edwards (79%) Information link
5. Joseph Biden (78%) Information link
6. Dennis Kucinich (78%) Information link
7. Christopher Dodd (75%) Information link
8. Wesley Clark (not announced) (75%) Information link
9. Al Gore (not announced) (71%) Information link
10. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (70%) Information link
11. Bill Richardson (68%) Information link
12. Michael Bloomberg (not announced) (63%) Information link
13. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (56%) Information link
14. Mike Gravel (56%) Information link
15. Ron Paul (48%) Information link
16. Elaine Brown (41%) Information link
17. John McCain (41%) Information link
18. Rudolph Giuliani (40%) Information link
19. Mike Huckabee (35%) Information link
20. Mitt Romney (34%) Information link
21. Chuck Hagel (not announced) (30%) Information link
22. Tom Tancredo (30%) Information link
23. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn) (24%) Information link
24. Duncan Hunter (23%) Information link
25. Newt Gingrich (not announced) (23%) Information link
26. Sam Brownback (22%) Information link
27. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (17%) Information link
28. Fred Thompson (15%) Information link

Reasonably accurate, I'd say. I'm more of a lefty than this makes me out to be, but I do like Obama. I'm surprised Hillary Clinton is so high though, cause I'm not a huge fan of her.

Pretty fun, but a lot of the issues that come up are way too complex to be reduced to two over-arching choices. The gay-marriage question for example. It only asked you whether or not you support gay marriage/civil-unions (or one and not the others). However, I support the idea of both, but I don't think the government should make the decision on gay marriage one way or the other. Since the word "marriage" brings religion into it, it seems like it should be up to individual churches to decide that, and the government should not have a blanket law one way or the other.

These little quizzes don't allow for that kind of nuance, though.
Your Results: Email Your Results

http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 2. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (73%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 3. Barack Obama (70%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 4. Wesley Clark (not announced) (66%) Information link+
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 5. Dennis Kucinich (65%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 6. Joseph Biden (65%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 7. Al Gore (not announced) (63%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 8. Christopher Dodd (62%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 9. Hillary Clinton (61%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 10. John Edwards (58%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 11. Mike Gravel (58%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 12. Michael Bloomberg (not announced) (58%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 13. Ron Paul (55%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 14. Bill Richardson (47%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 15. Elaine Brown (44%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 16. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (44%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 17. Chuck Hagel (not announced) (31%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 18. Duncan Hunter (28%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 19. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn) (28%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 20. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (28%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 21. John McCain (27%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 22. Rudolph Giuliani (27%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 23. Sam Brownback (25%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 24. Mike Huckabee (24%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 25. Newt Gingrich (not announced) (23%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG]26. Fred Thompson (23%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 27. Mitt Romney (18%) Information link
http://selectsmart.com/plus/fade.jpg[/IMG] 28. Tom Tancredo (18%) Information link
TREG;276396 said:
Huh. Who the fuck is Christopher Dodd?

Senator from Connecticut, actually. Not quite as famous as his asshole counterpart Lieberman, but he's been in the Senate longer. He's running for Prez, but his campaign is a complete long-shot. Though he's got decades of experience, he's not very charismatic and an old white guy is just not a big draw to Democratic primary voters in an election that includes a woman(Hillary), a black man(Obama), a Hispanic(Bill Richardson) and a leprechaun(Dennis Kucinich).



1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Barack Obama (74%)
3. Christopher Dodd (69%)
4. Dennis Kucinich (69%)
5. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (68%)
6. Al Gore (not announced) (68%)
7. Hillary Clinton (65%)
8. Mike Gravel (65%)
9. Wesley Clark (not announced) (65%)
10. Joseph Biden (63%)
11. Michael Bloomberg (not announced) (62%)
12. Ron Paul (58%)
13. John Edwards (57%)
14. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (56%)
15. Bill Richardson (53%)
16. Elaine Brown (38%)
17. Rudolph Giuliani (35%)
18. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn) (34%)
19. John McCain (34%)
20. Mitt Romney (30%)
21. Chuck Hagel (not running) (27%)
22. Newt Gingrich (not announced) (27%)
23. Tom Tancredo (27%)
24. Sam Brownback (26%)
25. Duncan Hunter (22%)
26. Mike Huckabee (22%)
27. Fred Thompson (22%)
28. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (17%)

seems about right, though i would personally drop hillary to under giuliani and move paul up a bit.
No you don't, I even said all you have to do is scroll down to get the result. Take the test, and then scroll down, or hit skip once or twice (as someone told me they had to skip something at least once) and then scroll down. No sign up for anythings.
1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Barack Obama (81%)
3. Dennis Kucinich (79%)
4. Joseph Biden (79%)
5. Hillary Clinton (75%)
6. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (75%)
7. Wesley Clark (not announced) (74%)
8. Christopher Dodd (70%)
9. John Edwards (70%)
10. Al Gore (not announced) (69%)
11. Michael Bloomberg (not announced) (63%)
12. Bill Richardson (62%)
13. Mike Gravel (60%)
14. Ron Paul (46%)
15. Elaine Brown (44%)
16. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (42%)
17. Mike Huckabee (30%)
18. Rudolph Giuliani (29%)
19. John McCain (28%)
20. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn) (26%)
21. Chuck Hagel (not running) (20%)
22. Mitt Romney (20%)
23. Newt Gingrich (not announced) (18%)
24. Sam Brownback (17%)
25. Tom Tancredo (16%)
26. Fred Thompson (16%)
27. Duncan Hunter (14%)
28. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (12%)

Also I am surprised John Edwards is so far down the list.

