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Volcano tileset

Ok so I saw someone put in a request for a Volcano tileset but the topic was old so locked. Anyway if you're still looking here ya go.


Top 1

Top 1b

Top 2

Top 2b

Clear Lava Ground

So it can be on any ground.

Lava Over Flow

(Edited from SakuraPhoenix's Lavafall)

Clear lava 1

For connecting to the Lava Over Flow for weaving lave down the volcano side


A little caution if you use Top 2b you'll end up with this

It can be expanded more in mapping then what I have shown in the preview, that was just something I threw together real fast. I have it set so you can have 2 different types of volcanos if you want and the autotiles for each one so it has "moving" lava with in. It's free to use, don't really have to credit but it would be nice.

New Autotiles added.

Edit Oct. 22:
Re-vamped the tileset. Volcano fully tileable at any size.
It's a nice edit! It's not even a big edit but it's still nice enough that a good mapper could make something really awesome from it.
Awesome :thumb:

Edit: If I were you I'd recolor the edge of the lava autotile to the new brown color. Right now it's still the black from the lava cave tileset..
Thanks you two, if you can think of anything else the tileset is missing i'll add it. I'm surprised no one else (to my knowledge) has made a volcano tileset before.
I'm glad you have a use for it. It was just something i tosed together.

Let's try to stay on topic here. Any discussions apart from the tileset should be taken up via PM or something. Thanks.




Looks pretty smexy.  Biggest thing I noticed is that the top of the volcano looks like it's at the wrong angle, like it's pointing towards the viewer instead of straight up, which, the way the lava sits in it now, would mean that the lava ought to be oozing out all the time.

Otherwise, it's awesome.
yeah I see what you mean there, it's just one of the outcomes when working with the same angles that RM uses. I might just try to make a Top 1b and a Top 2b where it makes the volcano look more vertical.

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