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15 hero Battle

Convenient demo: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9L1HC7IX *fixed*
SIMPLY NEEDS TO BE EDITTED TO SHOW 15 (or more, both scripts allow infinite players) HEROES IN BATTLE
Ok, I have a 15+ menu system in there, I have Blizzards Party Switcher in there, which allows more than 4 people in battle. Only problem is that they wont show up. They will continue to be there ex: it will go to fifth player, but they are off screen, so you cant see what your doing. SO what needs to be editted is the battle system to show 15 players instead of 4. a 3x5 fashion would be nice, but whatever can be done.
I am sure it is an easy edit, but i am no scripter so im not sure how...
Also the less important task, is the ring menu edit... I just want the ring menu to show the 15 player window instead of the four player window but I have tried, and it is harder than I had suspected.

Please help. I know this will help a lot of people to have 15 players to fight with.

Thanks to anyone who attempts/finishes at least one of these two edits.
ok...back on topic please.
I just simply want for the ring menu to open up the 15 person window when you choose skills equip or stats...but its a lot harder than i had suspected...

If anyone needs these scripts i will host them...

edit: demo posted at top
My Battle system can support more than four actors in battle at once, and will include an in battle party switcher

but really your problem lies in Game_Actor#screen_x and Game_Actor#screen_y
by default the x position of the battler will only show actors 1-4 any actor whose index is greater than 3 will not be shown in the window. There is also some modifications that need to be done to Spriteset Battle to create a Sprite Battler object for the extra members
Oh no I've been spotted run...

[mumble]Don't people read User Titles anymore....[/mumble]

I posted a incomplete version of it on another forum and there is a really simple version of it in the demo of one of my scripts
It is a Front View Battle System, but since I have added a Battle Formation system to it It can be turned into a Side View Battle System, has alot of options also



Italianstal1ion said:
Umm It doesnt give me any trouble...but I dont have anti-virus...
besides if you dont want to download it, ill host the text files.

you need to install an antivirus, because apparently, you have a virus problem.

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