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The description the website above gives says it's a Giant Monster Movie [ala Godzilla] told through the lens of the people living through it with video cameras. Basically the Blair Witch Project of giant monster movies.

I don't know if that's right but it could be since the trailer in that style.

What do you think this movie is about?

There is a lot of theories, from Voltron to Godzilla and everything inbetween.

I have no idea, but it looks to be good and I can't wait to start hearing more about it. Hopefully they'll have a full trailer eventually.

It's being produced by J.J. Abrams so it's going to be good.

EDIT: J.J. Abrams talks about how Ethan Haas has NOTHING to do qwith this movie and apparently it's called Cloverfield, But I don;t see taht being the name of this movie.


It's Project Cloverfield thusly it's an inhouse title.
The creature is known as The Parasite. It is possible it is Godzilla, given the sound etc, but unlikely given he isn't, well a parasite and meteors aren't generally involved with him.
You are right, it is done with handheld camcorders.

Y'now, checking your facts before posting would be handy.
The Silent Alarm;242020 said:

It's Project Cloverfield thusly it's an inhouse title.
The creature is known as The Parasite. It is possible it is Godzilla, given the sound etc, but unlikely given he isn't, well a parasite and meteors aren't generally involved with him.
You are right, it is done with handheld camcorders.

Y'now, checking your facts before posting would be handy.

It's not possible that it's Godzilla. the company that owns the Godzilla Rights [Tokka] has RETIRED the movie rights to Godzilla until 2013. Which means that there can't be another movie made with him in it until at least that time.

I would like to know where your getting your information about the name of the creature and the title of the movie [or Project as you called, since a pparently it's an in house title]. All the websites I have found and information contained there in has mentioned the Parasite, but it's been a name that the fans and curious onlookers have given the creature, not an official title given by any stretch of the imagination.

There is a FAKE website called Parasite.com [or something to like] that has claimed that it's part of the "Cloverfield"/1-18-08 movie. It's not real and so all the information there, that hasn't been already confirmed, is not true.

I have done a lot of fact finding and so far there is nothing online but speculation. There is very few confirmed facts about this movie. Hell even the official website is only a couple of pictures from the Teaser Trailer nothing more.

The only place I've seen the Video Camera idea mentioned is at FilmSpot.com, but again that's not confirmed as far as I know. Also I see no indication that's it's a parasite or that it came from a meteor. If you're referrring to the explosion in the trailer than that could be anything. Though it's not Godzilla, Godzilla was able to blow stuff up with his radioative breath. Hell it could even be a monster that farts and blows stuff up.

I would love to see your resources. Until then, everything that your saying is fact I'll take has unconfirmed and speculation.
Fallout;242103 said:
It's Cthulhu guys.

Where did you gather that?

I remember hearing that Ethan Haas' site mentions Cthulhu, but J.J. Abrams has already said that Ethan Haas' has nothing to do with this movie. So far Cthulhu is an unconfirmed rumor, unless you can show me otherwise.

Some people believe it's about the apocalypse, but that again is unconfirmed.
Some people even think it's Voltron... ':|... All because they think that one guy in the trailer says "It's a LION! It's huge!" when in fact he says "It's ALIVE! It's huge!".


I no one is as interested in this movie as I am. I can't wait to find out more as the days grow closer to 1-18-08.
Fallout;242162 said:
1 ] An ancient, far-reaching cult called the Mezin with partial control of the world economy and the ability to hack any technology with their elite members appears. The cults of Cthulhu are ancient and farther-reaching than the Masons.
2 ] The Mezin want to bring back this creature, which has been 'slumbering' in the dark for aeons. Cthulhu slumbers in the sunken city of Ryel'h for aeons before a cult attempts to awaken him.
3 ] Ethan Haas is confirmed to be a member of an anti-Mezin cult based around the dreams of his brother Erik, who was 'called' to join them but didn't. Cthulhu reaches out to cult members through dreams.
4 ] Ethan mentions widespread rioting in New York after the creature appears. Lovecraft wrote that widespread riots spread throughout New York overwhelmed police after the appearance of Cthulhu.
5 ] Constant references to the 'old gods'. Cthulhu is a Great Old One.
6 ] Lovecraftian imagery on the official sites.

Ok... You are forgetting one little thing. Ethan Haas has NOTHING to do with this movie!

Read THIS!

