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2 script requests for various things.

I was wondering if thers any scripts out there already or if sombody could maybe make these for me?

What I am looking for

Stats and spell points
A system that instead of giving you premade stats and spells everytime you lvl you can select what stats to boost and what spells to learn(and boost till lvl 5). 10 stat points per lvl and 1 spell point to learn a new spel or lvl a previous one.

Item combonation
Maybe you dont even need scripts I dont know but I need somthing that will add "efects" to a weapons and armors without having to create the armor that you recive from diferent combonations. so lets say the three armor peices in my games data base are skeleton costume, maid outfit and pirate, then when you boost it it will simply add the desired effect to that piece of armor with out me having to make a bajillion difernt costume combonations ofr the already bajillion diferent costumes.

Example of efects. In my game you can collect diferent costumes and instead of one being better thatn another you chohose the one you like and can boost it in 3 things either element resistance or damge, stat boost oh health and skill points boost.

Thank you soooo much to whoever findss/ makes these I wil really apreciate it and even give you a free hug and a comlimentary can of tuna*

*You have to pay for the shipping.

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