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Trickster's Time System V2.2

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Ok If I find a way to fix it I will post it edited so that Trickster can take a look at the script to see if he'll add it to the new release if he makes one. I requested a updated one for custom scene_title, so I am waiting.
Hey nice script but with nice things come stupid question so now I would like to know...I'm using the time HUD you put in the demo and I would like to know how can you get it to auto run? you know like incase that aint clear enough it automatically run when the game starts.
Put the call script into an event on your start map and make it a parallel process. I can't remember the call script off the top of my head. It's in the demo somewhere, just check the script for the guy that asks if you want turn hud on or off, and use the call script for on. This is what i did and it works like a charm. Dont have access to RMXP atm, but if no-one else answers when i get back i'll post in more detail for ya later
As far as I know the time would be a in-game time (play time to be more specific), so the day/month/year shouldn't be included there. You may need to edit the script so it changes the way the info is displayed on screen...
EDIT: Are you referring to the thread you just made a while back? If so, how do you use that as part of the add-on? (Because your script uses current time instead of the generated time)

*Seeing as it hasn't been brought up before anywhere, I think I'll request it.
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