J.J. Abrams [the producer of the movie] tells the internet that Ethan Haas is not an official website for the movie. He does elude to more sites though [other than the main site: http://www.1-18-08.com], but he also mentions that no one has seemed to have found them yet.

In fact Ethan Haas is actually advertising either another movie that will be about Cthulhu or a table game about him [I've heard both are true, but I'm unclear which one is].

Supposedly the website adresses are in the trailer somewhere, but that is also unconfirmed.
Kest;242051 said:
Parasite? A name like that brings to mind Lavos, but yeah... like they'd ever make a movie from that.

OK, so I'm not the only one that immediately thought lavos when meteors started coming out of a giant explosion in the ground lol.

I've played Chronotrigger one too many times <_<

Cthulhu though...that would be interesting...I don't believe they've ever been used in a movie before despite their popularity.
I don't think it would be Cthulhu. Why? Knowing J.J. Abrams, he's gonna do something original. I liked this one guy's Theory, it can be viewed here: http://projectcloverfield.com/

Honestly, we know very little about this movie at the moment, but what we do know seems to draw a fairly clear line. I think is somewhat
obvious, and some feel it may not be worth stating, but here it is regardless.

The movie as best we can tell is a monster movie. Within the trailer, we hear someone yell something to the effect of ?I saw it; it is alive; it is huge!? Many of the stereotypes of monster movies stem from Godzilla, and the string of Japanese monster movies. Not coincidentally, the character of Rob is moving to Japan.

There are rumors that internally the monster has been referred to as a parasite, but that doesn?t add up with ?It is huge!? The monster may have been created in turn by a parasite, and that does seem consistent with some of the things we know about Slusho, a japanese drink maker, which brings us back to Rob.

Rob is the central figure in the trailer, and one would assume in the movie. I?m going to make a logical assumption that Rob is traveling to Japan because of Slusho, perhaps to work for them. Some have noted that Rob appears to react differently from anyone else at the party. Is this simply because he is the main character and thusly he needs to stand out and drive the plot forward, or is it because he knows something that no one else does?

If he had any knowledge that Slusho, its products, or anything was particularly dangerous, would he travel to Japan? Would he be having a party as opposed to warning someone? Like everyone else, he was watching the news, curious what the sound was. He did direct people to the roof, but again, if he had any knowledge of what was happening, I doubt he would go to the roof, which proved to be dangerous.

Given Hollywood formulas, one will assume that some of the characters will survive, and that there is some element of resolution to the film. The threat must be abated. Plots tend to run directly through the main character, and there is a possibility that Rob has a connection to the events unfolding through Slusho, and he might have unique access to information that is vital towards the resolution of the film, but personally, I do not believe he has prior knowledge of the events that lead to mass destruction in New York.

As to what exactly is occurring in New York, again there appears to be a singular monster. Given the history on the Slusho page, it is a fair assumption the monster is aquatic, and that also goes along with the projected path of the monster from the trailer, which shows the monster starting near the cost, and moving inward.

The Slusho history page gives us a few more clues. Ganu encounters this powerful flavor, but he is led to it by something that appears to communicate with him. Communication implies a level of intelligence. This flavor ingredient is no doubt a living organism, and possibly the parasite. Ganu knew it had to be frozen for freshness, which implies something bad happens if it isn?t kept cold.

Many people have also been noting that the news broadcast had the temperature listed, which is unusually high for January. Some equate this to a missed detail, but a news bulletin about a possible earthquake usually doesn?t list the temperature. Given BadRobot?s history with attention to detail, I believe this to be a plot-point.

I believe the parasite doesn?t merely live within its host, but alters it. Ganu returned from discovering the ingredient to running his business, so the transformation must not be drastic or immediate, however the prophetic dream did suggest that Ganu would go from a small fish to a large whale.

Assuming Ganu is the monster in question, was the transformation slow, or did it have a trigger, such as temperature? Or was there another trigger? We know JJ likes to focus on numbers. We know 6 and 17 have been reoccurring numbers so far. 17 + 6 = 23

We know the BadRobot guys are well aware of the many conspiracy theories about the numbers 17 and 23, and the evil powers they supposedly have. However, what is the significance of the number 6, and why is it so predominantly repeated that you can?t just have six

I am reminded of The Gremlins, and the rules that when broken, led to the creation of The Gremlins. If you drink more than 6 of the Slusho?s with the new ingredient, does that amount specifically trigger the reaction?

