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[Workshop] Eight Direction Sprite Template

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It's looking brilliant so far. I can only find one problem in it, and that's on the front walking animation it seems he has his skin stretched over his boots, rather then just a lower leg. Anyway that's just my view on it.
I like it, the only problem I see is that I think the head should be a little lower, to give the impresion we're looking at it a bit over it.
Thread has been updated to include the "up" walking animation.  I just have one more view to go...

Zeldrak, I've been working off a combination of sprites.  I'm using the Male Rogue as the basis for the walking animation.  For the standing animation, I used the Male Wedding / Tuxedo sprite.  To get the basic limb sizes, I've used the Summer Clothing sprite.  The process has been a mix of frankenspriting and then redrawing everything. 

Boonezeet, some others have pointed out the exaggerated thickness of the lower leg.  I did slim it down a bit, but the Ragnarok sprites have naturally chunky limbs.  When I do my revisions and modifications, I'll see if I can make the proportions more natural.  The same applies for the head position, Craybest.  I'm trying to stick to the proportions and positions for Ragnarok sprites, and will make changes once the base template is done, which shouldn't be too long now.

There's more of a bounce in the "up" walking animation because I did not shift the frames properly in the other views.
... read much? lt's made FOR the ro sprites, theres no template for em so he made on himself :P

anyways, this is looking fantastic! The up pose seems a little bit better... I can't see the difference though x.x the upper left and right ones should be fixed up a bit though. Move the shoulder blade back a bit, like one or two pixels should do it.
Monkeydlu, I think Dark-Kyo was just joking.  I also wasn't sure what you meant by your suggestion.  Do the shoulder blades in the "up" walking animation look off to you and need to be adjusted, or were you referring to something else?

All the views are done in rough form now.  All that remains is rendering all the views and any additional tweaks and fine adjustments.  Almost there...
The thread has been updated with a section for finished views for this template.  I've used Capcom's Street Fighter Alpha sprites as inspiration for the musculature and rendering.  I've reduced the number of skin tones to 4 [down from 6] to match the Capcom art style.  This also cuts down on time required to render each frame.  The new images reflect the final direction for the template. 

Sorry, cwj5050, I don't plan on making a template that's compatible with the RTP.



I think he's looking awfully toned in some areas. Compared with the softish childlike face, it comes together to look very odd.

I suggest you check the level of detail that, say, the Half Kaizer template has. It has a body shape, and the skin in shaded in the appropriate areas, but aside from that it's more or less a blank slate. You'll want to do something like that -- leave detail for the spriter to add. A template should be as blank a canvas as possible while still remaining useful.

That said, I'm really fond of this so far in terms of shape and proportions. I've liked Rangarok's style of sprites for quite some time. Keep it up!
I think they are both good....you could make the new on grow a smudge then he could be like an adult then the other one can be a teenager...
and maybe make one thats for a kid....then walla no worry how the adult took steriods..he is allowed now, well sorta...lol.
Thanks for the suggestions.  I toyed with the idea of doing a more simplified sprite, but based on the recent comments, that seems like a good idea.  Having the underlying anatomy will be helpful in making a more basic sprite.  I'll still finish out the views in the "steroid" style just because I think that's a useful exercise.

I'm working on a clothed sprite right now with the simplified color palette.  None of the base anatomy comes through, but I just like knowing that it's there.
The thread has been updated with a sample sprite using the template.  I thought using a four-color palette would make spriting faster and easier, but it's more of a challenge to work with such a limitation.  Ragnarok sprites typically use six colors.
I really agree with bunnykinx, he looked much better without the steroid addiction x.x

still, I guess it doesn't matter much, anyways, I like your ex sprite :D very nice job there, but I'm not so sure about the skin color, it looks a bit too red for me.
Monkey, I adjusted the skin tones a bit to get more of a natural tone.  I still need to work on fine-tuning the palette, but the redness present in the original sprite is from the Ragnarok palette.  I adjusted some of the clothing, particularly the jacket, to make it less bulky looking.  The color of the jeans has been adjusted as well, to differentiate them more.  In the original sample, everything was looking a little too grey. 

I think in the end, I will tend towards a more muted and understated palette to fit in with the context of my game.
I happen to like the muscular one better. It isn't too steroidsy. I might actually use this one other than half-kaiser, when it is finished :P.
I used to alter/merge and edit RO sprites back in the glory days of private server customization. It's daunting as hell, each job has aboots 150 frames, so a movment template based on it is no laughing matter, neither is completing a sprite in that style. If u want a good base for a running model if u decide to go that in depth, look at the resources for Secret of the Solstice. ... horibble game btw, but the sprite work is still nice.

IN GENERAL i wouldnt get too hung up on giving ur templates muscle tone. You're making a template to be written over, not a clothsless ken-doll sprite. it shows off skill in spriting but in he end it's not really nesecary, and will delay the completion of your template frame work. And again, think about the # of frames ur gonna have to complete (8 directions x about 5 frames per motion cycle = 40, but if ur RO then u cheat and flip for all the opposit directions...) and the female counter part presumably.
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