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This Week on RMXP.org (Nov 18th - 23rd)

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<p><span style="font-family: Monotype Corsiva, Brush Script, Times New Roman;"><strong><span style="font-size: 30ptpx;"><span style="color: #cb843f;">Happy <span style="color: #cebb1c;">Thanksgiving, <span style="color: #ce521c;">America!</strong></p>
http://pixelcocktail.com/hosted_items/s ... epeep2.png[/img]

Hi there, RMXP.ORG! Cheep cheep!

I'm Peeps Cheepington, here to give you your weekly update on the forum!

I'm so happy because I'm a baby chicken! All those grown-up turkeys get their heads chopped off this week, but not me, peep peep!!

I don't understand how I'm doing this since I don't have the internet, cheep, but maybe I'm special! Peep!

Hooray, life!

So I hear you kids work on projects here, is that right, peep? Well, I've got one for you to check out~! It's called “Elam’Shin - Der Wille der Göttin“. It's a Faerun D&D-based game made with RMXP!  It uses Baldur's Gate rips from the infinity engine games. Looks cool, cheep! If I had opposable thumbs to play it, I'd keep my tiny adorable button eye on it!

As a chick, I think vegetarianism is REAL important, peep peep. But some of you humans don't like PETA? Well sucks for me, cheep! Check out MEAN Mama!, where Ixis goes over PETA's latest copyright-infringing shitfit over Thanksgiving.

So long as they're not gutting chickens, I'm o-k with it, peep!!

There's this real confusing forum called Not Forum Games or Nigga Fro Grease or New Fresh Grass or something, peep--anyway it's DYING! If you want one last word in before the apple falls, you'd better head over there. (I bet if it actually WAS called New Fresh Grass it'd be way better! I love pokin' around in grass, cheep.)

I hear that AIDS is pretty sucky in human-town. That true? Well according to Makasu, there're people using something like the stems of cells (cells = flowers? I LOVE flowers!) to get rid of the nasty virus! That's awesome, I guess. --Peep!

Oh yeah, and apparently, some people like snow, and some don't! I don't know what snow is because I live in a place called Florida, cheep, but it sounds good to eat!

Even I know who THE WATCHMEN are, and I'm only 13 days old, cheep! Do YOU know who they are? Did you know a new trailer's out for the upcoming movie?? Didja???? DIDJA!

Mewsterus brings us somethin called a Map Image Maker! I guess it combines screenshots or somethin so you can make GIANT screenshots! Sounds tasty, peep!

And Punk has somethin' for the eye candy too: Screensaver Effects Wooooo, savin' the screens!!! Do the chicken dance!

Don't forget, peep! Berrybliss is still holding the NOVEMBER EVENT!!! Will you look at that long list of prizes?!?!?! Makes me want to drop a tiny, pill-sized turd at the thought of it, CHEEP!

Okay, my owner, Venetia, says I've annoyed you guys with my incessant cheeping and peeping long enough, so!

Peeps Cheepington, signing off! Have a happy Thanksgiving, America! Eat lots of turkeys, and save the baby chickens!

Oh man, Peeps Cheepington should make more appearances, I love him!

Nice article, the humor added by the baby chicken made is all the more interesting!
I've actually always wanted a pet rooster I'd name Peeps :eek:
I have absolutely no basis for this want. I just think chickens are cool.
I like this one. That chick is pretty cute. And whoa I got featured as well! Awesome. But if Nfg is gone whats going to be a new perk or whatever the case may be? I sucked at NFG but some people were good at it. Just curious is all.


Awesome Bro

Haha, nice chick Venetia!

awesome article! I really like how RMXP is choosing their stories. I think I can get this on an RSS feed, how fun is that? Anyways, good work, keep it up!

Oh, and honestly, what was NFG? I didn't see the old forum games sub-forum anymore, so idk. Maybe I'm retarded...probably. Yep. :pred: :boo: :microwave:



why did you leave my post it's totally out of context now WAY TO GO

but yeah yay news!!

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