Is any of this part of the key to reversing the effects perhaps?
Fallout;242242 said:
Haas is a viral marketing campaign bud. If you go to the Ethan Haas websites and solve the puzzles you'll get pretty direct references to 'Cloverfield' and the dude who was having the party in the Cloverfield trailer. They're denying it to build 'underground' buzz.

Also if you listen to the shit in the Cloverfield trailer you can apparently hear someone say 'where are Erik and Ethan?' in the background, two of the characters from Ethan Haas Was Right thing.

Ummm... what point would denying the Ethan Haas stuff have?

If you deny it and nobody goes there then your underground website isn't really doing anything.

No... I think if Ethan Haas' website was real they wouldn't have said anything and just let it remain a mystery.

'where are Erik and Ethan?' in the background

I believe he said "has anyone seen Jason?". People also believe that the creature is a lion based on them hearing the person say it's alive. Apparently that sounds like Lion in the trailer, but I don't hear it.
That's what I said. Anyway... I'm looking into the Ethan Haas thing, but I'm stand by what J.J. Abramns has said about his site until I see confirmed proof that he IS apart of "Cloverfield".

EDIT: Ok I have watched all the video's from Ethan Haas' website and I have to say... I heard absolutely NOTHING that connects it to "Cloverfield". It mentions nothing of Rob [the main guy from the trailer]. He mentions that people are going to die and that fire will rain down from the sky, but that's the closest thing I heard from him.

Everything else was a bunch of Political babble about how the media has failed us and the world is going to sh*t.

Apparently we'll find out what's going on at Ethan Haas' Website on the 1st of August or thirty days afterward. That's how long he said we have to use to the password they gave you when you finish the puzzles. I think we'll have this all cleared up by then.
Fallout;242377 said:
According to wiki it's been leaked that Cloverfield does in fact follow Cthulhu. But I'm not seeing Cloverfield if it has any involvement with JJ Abrams (he is a terrible piece of shit producer/director).

edit : nevermind I was thinking of Paul WS Anderson. JJ Abrams is pretty cool.

Don't trust WIKI... anyone can edit and change stuff on there. I could go on there and say that it was confirmed that 1-18-08 was about giant bunnies taht got tired of living in cages. It's not true, but I could say it is.

Anything on WIKI should be taken with a grain of Salt.
Firestalker5;242618 said:
Don't trust WIKI... anyone can edit and change stuff on there. I could go on there and say that it was confirmed that 1-18-08 was about giant bunnies taht got tired of living in cages. It's not true, but I could say it is.

Anything on WIKI should be taken with a grain of Salt.

i dont blame your cynicism on wikipedia, but there are many resemblances to cthulhu, i mean after reading up all afternoon i can say THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY A MONSTER MOVIE, yes it has a monster, but it doesnt mean its a monster movie, i mean firstly look at the trailer closely, there is a blurred shot of the monster, but it's resemblance to cthulhu (in scale/shape etc.) is unarguable. plus cthulhu is actually a back-theory of 1:18 (look at the bible verse to see what i mean)
Fallout;242704 said:
Also if you go to the Slusho site (one of the official Cloverfield things) it tells the story of a fabulously rich Japanese slushie entrepreneur who was called to the far Arctic through dreams in search of the perfect ingredient, deep under the waves. He know puts this ingredient in his drinks, which is the only way to serve it because it needs to be ice-cold and under pressure. Cthulhu's buried under the arctic and the Cthulhu stories made constant references to his cults using mind-altering psychotoxic drugs to subvert recruits.

well hey, JJ's adapting HP Lovecraft's writing for the modern Joe, personally i think it's great! :D
madmax_vii;242659 said:
i dont blame your cynicism on wikipedia, but there are many resemblances to cthulhu, i mean after reading up all afternoon i can say THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY A MONSTER MOVIE, yes it has a monster, but it doesnt mean its a monster movie, i mean firstly look at the trailer closely, there is a blurred shot of the monster, but it's resemblance to cthulhu (in scale/shape etc.) is unarguable. plus cthulhu is actually a back-theory of 1:18 (look at the bible verse to see what i mean)

1:18...of what chapter? I am curious to read.
Prexus;242903 said:

My response:

It's not possible that it's Godzilla. the company that owns the Godzilla Rights [Toho] has RETIRED the movie rights to Godzilla until 2013. Which means that there can't be another movie made with him in it until at least that time. Plus another Production company has leased the rights for Godzilla, if they were able to film one.

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