I guess it wasn't too inaccurate
1.Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Mike Huckabee (59%)
3. Chuck Hagel (not running) (58%)
4. Mitt Romney (58%)
5. Ron Paul (58%)
^Top 5!
I think I have... unusual views....



Your Results: Email Your Results (See link below this list)

1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Ron Paul (82%) Information link
3. Tom Tancredo (66%) Information link
4. Alan Keyes (64%) Information link
5. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (64%) Information link
6. Duncan Hunter (62%) Information link
7. John McCain (50%) Information link
8. Chuck Hagel (not running) (50%) Information link
9. Mitt Romney (48%) Information link
10. Sam Brownback (withdrawn) (48%) Information link
11. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (47%) Information link
12. Newt Gingrich (says he will not run) (47%) Information link
13. Al Gore (not announced) (43%) Information link
14. Fred Thompson (41%) Information link
15. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn, endorsed Giuliani) (38%) Information link
16. Bill Richardson (38%) Information link
17. Dennis Kucinich (33%) Information link
18. Joseph Biden (33%) Information link
19. Mike Huckabee (33%) Information link
20. Barack Obama (31%) Information link
21. Hillary Clinton (31%) Information link
22. Mike Gravel (31%) Information link
23. John Edwards (30%) Information link
24. Wesley Clark (not running, endorsed Clinton) (30%) Information link
25. Christopher Dodd (23%) Information link
26. Rudolph Giuliani (22%) Information link
27. Michael Bloomberg (says he will not run) (20%) Information link
28. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (19%) Information link
29. Elaine Brown (6%) Information link

Just about spot-on, but it gave some candidates more than they deserved in my mind. I don't know that much about 3-6, but as a Libertarian, Ron Paul does in fact have my support.



Well, Demon, it is OLD. :\ And he's only running in South Carolina (or something like that) for this moment really.
I posted this the 10th of September, and it was old then as well. Besides, it clearly states either 'major' or something to that extent, so Colbert wouldn't be in it. If Micheal Jackson ran in Nevada, he wouldn't be in it either.
1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Barack Obama (69%) Information link
3. Dennis Kucinich (69%) Information link
4. Christopher Dodd (67%) Information link
5. Hillary Clinton (67%) Information link
6. Joseph Biden (66%) Information link
7. Al Gore (not announced) (64%) Information link
8. John Edwards (64%) Information link
9. Wesley Clark (not running, endorsed Clinton) (61%) Information link
10. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (60%) Information link
11. Michael Bloomberg (says he will not run) (57%) Information link
12. Mike Gravel (57%) Information link
13. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (54%) Information link
14. Ron Paul (51%) Information link
15. Bill Richardson (49%) Information link
16. Rudolph Giuliani (45%) Information link
17. John McCain (42%) Information link
18. Elaine Brown (40%) Information link
19. Mitt Romney (39%) Information link
20. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn, endorsed Giuliani) (29%) Information link
21. Tom Tancredo (28%) Information link
22. Chuck Hagel (not running) (28%) Information link
23. Sam Brownback (withdrawn) (25%) Information link
24. Newt Gingrich (says he will not run) (24%) Information link
25. Fred Thompson (21%) Information link
26. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (20%) Information link
27. Alan Keyes (20%) Information link
28. Mike Huckabee (20%) Information link
29. Duncan Hunter (18%) Information link

Reasonably accurate I'd say. I was favoring Obama.
1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Duncan Hunter (81%) Information link
3. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (72%) Information link
4. Alan Keyes (72%) Information link
5. Tom Tancredo (72%) Information link
6. Chuck Hagel (not running) (64%) Information link
7. Sam Brownback (withdrawn) (64%) Information link
8. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn, endorsed Giuliani) (62%) Information link
9. Mike Huckabee (58%) Information link
10. Mitt Romney (58%) Information link
11. John McCain (56%) Information link
12. Fred Thompson (53%) Information link
13. Newt Gingrich (says he will not run) (50%) Information link
14. Ron Paul (50%) Information link
15. Joseph Biden (39%) Information link
16. Rudolph Giuliani (39%) Information link
17. Al Gore (not announced) (35%) Information link
18. Hillary Clinton (33%) Information link
19. Wesley Clark (not running, endorsed Clinton) (32%) Information link
20. John Edwards (30%) Information link
21. Bill Richardson (30%) Information link
22. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (29%) Information link
23. Michael Bloomberg (says he will not run) (29%) Information link
24. Christopher Dodd (27%) Information link
25. Mike Gravel (25%) Information link
26. Barack Obama (18%) Information link
27. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (14%) Information link
28. Dennis Kucinich (11%) Information link
29. Elaine Brown (0%) Information link

Dunno who that guy is...too bad we need change in the USA

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